
UC Freshmen Admissions Calculator

This calculator is obsolete and will be soon removed. If you still want to use it, you can do so temporarily.

This tool will determine the percentage of students similar to you who were admitted (accepted) into a certain University of California school. It is designed for first-time undergraduate freshmen applicants only.

1. School
Let’s begin. Select a University of California school below.

2. Capped Weighted UC GPA
This is not your transcript GPA and not your weighted GPA.

3. SAT and ACT Scores
Please input your highest SAT Reasoning Test scores from one sitting and/or your higest composite ACT score. At least one of the two is required.
SAT Math
SAT Reading
SAT Writing
ACT Composite

4. Field of Study
Choose the description that best fits your intended major, or choose undeclared if you have not decided yet.

5. High School
Pick your high school from the list of California High Schools below. If your school is not on the list, choose Unlisted CA Public School, Unlisted CA Private School, or Out-of-state School.

6. Ethnicity
Select your ethnicity.

7. Gender
Please provide your gender below.
Male Female

8. In State vs. Out of State
International and out-of-state US students, please check the below checkbox to indicate that you are not a California student.
Out of state student

9. Submit
Before you press calculate, double-check that all of your information is accurate and read the explanations below.

How this works: A word of caution
RogerHub UC Admissions Calculator is based fully on data released online by the UC Office of the President under the University of California StatFinder. This site has since been taken down, but some data can still be found at the UC Infocenter.

This is not a probability or chance calculator. This calculator utilizes data from past applications in order to determine what percentage of applicants similar to you received an offer of admission. It is an analysis of past records, not a chance calculator.

Is this accurate?
No. I make no guarantees about the reliability of this data. Statistics change from year to year. You should always research the data yourself at

How does this work?
Statfinder did not provide raw data about students and admissions. This calculator uses mathematical models generated using distribution data and the least squares method which is listed below:

S = Σ(y − f(x))²

Each of the variables that you provide in the calculator is tracked to a distribution model. Each has a weight constant, k, and affects the total score, p, as follows:

p′ = p + kp(1 - p) = p + kp - kp²

You are free to submit different hypothetical students to this calculator. Some of the trends that the data exhibit are rather surprising.

Responsibility and Disclaimer
I am not associated in any way with the UC Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Please be responsible with what you do with this calculator. Do not be encouraged nor discouraged by this calculator. I make no claims, explicit or implied, about the reliability nor accuracy of this calculator.

457 CommentsAdd one

These comments were written by anonymous visitors. Roger’s comments are colored blue.

Mon, 21 Feb 2022 17:46:07 GMT

Hey Roger, when will my TAG UC school actually let me in and admit me? if you have any knowledge into this please let me know

Tue, 23 Feb 2021 07:15:57 GMT

Hi! I know this tool is outdated and you do not know much about admissions, but I'm applying as a freshman for L&S CS but I already have A's in fully transferable classes for CS 61A-C. Do you know anyone that got in with those classes completed and do you think it will have an impact on my decision?

Thank you,

Roger: I’ve never heard of anyone skipping those introductory courses with transfer credits, but congrats on getting a head start!

Sun, 27 Dec 2020 22:08:49 GMT

hi could you please reply to this? I was wondering with a 4.24 GPA and a 32 on my ACT, what more should I do? I cannot do any more ACTs as the test centers are closed. I really want to get into UC Berkeley. Its my dream school.

Roger: Sorry, I don’t actually know anything about college admissions. Your GPA and ACT score sound pretty good to me? I’ve never taken the ACT though, so I don’t know what a typical score looks like.

Wed, 07 Oct 2020 10:50:11 GMT

Hi! I was wondering what I should put in if I don't have either my SAT or ACT scores due to covid. Thanks in advance!

Roger: Good question. I have no idea.

Tue, 07 Jul 2020 22:45:11 GMT

Hi sorry for bothering you but I am in need of some honest feedback so if you are able to please help me out😅

The UC calculation has my GPA at 3.78 (I assume this is weighted) I have transferred schools several times and have lived all across Canada and the US. I am a rising senior and have been in girl's varsity wrestling for 3 years. I worked as a cognitive therapist at a company where I was the first minor to do so over the summer of my sophomore year. I am currently a candidate for the IB diploma. I am fluent in English and French and am currently teaching myself Italian and Spanish.

