
Page 88 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 88)

Sat, 08 Nov 2014 22:09:54 GMT

I have a question about weighted grades. Here's how my course is laid out:

25% Lab
10% Quizzes
40% Exams
25% Final Exam

Right Now I have an average of 95.5 for the 9 quizzes I've taken, still have one more quiz to take

Exam 1: 74, exam 2: 80, exam 3: 68 ,still have exam 4 to take

Lab exam 1: 87.6 Lab exam 2: 87.6 still have two more exams to take

My instructor uses a grading program to plug in numbers to get our averages. I'm trying to figure out how to manually get my weighted average.

Roger: Hi Suzanne, you can calculate your weighted average like this: (95.9% × 9 + Q)/10 × 10% + (74% + 80% + 68% + E)/4 × 40% + (87.6% + 87.6% + L + L)/4 × 25% + F. The letters Q, E, L, and F represent your Quiz, Exam, Lab exam, and Final grades. Since you have 2 lab exams remaining, the letter L appears twice in the equation. You’ll see that each component of the sum is just the average of all of your grades in a category, multiplied by how much the category is worth. Remember that you can take the average by dividing the sum by the number of items.

Sat, 08 Nov 2014 06:43:14 GMT

Hey Roger,

I have 78% in religion and final is worth 20%... i know i already got 6 pts wrong (test was out of like 56-100) assuming i get 90% Will i be able to get up to 90% also, whats lowest possible to gasin the extra 2%

Roger: Did you mean 80% instead of 90%? If you get a 90% on the final, you should be able to bring your grade up to a 80.4%.

Sat, 08 Nov 2014 06:36:46 GMT

my worst so far is in L.A and Religion... have 78% and 82% better hope summatives bost me

Fri, 07 Nov 2014 08:13:31 GMT


Thu, 06 Nov 2014 14:15:35 GMT

math 77
english 80
filipino 88
science 87
t.Le 83
mapeh 81
ap 89
values 89
i need final grades!!!

Roger: I don’t understand what you’re saying.

Thu, 06 Nov 2014 14:08:49 GMT

my grades ang i want to know how much final grades all subject this my grades
89 89 88 80 77 81 83 88 87 89

Roger: I don’t understand what you’re saying.

The joker
Wed, 05 Nov 2014 03:46:36 GMT

Hi roger,
So my class is split up into 25% ,25% and 50%. If I got a 70% on my first test that's worth 25% what would I have to get on the other two to get an A in the class?

Roger: You will need to get at least a 96.7% on the other two to get a 90% overall.

Wed, 05 Nov 2014 03:26:14 GMT

I have a 89.6 in ap chem. I want a 90. 1 test and 1 final left. They both go into my test category which is 60 percent of my grade. I have an 86 in that category so far. The test is worth 100 pts and the final is 200 pts. The total amount that will be in my test category by the end of the trimester is 600 pts. What do I need in each test? Or what would I need as an average of the two?

Roger: You’ll need to average at least a 87.3% on your test and final to get a 90% overall.

Wed, 05 Nov 2014 02:44:08 GMT

Hello Roger :)

I need to know what to get on my six weeks test this Thurs. The test has three parts to it. I have not taken any yet, so I don't know why the calculator does not accept zero as an answer under "you have taken ___ part(s) already." Anyways, the three parts consist of a total of 100 points each (300 total). Each is 20% of my grade. As of right now, I have a 95 average. What would I need to get on each part in hopes of getting at least a 97, possibly a 100, as my overall average?

Roger: Hi there. The calculator won’t take a 0, because if you haven’t taken the test yet, you should use the one that’s labeled “my final counts as a test”, or you can use the default main calculator. I’ll assume that your 95 average right now counts for the remaining 40% of your grade. If so, you’ll need to average at least a 98.3% on the 3 parts to get a 97% overall. You’ll need to average at least a 103.3% on the 3 parts to get a 100% overall.

