
Virtual lens overlay

Okay so you’ve gone 500 years into the future and now, everyone has these little gadgets called vlo’s (Virtual Lens Overlay) and it’s like a pair of contact lenses and a device that you put in your pocket (kind of like a iPod). So, these contact lenses have a digital display that imposes virtual objects onto/next to/around what’s actually there in real life. These objects include like biography data next to people that you don’t know, encyclopedia data about places or monuments, to virtual projections of news and videos on flat surfaces. The lenses can communicate wirelessly with the device in your pocket. The device has a radar like thing that can sense out your environment as well as where your contact lenses are relative to the device. Then it renders all these virtual objects on its quantum processor and displays them in real time as you walk around and stuff. Inside its hardware, the vlo contains an exact simulation of your present surroundings and calculates the transformation and scaling of virtual content related to your eye position, angle, and lens (the organic one) focus. It’s also linked wirelessly to a network of overhead satellites that are spread out all over the globe and provide access to the Internet with absolute minimum latency. Your device also contains a storage device capable of storing data represented by the structure of chemicals in a tightly compressed container, boasting petabytes of data in a single chip. The contact lenses record anything and everything you see in lifelike 4K resolution with metadata about the virtual objects that are overlaid (past participle) in real time. You can then play this data back to prove that something happened, or find something that you lost, or replay somebody’s exact quote just to piss somebody off. The device also records sound, although it works much better if it’s not in your pocket. It replays sound by sending similar chemical messengers to the brain that contain sound data and identify themselves as signals from the ear. The contact lenses uses the blood capillaries in your eye to send and receive chemical signals from your brain. With a little practice, you can control everything about your device just by thinking about it. The device comes with a Linux shell that takes full advantage of your beastly quantum processor and comes with all the necessities of a hyperactive, self-obsessed teenager: an Internet browser, multi-protocol messaging client, and media player. For everybody else, the shell also contains a filesystem that takes advantage of the ridiculous storage capacity provided by the storage chip and support for 3rd party apps. To interact with your vlo computer, the screen is displayed on the best possible large, flat, surface and, to the uneducated consumer, looks just like a quality giant projection screen. Keyboard and clicking actions are controlled via the mind. Dictation is a lot faster than typing. For this reason, large companies around the world will use vlo’s in all their activities. Starbucks will be like a movie theater with coffee sold in the back and seats facing a large white wall so teenagers can stare blankly at the wall, using their vlo computers, rather than hidden behind their macbooks. Large companies will purchase software that takes over the user’s entire environment and simulates a virtual world where executives can hold conferences and interactively communicate by spontaneously creating objects and diagrams from the tips of their fingers, proposing ideas with 3d rounded MS Word style objects floating about. Game enthusiasts will visit virtual reality gaming facilities. A small room about 10x10 feet will contain a moving floor that automatically compensates for any physical movement while the gamer will be fighting goblins and trolls with his gamer-bros in a virtual forest with virtual bows and virtual arrows with virtual flames and virtual bloodspray. On the SAT, sneaky students will bring in their vlo’s and feel a bit guilty while reading the “Assistance from vlo devices is prohibited” clause of the rules. In the classroom, students can hold virtual chatrooms, making fun of the teacher and discussing things while ignoring the boring lecture. UAV pilots can control their planes as if they were really in the cockpit. Latencies are reduced to approach the speed of light as satellite relays become more robust and complex. Even the homeless on the street will nonsensically stare into the facade of abandoned urban buildings as they’re browsing around on earn free money sites. Quickly, the vlo becomes man’s best friend, and thus, it’s worst enemy. Wouldn’t that be cool? *pant pant*

1 CommentAdd one

Fri, 19 Nov 2010 01:34:20 GMT

Yeah man, it would! :D

They have a lot of similar ideas to that in those like...sci-fi/future books. (Uglies series, etc.)

You know what else is cool?

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