My biggest concerns are the fact that I won't be able to take the SAT or ACT this year and that my GPA is not high enough no matter how hard I have challenged myself and how difficult it had been to acclimate to the rigor after moving. I go to a very highly ranked school in California where there are a lot of kids who have straight As.

Could you please give me your insight and opinion as far as admission to UC? I am worried that I am way under qualified for these schools.

Roger: Sorry, I don’t actually know anything about college admissions. But anyone who’s putting themselves through the IB program sounds like a smart and hardworking individual. Good luck!

Sun, 24 May 2020 00:19:00 GMT

There is a good chance I won't be able to take the SAT since March, May, June and maybe the fall admissions will not take place. The UC System says they will not consider SAT scores for acceptance for the Class of 2021. My high school GPA is 3.88 but when you weight the Middle College courses I have a 4.26 according to your calculator. Do you think I have a chance of getting into UCLA. I live in California.

Roger: Sorry, I don’t actually know anything about UC admissions. But good luck!

Audrey Ewing
Sat, 22 Feb 2020 13:41:14 GMT

Hello Roger,
I go to an IB school in Sweden and students in the IB program get a number based grade on a scale from 1-7. While a 6 may seem like it is an 85% grade over all, it is actually a much higher grade than that as the IB is known to be harder program and a more prestigious curriculum. The scale doesn't correlate to the normal 0-100% grading scale, there isn't a true percentage for the IB program. I was wondering if you could put in a question such as "what score did you receive from predicted grades or final grade in the IB?" Also, the Diploma Program is only a two year program for the IB, should I put in my grades from Middle Years Program as well despite it being a different program as I see I must upload my 9th grade grades as well?
In addition, is this calculator updated for the 1600 points instead of 2400? If no, this is a suggestion of improvement for the calculator as well. :)
Is the SAT better for the UC schools than the ACT or does it not really matter too much?
Thanks so much, Audrey

Roger: Thanks for the feedback! Unfortunately, this calculator has been abandoned and won’t be receiving any more updates. It was built using a data source that is no longer available. Until a new data source is available, the calculator cannot be updated.

Sun, 09 Feb 2020 22:57:20 GMT

Hi, Roger. I would appreciate it if you kept this calculator in use. As long as you state clearly that it is outdated and why, the user can always decide if it serves their purpose or not.Thank you so much for your work.

Roger: Sure, I can do that.

Sun, 09 Feb 2020 18:07:19 GMT

HI Roger,

I go to a well know specialized public high school in NYC, have 4.2 weighted average and 1550 SAT. Have a downward junior transcript (2 B) but senior year is back up with a rigouros schedule (5AP). Pretty much everyone at my school has a 1500+ and about 50 apply every year. How hard will it be to get in? and do they even care if I'm a double legacy?

Roger: I don’t think the UC schools really care about legacy, but your SAT score and GPA both seem great, so I’m sure you’ll have a good shot. Then again, I don’t actually know anything about college admissions (I’m just a computer programmer).

Tue, 21 Jan 2020 05:30:18 GMT

Hey, so I saw that you were planning to make an updated version of this calculator, but you wanted to find a good source for all the stats. Well I'm not sure if you knew this (and you probably do since you're RogerHub lol) but if you go to > Campuses & majors, you can find each school's number of freshman and transfer admits for fall 2019.

Roger: I’ve seen that website. It has information about admissions, but it doesn’t have breakdowns by GPA, standardized test scores, and other metrics, as far as I can tell. Anyway, thanks for the tip!

Mon, 09 Dec 2019 05:52:40 GMT

Roger did you go to college? and if so where

Roger: I went to UC Berkeley.

Fri, 29 Nov 2019 23:33:58 GMT

Are you going to be using the recent datasets to code a new calculator or are you just stopping the calculator altogether?

Roger: I haven’t found a good source of updated admissions data yet, so I’m most likely going to just take this down altogether. The first step would be to withdraw this page from search engines, which is something I’m planning to do, but haven’t gotten around to yet.

