

Time is such a crazy concept. It must have really taken a genius to figure out that time was something that can be separated and split into distinct intervals. I still remember getting home from kindergarten at 11 AM and wondering why seconds go by so slowly, and it’s like time’s just not the same anymore. A bajillion years ago, setting global standards for time was easy because all you would have to do is go ask the guy who ruled the whole world, you know? But now that everyone speaks different languages and has, like what the hell, the time on your clock changes depending on where you are in the world? Then we’re all trying to cling on to the definitions of time set by some old dead guys a million years ago, defining them as multiples of naturally-occurring subatomic events. Like, hold up, here i’ll tap my foot once a second and you count how many times that thingy flashes and we’ll tell everyone about our new definition for a second. Then we’ve got the evolution of calendars and even date formats with people thinking DDMMYY is masterrace. And then ISO8641’s convoluted time formatting, which sounds all advanced and such but is really all based on my flashing/spinny thingy and bro’s foot tapping. What was the Y2K scare all about? The number 2000 doesn’t have any significance. First of all, it only looks interesting on a base-10 system. (7D0  has no significance to a computer) Now, on January 19th 2038 (or the 18th in PST), every computer program that deals with Unix based time could really fail, because it’s exactly 2147483647 (232-1-1) seconds after January 1st 1970. Which is another problem. Why’d they all choose the Unix Epoch to go on new years day? Why couldn’t it have been valentines day or my birthday or something cool? O: Heh that really would be cool. How about the RogerHub Epoch, beginning on August 26th 2009 0:00:00 PST with 64 bits, unsigned timestamp? That’d give enough space for times until um.. 5.8x1011 years. source. happy new years

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Tue, 25 Mar 2025 18:10:37 GMT