

(Despite first impressions, this post is not about computers.)

EDIT: I made a THA-1 Solver where you can try out THA-1 hashing. Although, there’s no point to it because you cant visit RogerHub during a test...

Today, I will be authoring a new cryptography algorithm called THA-1 (Test Hashing Algorithm Version 1)

THA-1 is a very simple method of verifying your (school) test answers so that you can compare with other people afterward :)

Instead of memorizing 1 is A, 2 is C, 3 is E, 4 is B... You can just memorize one big number (ex. 56)

The downside to this is that, you only know get two possible outcomes:

  • Answers all match

  • Answers don’t all match

But that’s the point of hashing right?

- Ability to Add
- Ability to Multiply (They’re small numbers, don’t worry)
- Understanding of Modular Arithmatic
- Ability to memorize a 2 or 3 digit number.

Here are the rules for THA-1:

1. THA-1 will accept only multiple-choice, matching, and true-false test questions. So, short answer, fill-in-the-blank(s), and free response will not work for this!

2. To start out, each answer is assigned a value.

A is 1, B is 2, C is 3.... Z is 26
True is 1 False is 2

Double letters will have their numbers added up.
For example: AC will turn into 1+3 = 4

3. Multiply each answer by it’s question number MOD 10. Meaning: for #14, if you get B, do 2(b) x 4(#14), not 2x14 because 2x14 is too hard :).. (not really)

1. A (1x1=1)
2. C (3x2=6)
3. D (3x4=12)
4. D (4x4=16)
5. B (2x5=10)
6. C (3x6=18)

If any of these products are more than 20, take the modular remainder by 20.

23 => 3
57 => 17

4. Add up all the sums! Don’t forget to take the remainder of any of the sums are more than 20.

1. A (1x1=1)
2. C (3x2=6)
3. D (3x4=12)
4. D (4x4=16)
5. B (2x5=10)
6. C (3x6=18)

1+6+12+16+10+18 = 63

(Seriously, if that took you more than 15 seconds, this method will not work for you...)

That’s it! You’re done. After the very-short 6 question test, tell people "69" (it was a coincidence, i swear). If other people get answers that are different from yours, then one of you missed at least one question. (Either that or one of you did your math wrong.)

Yeahh... there might be some resonance (lol) or even a better way to hash test problems. That’s why this is only Version 1. If you have any classes with me, we should try this out sometime :)

Another example:

1. True (1x1=1)
2. False (2x2=4)
3. True (1x3=3)
4. True (1x4=4)
5. A (1x5=5)
6. B (2x6=12)
7. D (4x7=28 = 8 Mod 20) <<So, use 8 instead of 28 on this one.
8. C (3x8=24 => 4) << same thing here
9. E (5x9=45 => 5)
10. AB ((1+2)x0=0 => 0) <<Remember, AB turns into 1+2, which equals 3. Also, because 10%10=0, you use 0 instead of 10.
11. AD ((1+4)x1=5)
12. AC ((1+3)x2=8)
13. AE ((1+5)x3=18)
14. BC ((2+3)x4=20 => 0) << 20 remainder 20 equals 0, not 20.

So, 1+4+3+4+5+12+8+4+5+0+5+8+18+0 = 77

Your THA-1 Hash is 77!

Yeahh. Extra math.. Not fun. But, if you’re really anxious about your test score, this is a fool-proof way to remember your test answers. Granted that you didn’t do the math wrong.

If you’re a strait-B student, don’t even bother using this. This is meant for Asians that get 100%’s frequently.

Wait, so did you get 77? If not you got one of the problems wrong :)

And Happy Thanksgiving again...


In other news... I broke the shelf thing that was in my locker today. I was trying to get it out and the hinge came off. SO, i just threw it away..

Now that i think of it, I should have recycled.

10 CommentsAdd one

voda guffey
Thu, 21 Dec 2017 17:29:10 GMT

i dont get this its kinda confusing......

Wed, 27 Sep 2017 11:06:26 GMT

I get it. Just need more practise

Wed, 25 Nov 2009 06:09:07 GMT

=_= i don’t need an incentive.


okay, so i meant to sound like idk, superman or something, but..yeah...

Wed, 25 Nov 2009 02:32:28 GMT

Well, you should aim for 100% right?
So, this will be your incentive to get 100%. Because if you do, you can use THA-1 :]

Wed, 25 Nov 2009 02:25:06 GMT

I just made it up on the spot.
I think THA-1 is too much work for practical use. ):

Maybe it’s better to just remember the questions..

Wed, 25 Nov 2009 02:22:33 GMT

“That’s it! You’re done. After the very-short 6 question test, tell people “69” (it was a coincidence, i swear)”
lol :]

“This is meant for Asians that get 100%’s frequently.”
are you referring to yourself in every subject but Spanish? O:
haha (:

Wed, 25 Nov 2009 02:20:54 GMT

this is so cool O:
did you think of this yourself?
or is it like, some universal..nvm. =__=’

but it’s quite a lot to think through after taking the test, and if i were to attempt this, i’d probably get the numbers all wrong >_>’

especially on tests with 100 multiple choice.

Wed, 25 Nov 2009 02:01:03 GMT


This is a cool method x3
I would try this in Zelaya with you Roger.
But we never (NEVER!) get multiple choices.
Well, we only get like 5 matching -_______-’’
Maybe we’ll have multiple choices for the final.....

:3 Anyways, thanks for sharing ~

Wed, 25 Nov 2009 01:32:23 GMT

This isn’t for memorizing answers.
That would be cheating.

I didn’t want to say that it’s for “hashing answers”, because people wouldn’t understand what I meant.

THA-1 is for making sure that one person’s answers match up completely with another’s.

This would be more like “verifying answers”, and is meant to be done during the test. Not before.

Wed, 25 Nov 2009 00:09:40 GMT

WOW. like im really gonna go through all this trouble to memorize answers.

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