Hopeful Applicant
Fri, 29 Nov 2019 06:06:15 GMT

Hi Roger,

Thank you for the tool. You said that the tool is obsolete and soon will be removed, so do you think it is of any use or accuracy predicting chances of prospective applicants? Or is the data too old and out of date to be of any use?

Roger: The data is 10 years old now and the calculator uses the old-style 2400 point SAT scoring system. So, I don’t think this calculator is useful for the current admissions season.

Anonymous Bob
Sun, 10 Nov 2019 00:44:24 GMT

Hi Roger,
I need some advice. It has always been my dream to attend UCSD however it seems unlikely that I'll get in. My sat is an 1190 (for some reason I cant get it higher) and my GPA is a 3.9 weighted. I am taking 3 ap classes this year I have been involved in my community and throughout my school. The school that I attend is quita large and has many other kids that have way better chances. Is there anything I can do to boost my chances? Have you heard of anyone with similar stats that has gotten in? Should I even have any hope?

Roger: I don’t actually know anything about UCSD admissions or any other UC school. But good luck!

Billie Jeans
Thu, 07 Nov 2019 06:30:01 GMT

24th of my Class out of 500
4.0 Capped UC GPA
Took 7 APs 5 honors classes
4.425 UC Weight GPA
I want to get into a good UC and Im not sure if these stats are enough. Thannks for the tool Roger.

Roger: Glad to help!

Sat, 26 Oct 2019 11:20:17 GMT

Hi Roger:
I got weight gpa 4:00, 11 APS courses, ACT 30. What do you think my percentage to UCB on Bio Major? Thanks.

Roger: Pretty good, I suppose.

Josh Koppel
Sat, 19 Oct 2019 20:35:54 GMT

Will you be programming an updated calculator?

Roger: Last time I checked, there was no updated data source available, which I would need to create an updated calculator.

Sat, 28 Sep 2019 23:13:43 GMT

Nevermind. Just read the comment that this is based on old SAT. I will convert and recalculate.Thanks.

Sat, 28 Sep 2019 23:11:48 GMT

It won't take my score for essay. It is 6,5,6 so I put in 17 and it says it isn't valid. Thanks.

Sat, 21 Sep 2019 18:18:24 GMT

UC GPA is a 4.06
New SAT is a 1500 so old SAT is a 2170
I’m choosing to study physics as a female so I have a pretty good shot at it. By no means is Berkeley a safety school, but I can at least try haha.

Sat, 07 Sep 2019 10:36:49 GMT

You guys have to keep in mind that this was made for the old SAT which was out of 2400, not 1600. There is a way to convert your new SAT score to the old one:

jasmine lee
Sun, 11 Aug 2019 18:28:49 GMT

??? lmfao i have a 4.21 gpa and an eh sat score of 1380 and i have no data?? tf

Chenghao Liu
Thu, 11 Jul 2019 21:58:40 GMT

lol I have a decent GPA with a 4.3 and a not so good SAT 1380, so I don't get a result?

Merlin Bob
Mon, 08 Jul 2019 22:36:46 GMT

Hey, I was a bit confused because I couldn't find my Writing and Reading scores separately. Like I know what it is as a whole for reading & writing, but I dont know how to get them separate.

Roger: This calculator was made for the 2400-point SAT scoring system, which had separate reading and writing scores.

Thu, 20 Jun 2019 07:40:20 GMT

UC gpa: 3.55
SAT: 1020 (improving)
EC: 3 years on varsity volleyball
2 years of varsity basketball
Tons of community service
Class rank of 35
Do you think I should forget about applying to UC Davis? I’m going to be a senior and I’m planning on increasing my gpa as well as my sat.

Roger: A class rank of 35 sounds pretty great. I think improving your SAT score would help quite a bit. I’ve never been to UC Davis though.

ABC 123
Sat, 15 Jun 2019 16:43:37 GMT

Can you make an updated version of the calculator? I enjoyed using it to learn about UC admissions. Thank you for all your final grade calculator(it is very helpful!). If you delete this one it will be missed. Keep up the great work.

Roger: Glad you enjoyed it! Please see my reply below.

bill joy
Fri, 14 Jun 2019 18:48:33 GMT

If the calculator is inaccurate, will you program and fix it to be more efficient? O:?

