Taking advantage of cloud VM-driven development

Most people write about cloud computing as it relates to their service infrastructure. It’s exciting to hear about how Netflix and Dropbox et al. use AWS to support their operations, but all of those large-scale ideas don’t really mean much for the average developer. Most people don’t have the budget or the need for enormous […]

How to write fast-rendering HTML and CSS

RogerHub’s most popular page contains over 50,000 HTML nodes. It’s no easy task for a browser to chew through all of that HTML and render it quickly. However, most modern browsers are now able to render that particular page without any performance issues, including mobile and tablet web browsers. When it comes to website performance, […]

Continuous integration in web development

CI, or Continuous Integration, is a big help when you’re working on console applications. If you’re not familiar with the term, continuous integration refers to a system through which you can have your code compiled, executed, and tested in the background as you’re working on it. This usually happens on remote servers dedicated to the […]