
Category Archives: Computer Talk


Programming is great in this situation. Read the gZip log, search for instances of “POST /love.php”, and output into MS Excel. And it’s entirely possible to get 100%. This combination was produced after ~15 second brute forcing random names. It is based completely on cryptography, but if you do enough math, it’s really like magic. (Hint: there is debug info in the AJAX response.)


There’s a big idea that people have where, if you don’t share your pictures now, they’re gonna get lost forever. Why do people take pictures anyways? This reason has definitely changed over time. Before, if you were rich and famous, you would hire some artist to come paint your portrait, just to make sure everyone knew you existed. Then there was the period where people would all stand in rows with their family members with blank expressions and hire the photographer to take the family photo. Now, that’s not the case. Some people photograph to document their life, or maybe to relive the moment some other time. (Hah, I used a noun as a verb) Some people take pictures because it’s part of their job as a designer or reporter or something. What about like vacation pictures? Those are rather… more →