Roger: Last time I checked, there was no admissions data publicly available with enough granularity to update this calculator, so probably not.

Wed, 12 Jun 2019 15:49:56 GMT

Thank you Roger for all your different calculators you seem like a great guy and have really helped me out!

Roger: Glad to help!

Wed, 05 Jun 2019 07:17:43 GMT

Hey Robert! Just a few quick questions: Is this calculator always updated with the latest admission rates?

Because it said I got a 51% for UCI with these scores, and I extremely doubt it.

SAT: 1420
GPA: 3.71 UC Capped and Weighted

Roger: Nope, it hasn’t been updated since it was created in 2012.

Samarth Srinivasa
Tue, 04 Jun 2019 23:37:00 GMT

Hey Roger, I have a quick question about the SAT box. When it asks for the Reading and Writing score, is it asking for the same score in both (Like If I got a 750 in Reading/Writing, do I put 750 in both or just divide it up into both reading and writing for a summation of the score) ?

Roger: This calculator was made for the 2400-point SAT scoring system, which had separate reading and writing scores.

Tue, 04 Jun 2019 02:45:58 GMT

Yo Roger thanks for the tool!
Question: im a junior, was wondering abt some stuff

UC Weighted: 3.8
SAT Score: 1400 (720 English and 680 Math)
EC: 3 years varsity basketball, 2 years captain // 8 years of violin, 1 year in school orchestra as first chair // community service for my local church // vice president of CSF // member of several clubs all 3 years

chances of getting into UCI says 48%... I would like to know if this system is accurate. unfortunately my uc gpa isnt as high but was wondering if my chances are actually this high of getting into uci. im surprised

Roger: I don’t actually know anything about UC Irvine (I’ve only ever visited there once), but you sound like a pretty good candidate to me. Anyway, this calculator is obsolete and inaccurate, so I’ll delete it soon.

Wed, 29 May 2019 09:58:32 GMT

UC weighted GPA: 3.96

Accepted UC universities: UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Riverside

It's good to have low expectations, so that when you get the offer, you are pleasantly surprised.

Asian Boi
Mon, 06 May 2019 17:01:18 GMT

Do west coast schools prefer the SAT or the ACT? I know it’s a meaningless question, but looking at the previous comment, I’m just curious.

Roger: I’ve heard that the SAT is more common than the ACT for west coast schools, but I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily preferred.

Sat, 20 Apr 2019 16:43:02 GMT

hi roger, do you think it is more important to take the SAT or the ACT?

Roger: I never took the ACT. I heard that it depends on whether you want to go to college on the US west coast or east coast.

Sun, 31 Mar 2019 19:53:06 GMT

I got 710 eng, 760 Math for SAT.

I volunteered teaching girls CS last year with my High school CS teacher at a middle school and will be working this summer teaching for Digital Media Academy.

Through your calculation link I got
Unweighted GPA: 3.88 (didnot count Lacrosse grade)
Weighted GPA: 4.24
Weighted and Capped GPA: 4.12

I am not able to check my chances in UCLA

Roger: Glad to hear you’re interested in teaching!

uc berk
Fri, 29 Mar 2019 06:56:51 GMT

yo roger dawg,

thx for all the final grade calculations over the years man. Just got accepted to uc berk so ya go bears :)

Roger: Congrats!

Anish Shekar
Fri, 29 Mar 2019 04:27:18 GMT

Hi Roger can u plez tell me if applying as an english major with 2 published books, head editor of 2 international magazine, publications in 2+ magazines, and non profit related to english will make up for a 3.6 UW gpa. I also have a 1570/1600 SAT, with 780 Bio and 790 Math 2, and 34 ACT. Thank you.

Roger: Probably? I don’t know. I’m actually don’t know anything about college admissions, other than having had applied once myself.

Wade Sultan
Thu, 28 Mar 2019 03:54:36 GMT

Hi! Can you chance me for UCLA?
UW GPA: 3.77
W GPA: 4.10
WC GPA: 4.03
SAT: 1540
ECs: MUN, AYSO, local swim team

Roger: You sound like a pretty good candidate to me.

Wed, 27 Mar 2019 20:00:33 GMT

My question is similar to the last person’s:
Based on your opinion, it better to go to a state school or lower-end UC


to community college and then transfer into a school like UCLA or Cal?