Tue, 04 Nov 2014 09:32:00 GMT

Hi everyone asking about topic tests, reading etc.

What you need to do is find out the average.

For example, I had to do an assignment (25%) and also 10 topic tests (25%) you should get a grade, for eg. 19/20 for one topic test, 18/20 for another and so on and so fourth.

Add up all the denominators (what they were out of so you have a central number) and all the numerators (what you got for your assignment and tests) and then make them into a percentage.

For those who don't know how to percentage, grab a calculator, and say if your score was 53/96. You type in 53(divided)96 X(times) 100 and then press enter. An volia, percentage.

Tue, 04 Nov 2014 09:20:02 GMT

Failed my first exam that's worth 25% overall. What would I have to get on my second exam and/or final to at least pass with a 90% (A-) in the class! Thanks ,Roger.

Exam 1 (25%) - 50%
Exam 2 (25%) - ??
Final (50%) - ??

Roger: You’ll need to average at least a 103.3% on your Exam 2 and Final to get a 90% overall.

Tue, 04 Nov 2014 07:24:28 GMT


got a 77% on the first exam, a 60% on the second...My homework average is a 94%. I have two tests left. What do I need to get on my last two exams to get a 72% in the class?!

Roger: You will need to average at least a 64.5% on the remaining two tests to get a 72% overall.

Mon, 03 Nov 2014 17:55:40 GMT

My grade is currently 97.18%, I just scored a 50% on a test; what will my grade turn out to be???

Roger: It depends on how much that test was worth.

Mon, 03 Nov 2014 08:51:23 GMT

I average a 75% on in-class papers which are worth 25% of our grade

I got a 100% on group discussions which is 10% of my grade

what grade am I at as of right now percentage wise I'm coming out calculating around an 84 or 85% as of right now, but i'm not sure.

Roger: Assuming those two are the only categories in your grade so far, your current percentage grade is 82.14%.

Mon, 03 Nov 2014 01:20:51 GMT

Exams are worth 60 percent of the class grade! I got a 59 on the first test, a 64 on the second and I still have 2 tests and a final left. I wont do too highly on them but if I study like crazy, what do I need to get on the following exams and finals to get an A (87%) or a B (77-86). I would love a B by the way!!

Exams (60%)
(4 Midterms @ 100pts each---59,64,x,y
1 Comprehensive Final @ 200pts) z

Reading Quizzes (10%)
Participation (10%)
Scientific Writing (10%)
Learning Outside the Classroom

Roger: What do you mean by 75% LECTURE and 25% LABORATORY? Also, can you provide your score in the other 4 categories you mentioned? (Reading Quizzes, Participation, Scientific Writing, Learning Outside the Classroom)

Daniel Bazianos
Sun, 02 Nov 2014 02:53:19 GMT

Amazing Site, always use it to see what I need to get on a quiz or test

Sat, 01 Nov 2014 21:16:40 GMT

This is my second favorite "hub". ;)

Roger: That’s like the third time somebody’s made that joke >.>

I don't get it? Explain please...

Sat, 01 Nov 2014 20:05:39 GMT

this site has literally been my savior for the past few years and i actually saved this in my favorites.
ty god (y)

Thu, 30 Oct 2014 19:38:08 GMT

Hello Roger!

I need to know what I need to get on my two remaining tests to get between 80-83% on my final mark.

we have 4 tests and no final
Test 1 (worth 30%) got 71%
Test 2 (worth 35%) got 74%
Test 3 ( worth 20%) what to get?
Test 4 (worth 15%) what to get?

to equal to a mark of 80-83%

Roger: To get a 80% overall, you need to average a 93.7% on your next 2 tests. To get a 83% overall, you need to average a 102.3% on your next 2 tests.

Wed, 29 Oct 2014 21:31:10 GMT

The way my grading system works, tests count for points. My final is worth 100 points. How would I convert that? What other info would I need to use? P.S. My current average is a 92. Thanks!

