
Page 93 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 93)

Mon, 15 Dec 2014 03:58:22 GMT

Shout out my homie G spot for bein the realest in the game. We eAtin

Mon, 15 Dec 2014 03:38:13 GMT

Hey roger, do you have any good studying tips? I have been making note cards, but I need something else that will help. Thanks!

Roger: Try doing practice exams! (Or if there aren’t any, try checking online to see if you can find old exams from previous semesters.)

G spot
Mon, 15 Dec 2014 03:17:40 GMT

Rogerhub is dope af

Shout out to oliver and dk

Straight outta hagerstown

Mon, 15 Dec 2014 03:09:55 GMT

who needs finals i will just be a stripper instead! :p

Som dik
Mon, 15 Dec 2014 01:19:36 GMT

Why do pll waste there time on this crap who needs finals

Dr Solid
Mon, 15 Dec 2014 01:07:22 GMT

roger what's good boiii

Mon, 15 Dec 2014 00:59:54 GMT

Whelp, to go from a 89 to a 90 i have to get a 94... lol nope.

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 22:46:32 GMT

The sarcasm isn't really needed when you're already stressed enough. Last time I'm using this site.

Roger: What do you mean?

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 22:23:45 GMT

This was the best! Thank you! I now can continue procrastinating studying for my finals.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 22:00:43 GMT

How can there be this many comments when there's only 500 people in the world?

Roger: I had the same question.

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 21:58:35 GMT

This Calculator is Awesome!!! Thanks!!!

Roger: Thanks, and you’re welcome!

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 21:11:03 GMT

thank you so much this made me feel so much better about my finals, and let me know what I really needed to focus on. YOU'RE MY HERO ROGER

Roger: You’re welcome!

Torre Alavanja
Sun, 14 Dec 2014 20:09:20 GMT

Im a Freshman in Highschool, and I currently have an 84% in a college class, Pre-Ap Chinese 4. So, I have to get a 135% on my final to get an "A" (Which obviously isn't going to happen). But do you think for a Freshman in high school, taking a college class, an 84% looks good?

Roger: I suppose so!

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 19:43:43 GMT

Do you have any good study tips for finals? My teachers post powerpoints and notes for us to look at, but since there is so much information, i might not have enough time to study all of them. are finals generally easier or harder than the tests in the class?

Roger: If you don’t have enough time to review the notes, maybe just try doing practice exams? And review the notes for the problems you can’t do.

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 18:39:57 GMT

My unweighted GPA is a 0.0.
My weighted GPA is a 0.1.
I scored a 400 on the SAT.
I scored an 18 on the ACT.
I scored a 40 on the PSAT.
I currently hold rank 760/760 of my class.
My IQ is around 4 to 6.
My average meters/sec for my track team is 0.15.
I never learned how to read or write.
I cannot type.
I have no extracurricular activities.
I cannot spell.
I live on Mars.
This font is blue and Wingdings.

-Internet, the #1 worst idea in the era of mankind

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 18:32:34 GMT


Sun, 14 Dec 2014 18:26:08 GMT

Hey Roger I have an 88 on my ap physics class and my final is worth 1/7 of my grade can you please tell me what I need to get in order to get my grade up to an A?

Roger: Assuming an A is a 90%, you need at least a 102% on the final to raise your grade to an A.

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 18:25:33 GMT

So technically I don't have to study for any final because even if I flunk all of them i'll still have straight A's... I'm honestly so glad all my teachers aren't making our finals worth that much ^-^

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 17:43:57 GMT

Why do people honestly feel the need to share their results??? And how to you not go off on them Roger?

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 06:58:13 GMT

btw this calculation can be done w/o a website:
((what you want in the class) - (100-your final worth)(your grade in the class))/(final worth)

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 06:52:34 GMT

remember kids
cheating is key

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 06:51:32 GMT

i need to get 64%
draw a flower they said
get a 63% i got :(

trippy dawgs
Sun, 14 Dec 2014 06:39:41 GMT

roger where are u from

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 06:29:06 GMT

I am hella stupid all my grades are shit and I need hella high grade on my final to get an A in AP euro!!!! help me plz

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:05:41 GMT

Great calculator! I use it so much! I just have one question, so I have an 80% in a class and my final is worth 15% of my grade, and according to this calculator, I need an 80% on my final because I want to keep my grade at an 80%. But also according to this calculator, I need a 73.33% to go down to a 79% in the class. So does that mean everything in between 73.33% and 80% would drop me down to a 79%?

Roger: Yep, that’s correct.

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 04:27:51 GMT

Good luck, everyone!

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 03:46:27 GMT

roger, thank you so much!!!! now i know i need a 98 to get a b in ap calc, this gives me motivation knowing that it's obtainable through a lot of studying, thx so so much <3

Roger: You’re welcome!

sataj 3
Sun, 14 Dec 2014 02:43:55 GMT

I hope you all fail your finals. Rt this or you will die.