I would be majoring in computer science so what do you think would be better in terms of the quality of the CS program offered at the schools?

Roger: Are we still assuming that you were rejected from the school you wanted? The previous commenter said they were a junior in high school. I don’t know much about the computer science programs at other schools, but I’d guess that the undergraduate curriculum is mostly the same.

Leslie :)
Wed, 27 Mar 2019 01:35:53 GMT

Hello Roger! I just wanted your personal opinion on this little dilemma of mine. I'm a junior in high school and plan to major in computer science, even though I haven't taken a computer related class thus far. I've been messing around with a few languages and hopefully, I can take an intro to comp sci class at my local JC during the upcoming summer. Anyways, do you think is best to go to a school like UC Davis or go to the JC and then transfer into a more prestigious school like UC Berkeley?

Roger: I’ve heard that a lot of people transfer colleges after they finish their general education classes in 2 years, but to me, it seems like a waste of time if you’re spending 2 years taking classes you aren’t even interested in. Everyone’s experience is different, but I took multiple computer science classes every semester for 4 years of college, and I think transferring after two years would have made that impossible.

Krishna Vangala
Mon, 11 Mar 2019 18:46:32 GMT

Hi Roger,
Thanks for excellent tool. i have question. My son took some courses at local community college, on his
school report, College level course shown as 16.5 credits for single 5 units class. how to enter in your calculator?

Roger: I haven’t seen much guidance from the UCs about how college courses are handled (check out this FAQ). I’d guess that the number of units/credits doesn’t actually matter and college course grades are treated the same as any other grades (plus that transferrable courses count as honors courses).

Mon, 11 Mar 2019 04:58:46 GMT

Hey Roger, Any chance you will be updating this page to the 1600 point SAT? And updated majors?

PS: Your Final Grade Calculator is the biggest de-stresser in this household. Many thanks!

Roger: That’s unlikely. This calculator was originally based on the “UC StatFinder” system, which provided aggregated admission rates broken down by various dimensions. That system has since been shut down, so there is no new data available. If new comparable data is made available, I’ll consider it.

hi roger
Wed, 06 Mar 2019 16:21:14 GMT

hi roger

Roger: Hey

Mon, 25 Feb 2019 20:26:08 GMT

ok so i have a 67% in my social studies class and i wanna alteast make a 70% i took 2 test today and test are worth 50% of my grade and i have made a 0 and a 32 on those test what is my grade?

Roger: How many tests have you taken so far? And what did you score on them? What’s the other 50% of your grade made of?

Fri, 22 Feb 2019 05:59:45 GMT

Hi Roger,
I was wondering if you chance me for UCI, UCSD and UCSB. my sat is 1520 (780 reading, 740 math), UC weighted gpa is 3.88 gpa.(I feel like my gpa is pretty low, could my Sat counterbalance that?)

Roger: I have no idea, since I don’t know anything about college admissions, other than having applied once myself. But you sound like a pretty good candidate to me.

Thu, 20 Dec 2018 03:43:01 GMT

so i inputted my gpa and act score to see my chances for ucla but it said there was an error
it said it had "no data," because of how my application was too "unbelievable" or something like that and so i was wondering if you could personally chance me instead.
my uc weighted and capped gpa is a 3.75
my act score is a 35
im an asian american male, going to a pretty competitve high school (9/10) in california
and i want to study computer/information sciences

other info:
i have an upward grade trend in my gpa (which kinda explains why my overall gpa isnt that good)
i went from a 3.667 weighted in 10th grade to a 4.667 weighted in 11th grade
i'd say my extracurriculurs are pretty good: varsity swim, 140 volunteer hours, co-president of a school club and im very involved in my church.
sat subject test math 2: 780 sat subject test physics: 730
i got 5's and 4's on all my ap exams

if you could read through my application and chance me, i would really appreciate it

Roger: You sound like a great candidate. But I don’t actually know anything about college admissions or UCLA, other than having gone there to get ice cream one time. I’m a computer programmer, not a college counselor. Sorry! Anyway, good luck.