Roger: You need to know how many points are in your class total. Try the option that is labeled “My class has a point system”.

Wed, 29 Oct 2014 04:57:20 GMT

hello pls help I would like to know what I need for my final exam which is worth 40% of my whole grade I got 60% for my first test that was worth 20% and 93% for the essay which was worth 30% so what will I need to pass paper

Roger: Your numbers only add up to 90%. What is the other 10% of your grade?

Wed, 29 Oct 2014 03:23:09 GMT

I have a 79 for my first 9 weeks and assuming I make and 80 on the second 9 weeks what would I need to get on my final in order to pass my semester ?

Roger: That depends on how much your final is worth and what percent you need to pass.

Mon, 27 Oct 2014 20:41:18 GMT

This site has been SO helpful. I've been calculating what I need on my final and turning in work until it's low enough to be reasonable, lol. Anyway, thanks!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Language Wizard
Mon, 27 Oct 2014 00:59:43 GMT

Sooooo reassuring to know I only need a 40.5% on my final to get an A in the class. Thank you!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sun, 26 Oct 2014 21:30:43 GMT

This is my second favorite "hub". ;)

Roger: That’s like the third time somebody’s made that joke >.>

Sun, 26 Oct 2014 02:07:14 GMT

Thanks so much for this!! Knowing I only needed a 42% on my Latin finals and still be on high honor roll put me very much at ease.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sat, 25 Oct 2014 21:41:48 GMT

Hi Roger, I have 68% in math after two units. I have 8 units overall and the exam is worth 30%. What would I need to do to finish with a 90% in the course?

Roger: I’ll assume that the remaining 70% is divided evenly among your 8 units. You’ll need to average at least a 94.7% on the remaining units and your exam.

Luke Adams
Sat, 25 Oct 2014 20:25:11 GMT

Dear Roger,

I have an 80.83 in the class. Tests are worth 90% of the grade and there are 4 of them. I made an 80 on the first test and I'm about to take my second test. What grade do I need to make on this next test to have an A in the class? Or is it even possible?

Roger: You’ll need to average a 93.6% on your next 3 tests to get an A in the class. If you want an A after just your 2nd test, then you’ll need to get a 100.38% on it.

Thu, 23 Oct 2014 22:47:19 GMT

i have a 67 percent in class (pre algebra ) which is a D+ i have to do a project that is woth 50 points NOT % so i want to know if my grade would be like a C (please anwser me in my email please)...... (roger)

Roger: Don’t give your email to strangers. (Your answer depends on how many points you have total.)

Thu, 23 Oct 2014 16:15:35 GMT

Actually, I tried to do that math myself -- would I have to score between a 72 and 72.5? Or is that completely wrong...

Roger: That’s about right! I think the answer is 72.3%.

Thu, 23 Oct 2014 15:58:41 GMT

homework: 30%
each test: 20% (there are 2 tests in the class, so total of 40%.)
final: 30%

i have an 85 in homework. i got a 52 on the first test. assuming i get 52 on the second test, what score on the final would i need to get in order to earn 68 in the class? even if it's impossible, which it probably is, i'd like to know. thank you

Roger: You need to get at least a 72.3% on the final exam.

Wed, 22 Oct 2014 23:12:20 GMT

Dear Roger,
1. Tests 50%
2. Activities/Essays 30%
3. Classwork/Homework 20%
I have 4 more tests, and I took two, I got a 88% and a 72%, giving me an average of 80% in tests.
I have an 87% in Activities and Essays.
And I have a 98% in Class/Homework.
What average do I need on my tests to get an A?

Roger: You’ll need to bring your test average from a 80% up to a 88.6%. To do that, you will need to average a 97.2% on the two remaining tests. Good luck!

Dear Roger,
Wait, is the average 97.2% for two tests or four tests, because I think I have four tests left.

Roger: Oh, I misread what you wrote. You need to average a 92.9% on your four remaining tests.

