was worried about my exam but this helped reassure I need a -66 to get a B lmao
12/16/2021, 1:37:29 AM
I've been killing in this class, but the final is 40%. I want to die. I still have to do well on the final to keep my A :(
12/16/2021, 1:10:27 AM
If i have an 86 in the course and the final is worth 25% what will my grade be if I don't take it
12/16/2021, 12:56:08 AM
Roger, do you really personally respond to everyone's comments? or do you have a secretary that does that for you? either way it's really nice lol :)
finals are in less than a week
12/16/2021, 12:54:22 AM
srsly the pain in this comment section is the one thing inspiring me to try on my finals
thanks roger :')
12/16/2021, 12:50:11 AM
I know it's truly finals week when I find myself on this website lol
I always find a strange sense of comradery when I come here to read the comments when I'm stressed out. Seeing so many other students who are in the same boat as me gives me some solace.
At the end of the day finals are just little snapshots that determine your understanding of a small bit of knowledge at a certain time in your life.
Don't stress too much guys, even if we don't do well life will go on!
But nonetheless heres to finishing off the semester with a bang
Thanks for making this website Roger :)
bill joy
12/16/2021, 12:47:55 AM
i just found out my final is 40% not 20%. i’m crying right now roger please help me.
12/15/2021, 11:36:48 PM
I need help. My grades are calculated by categories, and they only add up to 85%, not 100%. It specifically says that they add up to 85% on Canvas, so I didn't do any math wrong. How can I determine what I need on the final?
Your Mom <3
12/15/2021, 6:21:43 PM
Good luck on your finals, everyone! Remember, your grades don't determine your worth :]
12/15/2021, 5:35:16 PM
Good luck on finals everyone :)
bill joy
12/15/2021, 5:23:25 PM
roger that
discord discord
12/15/2021, 4:47:15 PM
yes i am reading down the comments and i saw a few about a discord from 5 months ago and a discord would be so fun
"gifted kid"
12/15/2021, 4:32:59 PM
i used to be on here calculating what I needed to get on my exams to get 95s in the course and now im on here calculating what i need to get a 70 in my calc class so i can move on... how the tables have tabled
12/15/2021, 2:38:12 PM
roger you need to stan skz
Joe biden
12/15/2021, 6:47:57 AM
12/15/2021, 3:22:20 AM
is a bot
f u mrs caughron
12/15/2021, 2:34:18 AM
the rain today perfectly depicted my beautifully depressed finals mood :)
E memee
12/15/2021, 2:27:26 AM
I am stressed to make sure my final grades add up to a 4.0 gpa
Bob's your uncle
12/15/2021, 2:10:01 AM
Me impossibbble es fial eneglish
12/15/2021, 2:04:48 AM
i've gotten so used to annually visiting this site for finals week that it's kind of bewildering to acknowledge that this will be my last time needing it :0 this is my last yr & this site has been a blessing from God (AKA Roger) -- thanks dude :]
p.s. hope u have a great day/night, whoever's reading this
12/15/2021, 12:25:29 AM
12/14/2021, 10:57:26 PM
12/14/2021, 9:40:10 PM
I have been using this calculator since middle school. Now I'm in college.
12/14/2021, 9:27:10 PM
</div><span style="color: #17e; font-weight: bold;">can i pretend to be roger?</span>
Roger: Nice try :)
12/14/2021, 8:49:05 PM
D'Marcus Jamal Barthalomew Jamual James III
12/14/2021, 8:08:39 PM
My school blocked your site for for: (Forums/Networking) and im on the dark web accessing your site. >:)
Roger: Haha
art is everywhere
12/14/2021, 8:06:19 PM
C's get degrees baybeeeee
12/14/2021, 7:01:53 PM
I'm going to fail my final
Bill Joy
12/14/2021, 7:00:54 PM
I always come here around finals to see people's comments even though I never use the calculator.
12/14/2021, 6:51:08 PM
I'm almost failing my IT class, need to try and at least pass this final and most likely change my major
send help
12/14/2021, 6:39:49 PM
didn't realize how hopeless i was till now! senioritis amirite?
timmy turner
12/14/2021, 5:25:43 PM
(. ) ( .)
12/14/2021, 3:26:09 PM
They are chubby,
they are fat,
and although they are adorable,
chipmunks will not hesitate to attack.
12/14/2021, 2:22:11 PM
Who really is Roger? These are the questions we should be asking. Because I would love to talk to Roger right now and ask him a few questions like why make this why reply to the comments with many more to come.
