
Weird Pronunciations

As a programmer, you should be familiar with lots of computer-related reserved words used in programs. Most of the time, you wont use these obscure words anywhere except your coding environment. So, pronunciation issues are pretty common.

Here are a few that I’ve had trouble with:

Wikipedia says that this word is pronounced like "ask-skee", but that sounds kinda weird to me. I usually just spell out the letters when I think of ASCII.

Boolean is another one of those weird ones. Is it like "boo-leen" or "boo-le-an"? Either one sounds weird to me. How ‘bout just "bool"?

Daemons are programs that run in the background. Daemon can be pronounced "day-mon" or "di-mon".

You might not have heard of foreach, as it’s not available in some languages. At first glance, you can tell that foreach is a compound word, but where are you supposed to split it?

Looking at the definition, it’s supposed to be "for each", but sometimes you’ll see "fore reach" by accident.

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, but that’s too much of a mouthful to say. This one works just like ASCII. You can say "sequel" (please don’t.. ), or you can spell out the letters like "es cue el".

Even though it’s long, "enumerated" has a fairly easy pronunciation. Ironically, "enum" doesn’t. The correct way to say enum is exactly how it’s written; "e-num". (num as in number)

In many lazy programming languages (*cough*Javascript*cough*), you don’t have to specify a variable’s type. Javascript in particular even shortens their universal data type’s name from "variable" to "var". For "var", you can say either "vare" (like in variable) or "var" (rhymes with art, without the t).

Wikis are all over the web. They’re great for providing a knowledge base on small projects or organizations, but "wiki" doesn’t provide many clues to its pronunciation. Wiki is actually pronounced "wick-ee", but some people still say "wee-kee".

Well, that’s it for now. I’ll add more as I find them.


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Damien Daniels
Sun, 03 Jun 2018 20:38:08 GMT

Thanks for sharing, Roger!

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Tue, 22 Oct 2024 15:34:06 GMT