

Today, I had to go somewhere. But I forgot. I’m not going in to anymore detail than that.

But forgetting things is just so easy for me. Especially because of winter break and everything. I can’t just keep forgetting things, so I decided that I needed an agenda or notebook to keep track of things that I had to do.

I don’t mean routine things like going to church or bringing PE clothes, but special events that don’t follow a specific schedule.

I was going to go to Staples and buy one of those nice fancy planners that they always have, but instead, I just made one myself. So, I’m gonna show you how I made it.

Image: Photo0559.jpg

(The final product.)

So, you’ll need

  • Spiral Notebook. (Composition books don’t work well for this.

  • Knife

  • Pliers

By this point, you probably already know what I’m gonna say word for word. Mainly because making a small notebook out of a big notebook only involves cutting things.

Image: Spiral Notebooks - 70 College Ruled.JPG

So, the black area is your target area. Cut the paper with the knife. Remember to cut away from your body and have a mat or a old book underneath so you don’t cut the table.

Once you have the three sides cut out, use the pliers to break the spirals. Twist them left and right until they snap off. Remember to leave a bit of extra spiral at each end to fold in.

Fold the extra spiral in and cut it again if you need to. Now you have a small notebook. Yay!


So, with some post-its, a sharpie, a pen, and a calendar, you can have your very own custom-made agenda. After you’re done, go laugh at those people who wasted their money on a leather-back Staples agenda.

Image: Photo0548.jpg

Yum... remember the simpsons movie?

3 CommentsAdd one

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 14:57:51 GMT

u can also quit doing things like this that are hazardous and just go buy an agenda at dollar tree. they're only 1 dollar for pete's sake.

Wed, 30 Dec 2009 06:39:40 GMT

but then you’ll waste a perfectly good notebook:[
it’s really cute though, i want onexD

i'm a gum drop.
Tue, 29 Dec 2009 06:02:40 GMT

or you can laugh at the people who cut their selves with the blade/knife thing :D

smart idea though (:

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Tue, 25 Mar 2025 18:14:09 GMT