Random person
Sun, 14 Dec 2014 02:14:09 GMT

@ Sukant way up towards the top. And your a foreign there's that. No one cares what you accomplish, be humble and keep it to yourself

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 01:46:16 GMT

Thank you so much! I was so stressed out about my math 96 final. I have a 79% in the class and its just a pass or fail class so I need a 75% in the class to pass. I thought I did pretty well on the test expect 4 problems and I thought I wasn't going to make the cut, and it turns out I only need a 62% on my math final to pass to get a 75%. Lets say, I'm not so stressed anymore. I thought it was going to be more in order to pass since the final is 25% of my grade, but I guess not! This helped me from not just sitting around and going crazy while I wait for my score.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sun, 14 Dec 2014 00:15:10 GMT

I need an 86% on my Ap Euro final to keep an A

Sat, 13 Dec 2014 23:54:35 GMT

Pain is temporary. GPA is forever.

Roger: Word.

Sukant Rajgarh
Sat, 13 Dec 2014 23:12:55 GMT

I am a bragger. I have no life. And I don't need this stupid calculator.

Sukant Rajgarh
Sat, 13 Dec 2014 23:11:26 GMT

I am the valedictorian of my high school.
I took 20 AP classes.
I have a 5.4 GPA.
I got a 2400 on the SAT.
I got a 36 on the ACT.
I got a 240 on the PSAT.
I am a National Merit Finalist.
I am the captain of the Track & Field team.
I am the president of National Honor Society.

Joe Flapjack
Sat, 13 Dec 2014 21:43:53 GMT

If I need a 101% to get an A, and theres no extra credit, should I even study

Roger: Make sure you don’t drop down to the next letter grade at least! (And if you think you have a reasonable shot at 100%, you might be able to negotiate a better grade after the final!)

Sat, 13 Dec 2014 19:56:28 GMT

I'm so glad my high school lets me exempt 2 of my finals. Makes life SO much easier.

Sat, 13 Dec 2014 18:45:35 GMT

How does the grading system normally work? like is 82.5 a B and is 89.5 an A?

Roger: Depends on your teacher’s policy.

Ryan Town
Sat, 13 Dec 2014 18:19:25 GMT

Hey Roger! I was wondering how I could do a calculator for bins. Thanks for your help! And how have you answered so many comments since 2009???

Roger: I’m not sure what you mean by bins. Could you elaborate?

Sat, 13 Dec 2014 18:18:06 GMT

Considering i got a 2.9 GPA last year and I'm getting a 3.6 now, I'm all set! My only Bs are math and biology -_-

Sat, 13 Dec 2014 17:39:30 GMT

Guess i need a -9% to get a 90% on my algebra Final!

Sat, 13 Dec 2014 17:28:06 GMT

hahaha i need a 51 to keep an A in fine arts

Sat, 13 Dec 2014 13:04:04 GMT

Thank you for this calculator!! It has helped so much! (: awesome way to know my grades & how well i need to do, a bit of a stress reliever!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sat, 13 Dec 2014 05:02:52 GMT

Need a -45.5 on my Latin to keep my A.
Need a 99.89 on my APUSH to get an A.

Guess I know what I will and won't be studying for.

Sat, 13 Dec 2014 04:22:08 GMT

I would like to know what my final grade is.

Assignments worth 12.5% - achieved: 79.7%

In class participation worth 2.5% - achieved: 83.33%

In class quizzes (15% each, total 45%) - achieved average of: 73.33%

Lab worth 40% - achieved: 94.50%


Roger: Your overall grade is a 82.8%.

Sat, 13 Dec 2014 02:43:34 GMT

This website is a lifesaver!! Shoutout to you for being awesome!!!

Roger: Thanks!

Sat, 13 Dec 2014 01:28:21 GMT

Why does junior year have to be so hard :/ I need all my borderline grades to go up! its impossible

Sat, 13 Dec 2014 01:22:51 GMT

Thanks so much! This has relieved so much of my stress.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sat, 13 Dec 2014 00:43:49 GMT

Thanks Roger! Now I know no matter how bad I do...I can still get an A! except English...I need a 102% :| but whatevs I always have finals at the end of the school year!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Fri, 12 Dec 2014 22:58:43 GMT

well this calculator says I need a 109% and I have a 6.080 my iv instructor says well just try to get an a and pray for a miracle lol. I have accepted that I will more than likely have to take iv therapy again. didn't catch on to everything til the end but the end was to late .. oh well I wish I had a miracle right now lol I want worry about it I am at the end of my semester as an licensed practical nurse so that just mean I will go one more semester with one class to focus and I will be done our graduation is not til march anyway but the pinning is next wk no big deal though it will be a pinning in march and the graduation also. with one class to pass and I am done no way I would ever give up im already there. so I will still take the final for iv therapy and still ace it because it will only help me if I have to repeat it ... I pray for a miracle though lol

Fri, 12 Dec 2014 21:30:06 GMT

i have a 68 in chemistry for being too 1d af

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