Taking advantage of cloud VM-driven development

Most people write about cloud computing as it relates to their service infrastructure. It’s exciting to hear about how Netflix and Dropbox et al. use AWS to support their operations, but all of those large-scale ideas don’t really mean much for the average developer. Most people don’t have the budget or the need for enormous […]

elementary OS, a distribution like no other

Screenshot from 2013-08-17 20:45:27

There are a surprising number of people who hate elementary OS. They say that elementary is technically just a distribution of linux, not an OS. They say that it is too similar to OS X. They say that the developers are in over their heads. All of these things may be true, but I do […]

Protecting yourself on open wifi with Firefox

So, I’m sitting in the back of Brewed Awakening right now in the midst of cafĂ©-goers, some of which I know must be sniffing packets from the several overlapping open wifi networks around this dense part of campus. The spread of free wifi access points is an excellent direction for humanity, but it comes with […]