Email Basics: Introduction to SMTP

Note: This is part 1 of a two-part segment on Email Basics. You can also read part 2 of this segment, which deals with the internal format of emails. With all of the government spying scares circulating recently, many people have started taking another look at the companies and people responsible for their email. Like […]

Continuous integration in web development

CI, or Continuous Integration, is a big help when you’re working on console applications. If you’re not familiar with the term, continuous integration refers to a system through which you can have your code compiled, executed, and tested in the background as you’re working on it. This usually happens on remote servers dedicated to the […]

Formatting source code: What universities don’t teach you

Some programmers write code everyday completely unaware of their number-one most essential tool even works: the text editor. There’s a good reason for this. Most compilers and interpreters don’t care how code is formatted, and unless the language you’re working with cares about file encoding or white space, there’s no reason that you’ll ever have […]

A better better calculator with bc

GNU/bc is a command-line calculator for linux. It does variables [a-z0-9_]+ and +-*/^ and basic math, all through the terminal, and while it’s somewhat useful by default, it can be made to be a lot better. Reading man bc, you see that the program reads an environmental variable, BC_ENV_ARGS, which refers to a list of […]

Protecting yourself on open wifi with Firefox

So, I’m sitting in the back of Brewed Awakening right now in the midst of cafĂ©-goers, some of which I know must be sniffing packets from the several overlapping open wifi networks around this dense part of campus. The spread of free wifi access points is an excellent direction for humanity, but it comes with […]