Tue, 18 Dec 2018 01:40:44 GMT

Hello Roger, is it possible if you could theoretically "Chance Me" for UC Berkeley? Based on my numerical stats, I have a 29% overall analysis. I messed up the first semester of my sophomore year because of some issues and got 1 A, 3 B's and 2 C's, but was able to maintain all A's (with the exception of 1 B) the rest of the semesters. I have a 34 ACT composite score and 1460 on my SAT. I am on the all-female robotics team that has qualified for state championships three times and competed at the World Competition. I was secretary for one year and then became vice president for the "Girls in STEM" club for the next two, and has been a Girl Scout for 11 years and received the bronze, silver and gold award. I also took 11 AP classes, all of which were passing grades. I am part of the youth ministry at my church and volunteer regularly at Mass as an altar server and help plan classes for the kids preparing to receive Sacraments. I have received a full merit scholarship to study abroad in South Korea the summer of my junior year, where I learned Korean for 6 weeks with NSLI-Y and continued to independently study the language, receiving a 180/200 on the language proficiency test (TOPIK). I also speak Spanish fluently. I plan on majoring in Computer Science or Physics Engineering, with a minor in International Relations and Korean/Spanish.

Roger: Sounds like you’ll get in no problem, but I don’t actually know anything about college admissions, other than having applied once myself. One semester of bad grades shouldn’t be that big a deal, especially if you’ve demonstrated improvement since then.

Tue, 11 Dec 2018 06:27:23 GMT

hey roger,
I have a 4.0 UC GPA, as well as a 34 on the ACT, and after putting everything into your calculator, I got a 34% chance of UCLA. Out of curiosity, I decided to see what would change if I made the ACT score a 35, and I got "holy smokes." Would this one point really change that much? I'm not quite sure what percentage "holy smokes" is, so I was wondering if that single point would change that much, as I'm willing to give the ACT another go for that additional point.

Roger: Check out my reply to “Alex” below. I wouldn’t bother with retaking the ACT.

Mon, 26 Nov 2018 22:16:36 GMT

Please update this. It is super useful even though it’s outdated.

Roger: Thanks for the feedback. I suspect that updating this calculator is infeasible, because the UCs no longer publish admissions data the same way they used to. But it’s been a while since I’ve taken a look.

Bob Joe
Wed, 31 Oct 2018 03:29:59 GMT

Does this use current UC published data or is it outdated?

Roger: See the comment below.

Eva Russell
Wed, 10 Oct 2018 03:34:33 GMT

Thanks for creating this! What year is the data taken from?

Roger: This calculator is based on data from 2009. It’s very outdated, and I’m thinking about sunsetting it at some point.

Sat, 29 Sep 2018 23:48:08 GMT

I'm trying to enter the new SAT score (out of 1600).

Not sure how to break it down into the correct inputs for your form?

My results show the following two parts:
1. Your Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Score

2. Math Score

Please advise if I can use the form, what I may be doing wrong?



Roger: This calculator was created for the 2400 point SAT scoring system. It hasn’t been updated in a while.

Thu, 27 Sep 2018 09:06:14 GMT

It says my sat score is extremely low compared to my GPA which is a 1460 and a 4.40 so idk what's going on?

Roger: This calculator uses the 2400 point SAT scoring scale.

Mon, 24 Sep 2018 01:49:01 GMT

Hey Roger, I only have a 3.8 unweighted and 4.1 weighted GPA with a 29 ACT score but my weighted GPA consistently increased from 3.6 to 4.0 to 4.5 from freshman to junior year; will this help?

Roger: Your freshman year courses are supposedly omitted from your GPA. In any case, great job!

Mon, 10 Sep 2018 20:19:13 GMT

Can Honors classes be counted in "How many total semesters of AP, IB/HL, or CC courses? (max. 8)"?

Roger: It depends. If you live in California, you can look up your high school on the A-G courses list and get a list of which courses count for honors points.

Wed, 05 Sep 2018 01:26:53 GMT


How up to date is this calculator?


Roger: Scroll down a bit, and check out my answer to “Leslie” below.

Mon, 03 Sep 2018 00:11:12 GMT


Is this calculator up to date?

Thank you,

Roger: Not at all.

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Sat, 29 Mar 2025 00:57:11 GMT