
Page 829 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 829)

Mon, 30 Apr 2018 19:29:28 GMT

When my lowest score in a category is going to be dropped, why do I have to say what my lowest score is? I've already provided all the scores in that category. Can't the calculator just take the MIN of those?

Roger: Good observation. I had originally planned to support the “lowest N grades are dropped” exception for multiple grade category schema, but currently that exception is only supported if you pick “Each X is worth an equal fraction of my X category”. In order to support other schema (like points or percentages), the calculator would need to know which individual grades to drop. If you think about it, dropping the lowest grades in a heterogeneous category could actually be suboptimal (if, for example, your lowest grades were worth relatively little). In it’s current state, it’s a bit awkward to route the data from a previous stage (what did you score on each assignment) to the later stage. I’ll get around to fixing it eventually, but it’s pretty low-priority at the moment since it’s just a UI annoyance and doesn’t actually affect the answer.

L.C. Ford
Mon, 30 Apr 2018 18:46:34 GMT

Replying to V.I. Linen Cloth - I feel you. I'm in AP Theory and it's my only failing grade. Also, I'm a music major! LOL

Positive Thoughts
Mon, 30 Apr 2018 17:54:57 GMT

Good luck everyone! I hope you all do AMAZING on your finals and pass every class!

Really sad boi
Mon, 30 Apr 2018 17:30:53 GMT

I am very depressed

Thurnis Haley
Mon, 30 Apr 2018 15:40:40 GMT

I just like to golf

Mon, 30 Apr 2018 15:11:21 GMT

Also test are worth 64% of my grade and there are 9 tests in total

Roger: What’s your current test average? And what’s the remaining 36% of your grade made of?

Katie Ralph
Mon, 30 Apr 2018 15:10:19 GMT

Your all doomed suckers!

Mon, 30 Apr 2018 15:09:48 GMT

I got 55 in a test that is 100 points. My grade in the class is 96% how much will this test lower my grade.

Roger: It depends on how many points you have total.

Alex Baur
Mon, 30 Apr 2018 14:51:00 GMT

sitrjckland is imy girlfirmdndd

Mon, 30 Apr 2018 14:36:27 GMT


Mon, 30 Apr 2018 14:13:19 GMT

I have 52% the first semester overall (75% first quarter and 34% on the second quarter) and an 18% the 3rd quarter. What will I need to pass this class overall? Currently I have an 81.5% this quarter.

Roger: The average of 75% and 34% is 54.5%. Why is your first semester grade 52%? Is each quarter worth one fourth of your overall grade? And what’s the minimum overall grade required to pass your class?

talking to (1 inch wiggler (: )
Mon, 30 Apr 2018 10:59:40 GMT

yep in same boat as u! hate yr 8 grade algebra gonna faaiiilllll in my test at the end of the week!!!!!!

Nikki's answerer
Mon, 30 Apr 2018 08:49:49 GMT

The weighting, or how much your final is worth, is dependent on the course and exam. You can find the weighting of the final exam on the syllabus/course outline. The number of marks your final is worth does not indicate anything. For example, an exam could be worth 60 marks and be worth 50% of your final grade would impact your final grade more than an exam out of 120 marks worth 30% of your grade.

Mon, 30 Apr 2018 07:36:00 GMT

If my final grade is worth 120 points how much would the percentage of the final be? If that makes sense

Roger: It depends on how many points you have total.

V.I. Linen Cloth
Mon, 30 Apr 2018 06:35:28 GMT

Music Theory... need an 87.89% to get the C I need to pass to the next level... the highest grade I've gotten on a test this semester is an 80%.... Aaaaaaaaagh.

1 inch wiggler (:
Mon, 30 Apr 2018 03:05:25 GMT

Don't you love algebra 2 in 8th grade?

Bobby Hill
Mon, 30 Apr 2018 03:05:00 GMT

This helped me determined I need a 95 on my final for MacroEcon. Bro macroecon sucks

Mon, 30 Apr 2018 03:01:53 GMT

someone please kill me

Mon, 30 Apr 2018 02:30:37 GMT

Hey Roger,
I messaged you early April, but some things have changed. Okay so on my first exam I got a 57, on my second 69 and on my third 79. I have one more exam on Monday and then my final. Each exam and final is 12% and the remainder has to do with Lab which I'm doing pretty well in I should pass with a B. What grade must I get on my last exam and final in order to pass my course with a 75 or 85?

Roger: Er... last time you said that you scored a 66% on your second exam, not a 69%. Also, last time I assumed that your final was worth the remaining 52% of your grade, since you didn’t mention how much it was worth. The exact answer depends on what kind of B you get in your “Lab” section (which is worth 40% of your grade, right?). Try out the calculator mode labeled “I need something else”. It should be able to answer your question.

Mon, 30 Apr 2018 02:25:24 GMT

57 to 70 and my final is worth 25%! There's about 35-40 questions on the final

Mon, 30 Apr 2018 02:24:30 GMT

dont do nursing school just dont.

Mon, 30 Apr 2018 02:18:13 GMT

I only need a 22 on my math eoc to pass the class. This just saved me so much stress.

joy lane
Mon, 30 Apr 2018 02:13:05 GMT

i need a 251 % to pass

Mon, 30 Apr 2018 02:10:20 GMT

Ok my grade is a c+ and my assignment i need to turn in is worth 60% of my grade if I don’t turn it in what will my grade go to I really need to know?

Roger: Er.. probably an F? Is your assignment worth 60% of your grade by itself? Or is it part of a category that’s altogether worth 60% of your grade?

Mon, 30 Apr 2018 01:19:07 GMT

How do y'all have a d in school. Just turn in your damn homework and study a bit smh.

Mon, 30 Apr 2018 01:05:34 GMT

hey Roger if my final grade is a 61.71, and I turn in three summative grades and got a 100 on all of them what will that bring my grade up to.

