Setting up and testing two bridged wifi routers

The walls and microwaves of my house have always conspired to cripple the wifi signal in some rooms, especially the ones downstairs and the backyard. I recently got another wifi router to expand the range. They are daisy-chained from the modem with ethernet cables. My servers and printers are connected to the router in the […]

Signing your own wildcard SSL/HTTPS certificates

There has been a lot of concern about online privacy in the past few weeks, and lots of people people are looking for ways to better protect themselves on the Internet. One thing you can do is to create your own HTTPS/SSL Certificate Authority. I have a bunch of websites on RogerHub that I want […]

7 tips for writing better CSS

CSS stylesheets are a fundamental part of the web, but they are also one of the most neglected parts of modern web applications. Traditional programming languages give you a ton of organizational features: namespaces, classes, scope, blocks, etc. CSS has none of these constructs. I recently released the WordPress theme that runs this blog on […]

Backing up my data as a linux user

It’s a good habit to routinely back up your important data, and over the past few years, dozens of cloud storage/backup solutions have sprung up, many of which offer a good deal of free space. Before you even start looking for a backup solution, you need to sit down and think about what kind of […]

Online advertising and why adblock is not the solution

There has been some pretty shocking stuff happening in the realm of online advertising recently. By recently, I mean anywhere from just this week to a year and a half ago. Let’s revisit some of them: A brief recap of this year in advertising We saw the introduction of the Do Not Track HTTP Header, […]