
4day Weekend :D

Yesterday, I went to Asian American Expo in Pomona. There were a lot of Asian people there.. but not many Americans.

Image: Photo0739.jpg

Well, in a sense, we are americans, but I meant, there weren’t many white people there.

I got to sit in this fancy car. (I dunno what it’s called, but james probably does.)

Image: Photo0728.jpg

It had those raising door things and huge speakers, which kinda cramped the sitting-space. I don’t see why anyone would buy something like that.

Image: Photo0737.jpg

Hey look! It’s spongebob o_o

There’s gonna be a big expo in Shanghai this summer called Expo 2010.

There were a lot of building designs that they put up at the fair.

Image: Photo0750.jpg

Kinda looks like a flashlight..

Image: Photo0751.jpg


Image: Photo0752.jpg

United Arab Emirates
Looks like a seashell or something.

Yeah, it all looks pretty cool.

Image: f23_21632777.jpg

This was part of a collection of images that contrasted fire and ice.. source

Story about a girl that tricked Ivy League schools. Click the link, or read it here:

(Yay! Boggert supports raw HTML now.)

Story about common internet argument techniques.

If you go on, you can see a lot of internet news-stuff like this. Go there if you’re bored, because it’s like endless..

Such an addicting game > Wake up the Box!.. gogogo play

Hey, because the final-grade calculator helped a lot of people, I’m wondering if there’s anything else that you guys would find useful..

I’m surprised that a lot of people don’t know how to calculate what they need on a final. It’s like pre-algebra proportions. Even so, it takes a while to do. Better to let your electronic slave do it for you. :)

I’ve been playing Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. I named my airship the Lolcopter. So, every time, i fly around, it goes lolcopter this and that.. :)

Image: view_320200_1_1262272508.jpg

Huge battlecruiser made of legos. source.

But that’s not the best part, scroll down and read the first few comments :)

Image: comments.PNG

I hope you guys are having a good four day weekend. I know I am..


7 CommentsAdd one

Mon, 18 Jan 2010 22:20:25 GMT

Crap. Its my steam browser. sry.

Mon, 18 Jan 2010 16:48:39 GMT

quadruple-post fail ._.

i’m gonna make the "go!" button disappear after you press it once.

Mon, 18 Jan 2010 06:21:06 GMT

Unless you have another picture... i have no clue... too many cars look like that in the center.

Mon, 18 Jan 2010 06:21:05 GMT

Unless you have another picture... i have no clue... too many cars look like that in the center.

Mon, 18 Jan 2010 06:21:03 GMT

Unless you have another picture... i have no clue... too many cars look like that in the center.

Mon, 18 Jan 2010 06:21:01 GMT

Unless you have another picture... i have no clue... too many cars look like that in the center.

rawr. :D
Mon, 18 Jan 2010 04:27:16 GMT

oh my, its eeyore!

You know the article about the "missing girl"? I saw like one of those Cold Case files about it. D= She’s pretty damn smart though =x=’’
And that is a pretty long article.

wake up the box is fun.
almost replaced ms.
LOL justkidding. (:

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Tue, 25 Mar 2025 18:08:03 GMT