Roger: How much are those 3 summative grades worth?

Mon, 30 Apr 2018 00:41:43 GMT

Final should be battle royal, I would sit there n camp till everyone leaves

Mon, 30 Apr 2018 00:41:34 GMT

tinkerbell dies of boredom

e.g. Bill Joy
Mon, 30 Apr 2018 00:41:15 GMT

@ Amanda if you have a 94 and get a 0 on your final (that is 35% of your grade), your final grade will be ~61.1%

Sun, 29 Apr 2018 23:26:03 GMT

How do you find out you need to pass on final exam I have a 69 and I had a 65 I’m wondering what I need on final to pass it’s worth 50percent if my grade thanks

Roger: What’s the minimum overall grade required to pass?

Sun, 29 Apr 2018 23:04:44 GMT

I'm making a 94 in class. If I make a zero on my final and the final counts as 35% what will I make for final grade?

Roger: Your overall grade should drop to a 61.1%.

Michael Jackson
Sun, 29 Apr 2018 21:03:45 GMT

Im just here for the kids

Sun, 29 Apr 2018 20:07:03 GMT

Okay I am definitely not doing too hot in math, granted most of the class has either a D or lower. At this point I just want to pass to class, SO:
Current grade: 72%
Want at least either a 65 or a 70%
Quizzes are worth 16% of total grade and we have taken 5 so far, he drops the lowest two which is great because my two lowest were 0.5/10 and 3.5/10 (don’t ask)
My final is a category on its own and worth 20% off overall grade. What do I need to get on my final for those two overall scores?

Roger: The exact answer depends on what you scored on your other 3 quizzes. Try out the calculator mode labeled “I need something else”. It should be able to answer your question.

Sun, 29 Apr 2018 19:09:22 GMT

I need a 147,000,000,000,000,000,000% to pass. Darn!

Sun, 29 Apr 2018 19:07:07 GMT

what are all my students doing on here?? they should be studying for my 300 point final

Sun, 29 Apr 2018 15:39:25 GMT

Roger gives best news that no studying is required for any finals this semester to keep those highly prized A's. Bless you, Roger. I'm going to go take a well deserved nap.

Roger: Congrats!

Billy ray cyrus
Sun, 29 Apr 2018 13:31:26 GMT

I hate precalc

Sun, 29 Apr 2018 07:20:15 GMT

heyyy kidds

Sun, 29 Apr 2018 06:45:30 GMT

i got a 31.5/40 for my science test is that 64.29%?????

+ how old r u roger???

Roger: My computer says it’s 78.75%. I’m 23.

Sun, 29 Apr 2018 01:15:45 GMT

Dang, I was super stressed about my math final, but now I only have to get a 50.46% on it to pass the class. THANK YOU ROGER FOR DESTRESSING ME LOL

Roger: You’re welcome!

joy bill
Sat, 28 Apr 2018 23:14:41 GMT

my final is worth 20%, but it has three parts divided into 10%, 5%, and 5%. i have a 93.23 in the class and i don't know how many points each part of the final is. can i find out what i need on each part to get a 90 overall?

Roger: There’s not just a single answer. You’ll need to average at least a 77.1% on the 3 parts in order to get a 90.0% overall. You could score higher on some parts of your final and lower on others, as long as their weighted average is at least 77.1%.

ded rn
Sat, 28 Apr 2018 20:23:44 GMT

You will need to score at least 155.56% on your final to get a 70% overall. Maybe there’s extra credit?

..........................MAYBE THERE'S EXTRA F**KING CREDIT?!?!??!?!??!?!?!

English Hurts
Sat, 28 Apr 2018 15:13:57 GMT

"You need a 75.88 on your final to get a 90 overall". Haha that isn't happening for english honors where everything is subjective :/

Sat, 28 Apr 2018 03:08:51 GMT

I have three homework assignment to do. And each is worth 10% of my grade, so what do I need to score on each if I have a 69 in the class and want a 90.
Thank You

Roger: Do you have any assignments left other than your three homework assignments?

rich chigga
Sat, 28 Apr 2018 03:06:46 GMT

@Loulou: your final is worth 100 points (20% of your grade) current grade 77.2% so you need 141% on your final :(

Navaya Wiseley
Sat, 28 Apr 2018 02:59:59 GMT

I love 💖 reading in school.

Bill Joy
Sat, 28 Apr 2018 01:19:35 GMT

Why is my APUSH final worth 30 percent of my grade Roger please explain!

Roger: Just enough to force you to study, but not enough to meaningfully raise your grade.

Bill Joy
Sat, 28 Apr 2018 01:17:26 GMT

Lowkey thinking of writing "Mike WiLL Made-It" on my French final next week. Or should I be a little more culturally sensitive and write "Mike WiLL a-fait..."

Fri, 27 Apr 2018 23:13:31 GMT

My class goes by a point system. I have 324/500 for tests. 36/40 quizzes plus 26 extra credit points.
386/500 is my grade right now. my final is worth 100 points. how do I know what I need to get on it? Please help

Roger: Well, what grade do you want?

Fri, 27 Apr 2018 21:04:57 GMT

ok, so I have 3 exams all worth 22%, a presentation worth 10%, and a case review worth 24%. I've made a 75 and 68 on two of my exams, a 9.5 on the presentation and an 80 on the case review. my last exam is my final. I must be doing the math wrong because if i make a 70 on the last exam, my overall score for the course will be a 67%. How can I have an average score lower than anything that I've made so far in the class??

Roger: It sounds like you got a 9.5 out of 10 (e.g. 95%) on your presentation. Did you accidentally interpret that as a 9.5% instead? If you get a 70.0% on your last exam, your overall grade should be a 75.6%.

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