Wed, 22 Oct 2014 07:34:52 GMT


I'm currently taking precalc and in this class you have 15 quizzes worth 20 points a Test worth 100 points another Test worth 100 points and a 5 point extra credit. the two lowest quiz scores are dropped.

my scores so far;

Quiz 1: 96.88%

Quiz 2: 75%

Quiz 3: 88.89%

Quiz4: 86.88%

Quiz 5: 93.33%

Quiz 6: 82.54%

Quiz 7: 85%

Quiz 8: 100%

Quiz 9: 100%

Quiz 10: 100%

Quiz 11: 100%

Quiz 12: 100%

Quiz 13: 100%

Quiz 14: 100%

Quiz 15: 100%

I have earned the 5 extra credit points. My question: what do I need to get on the midterm and final ,so that when my professor drops my two lowest quiz scores, I can have a 94%

My current grade is a 97%

Roger: You need to average a 88.6% on two exams.

Wed, 22 Oct 2014 06:43:26 GMT

Hi Roger,

I need to know whats the lowest grade I can get on my final to get a 90% in the class.
30% = midterm, 25%= final, 20%= extra credit, 10%=reaction paper, 10%=DBQ, 25%= quizzes

71.25%= midterm
100% = extra credit
100%= reaction paper
final= ?

Roger: You’ll need at least a 14.5% on the final exam.

Wed, 22 Oct 2014 02:19:37 GMT

I have a 50% in my math class and my tests are worth 80 percent of my grade, what do I need to get in order to get a c for the quarter

Roger: You need to get some pretty good test grades!

Wed, 22 Oct 2014 00:32:24 GMT

Hi! First I will break up how my grade is calculated.

Homework = 10%
Projects and Participation = 10%
4 tests of 15% each = 60%
Final Exam =20%

I got a 0 on my first test because I didn't take it, a 63% on my second test. Assuming I get all 20% for my homework, project and participation, what is the lowest I can get on tests # 3 and #4, and on my final exam, to get at least a 60% in the class?

Thanks in advance!

Roger: You need to average at least a 61.1% on tests #3 and #4 and the final exam.

Wed, 22 Oct 2014 00:16:40 GMT

my midterm is coming up and i need to get at least a 79% and right now my grade is 70%. the midterm is 10% of my grade. sooo.... i just don't know... help?

Roger: Good luck..?

Tue, 21 Oct 2014 04:22:27 GMT

Dearest Roger,
My chapter 1 history final is worth 1.6 percent of 40% of my mark (tests are worth 40%). My overall test grade right now is 96.88, and my overall grade is sitting at a 97.94%. What do I need to get on this exam to keep my grade above 94%?

Roger: It’s worth 1.6% of your test category? You can essentially get any grade on the exam.

Mon, 20 Oct 2014 22:55:44 GMT

*EDIT* sorry Roger! I accidently spelt your name wrong in the last post.

Roger: No worries, I fixed it.

Mon, 20 Oct 2014 22:53:54 GMT

Hi Roger, I need some help.

In my AP Calc class. My teacher does not weight the class, so the tests are worth a lot more.
Assignments: 1425/1555
Tests: 1951/2000
So the total would be 3376/3555 (94.96%)

I have 2 full tests (worth 500 points each) and one mid chapter test (275 points) that are coming up... I'm really worried because I heard that they are the hardest tests to pass. What would be the bare minimum average of all 3 tests that I need to maintain 90%?


Roger: You need to average at least a 971/1275 (76.1%) on the three tests to maintain a 90%.

Sun, 19 Oct 2014 17:48:51 GMT

This site is so helpful

Roger: Thanks!

