What’s “next” for RogerHub
Did I intentionally use 3 different smart quotes in the title? You bet I did! But did it require a few trips to fileformat.info and some Python to figure out what the proper octal escape sequences are? As a matter of fact, yes. Yes it did. And if you’re wondering, they’re \342\200\231, \342\200\234, and \342\200\2351. The last time I rewrote RogerHub.com was in November of 2010, more than 6 years ago. Before that, I was using this PHP/MySQL blogging software that I wrote myself. RogerHub ran on cheap shared hosting that cost $44 USD per year. I moved the site to WordPress because I was tired of writing basic features (RSS feeds, caching, comments, etc.) myself. The whole migration process took about a week. That includes translating my blog theme to WordPress, exporting all my articles2, and setting up WordPress via… more →