Trevor berry
Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:28:24 GMT

I have a 57 percent in a class and we have a 11 point test it is worth 10 percent of my what do I need to get it is not a final

Roger: That depends on how many undecided categories you have in your grade (e.g. categories that have 0 assignments in them right now, like a Final Exam category).

regina george
Fri, 17 Oct 2014 02:21:17 GMT

I have a midterm test next week and I want to know what grade I have to get so I can keep a B average. Their are 15 quizzes in this class each quiz is worth 20 points. The midterm and final are both worth 100 points.

my scores so far;

Quiz 1: 96.88%

Quiz 2: 75%

Quiz 3: 88.89%

Quiz4: 86.88%

Quiz 5: 93.33%

Quiz 6: 82.54%

Quiz 7: 85%

Quiz 8: 100%

What score do I need to get on the midterm to keep my grade an 80%? My current grade is an 87.9%

Roger: I assume that there are no other components of your grade other than quizzes, the midterm, and the final. You need to score at least a 66.3% on the midterm to keep your grade above an 80%.

Thu, 16 Oct 2014 22:03:46 GMT

Hi Roger! If I have a 79.14 overall. I have 6 quizzes left that are worth 30%, one exam left that's worth 40% and final exam which is worth 40% also. What do I need to get on all these to get at least a 83 as my final overall grade? Thank you in advance (:

Roger: That depends on 1) how many quizzes you’ve taken so far, 2) your current quiz average, 3) how many exams you’ve taken, 4) your current exam average. Also, is your final exam in your exams category? The numbers you gave add up to 110% (30 + 40 + 40). If so, is it worth the same as just 1 exam? Or more? If not, please explain.

Thu, 16 Oct 2014 22:00:09 GMT

I have an 86 in the class and aiming for at least an 80
I have two tests worth 100 points and a 50 point quiz, what grade would I have to get on all three tests and quiz to AT LEAST get an 80 in the class.? Thank you!

Roger: It depends on how many points you have in the class total.

Thu, 16 Oct 2014 15:15:32 GMT

This is what I only see: My total unweighted sum of all grade right now is 1,214.77/1,364.9 = 89%

However in the course syllabus it says “your course grade will be determined by the following:”
Lab Exams 10% (have a 70.3%)
Discussion Board 10% (have a 100%)
Homework and Quizzes 20% (have a 100%)
Final Exam 20% (Don't know yet)
Lecture Exams 40% ( have a 77.5%)
*All Grades will be rounded to the nearest whole number. If I have a 89.5% that will be considered an A.

MY QUESTION: What do I need on my final to get at least a 89.5% ??

Thank you in advance! =)

Roger: It looks like your current weighted grade is a 85.04%, counting the category weights. You will need at least a 107.35% on the final to get an A.

Tue, 14 Oct 2014 20:48:20 GMT

Seema,saying boob is in appropriate and offensive.So you better zip your mouth.

Tue, 14 Oct 2014 18:10:47 GMT

And my current grade is an 86.6%

Tue, 14 Oct 2014 18:09:47 GMT

I have a midterm test next week and I want to know what grade I have to get so I can keep a B average. Their are 15 quizzes in this class I have completed 7 I will have completed another one later this week. each quiz is worth 20 points. The midterm and final are both worth 100 points. Their is an extra credit email assignment worth 5 points. (I have these 5 points) After the final the professor drops the 2 lowest quiz scores from every individual students grade.

Here are my scores so far;

Quiz 1: 96.88%

Quiz 2: 75%

Quiz 3: 88.89%

Quiz4: 86.88%

Quiz 5: 93.33%

Quiz 6: 82.54%

Quiz 7: 85%

What score do I need to get on quiz 8 and the midterm to keep my grade and 80%?

Roger: Well, your current quiz average is a 86.9%. To keep your 80%, you will need to average at least a 71.9% on quiz 8 and the midterm. I ignored your extra credit and drop policy.

Mon, 13 Oct 2014 16:36:21 GMT

Hi Roger, if I had a 83% for 1st quarter and I want a 90% for the semester what do I need to get 2nd quarter ?

Roger: You need to get at least a 97%.

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