Roger: Haha
12/14/2021, 9:25:43 AM
this website is a blessing and a curse - im not worried about finals but its also horribly demotivated me from anything school
12/14/2021, 7:42:55 AM
Ok "Dontavious" its not like ur name is any better lol
12/14/2021, 6:32:55 AM
need an 86.83 to get an A in compsci. Thing is, I've never been able to get that score first try on any compsci tests, so we'll see where the road takes us
Very Neo Nctzen
12/14/2021, 5:54:42 AM
i need a 70 to make an 80 in genetics so rip. Anyways stream universe by nct u and good luck on your exams ^^
12/14/2021, 5:31:35 AM
goofy mf name
12/14/2021, 5:28:56 AM
ayo Lamontrey J Quarles F u and ur physics grade ong fr my brotha
12/14/2021, 5:20:45 AM
Because one dog ain't enough, and two is too low, it's me, Three Dog!
You could say it is a three dog night. Shmabala!
Lamontrey J Quarles
12/14/2021, 4:33:18 AM
My grade in AP Physics right now is a 60% and I want to get at least a 70% on the final, but I don't know how much the final's worth, so...???
Roger: Good luck!
12/14/2021, 4:17:03 AM
obama obama obama
I dislike school
12/14/2021, 3:55:12 AM
i may have done something wrong but why tf do i need a 103% on my final to raise my grade from a 88 to a 90
Roger: Yeah, it’s basically impossible unless your final is worth a lot.
12/14/2021, 3:23:31 AM
finals are an L
12/14/2021, 3:04:07 AM
I am rage quitting life
12/14/2021, 3:03:12 AM
@DWren good luck! I hope you got the score you needed!
Comments (Page 1391)
college make me cry
if i fail i fail whatever who cares idgaf anymore
was worried about my exam but this helped reassure I need a -66 to get a B lmao
I've been killing in this class, but the final is 40%. I want to die. I still have to do well on the final to keep my A :(
If i have an 86 in the course and the final is worth 25% what will my grade be if I don't take it
Roger, do you really personally respond to everyone's comments? or do you have a secretary that does that for you? either way it's really nice lol :)
srsly the pain in this comment section is the one thing inspiring me to try on my finals
thanks roger :')
I know it's truly finals week when I find myself on this website lol
I always find a strange sense of comradery when I come here to read the comments when I'm stressed out. Seeing so many other students who are in the same boat as me gives me some solace.
At the end of the day finals are just little snapshots that determine your understanding of a small bit of knowledge at a certain time in your life.
Don't stress too much guys, even if we don't do well life will go on!
But nonetheless heres to finishing off the semester with a bang
Thanks for making this website Roger :)
i just found out my final is 40% not 20%. i’m crying right now roger please help me.
I need help. My grades are calculated by categories, and they only add up to 85%, not 100%. It specifically says that they add up to 85% on Canvas, so I didn't do any math wrong. How can I determine what I need on the final?
Good luck on your finals, everyone! Remember, your grades don't determine your worth :]
Good luck on finals everyone :)
roger that
yes i am reading down the comments and i saw a few about a discord from 5 months ago and a discord would be so fun
i used to be on here calculating what I needed to get on my exams to get 95s in the course and now im on here calculating what i need to get a 70 in my calc class so i can move on... how the tables have tabled
roger you need to stan skz
is a bot
the rain today perfectly depicted my beautifully depressed finals mood :)
I am stressed to make sure my final grades add up to a 4.0 gpa
Me impossibbble es fial eneglish
i've gotten so used to annually visiting this site for finals week that it's kind of bewildering to acknowledge that this will be my last time needing it :0 this is my last yr & this site has been a blessing from God (AKA Roger) -- thanks dude :]
p.s. hope u have a great day/night, whoever's reading this
I have been using this calculator since middle school. Now I'm in college.
</div><span style="color: #17e; font-weight: bold;">can i pretend to be roger?</span>
Roger: Nice try :)
My school blocked your site for for: (Forums/Networking) and im on the dark web accessing your site. >:)
Roger: Haha
C's get degrees baybeeeee
I'm going to fail my final
I always come here around finals to see people's comments even though I never use the calculator.
I'm almost failing my IT class, need to try and at least pass this final and most likely change my major
didn't realize how hopeless i was till now! senioritis amirite?
(. ) ( .)
They are chubby,
they are fat,
and although they are adorable,
chipmunks will not hesitate to attack.
Who really is Roger? These are the questions we should be asking. Because I would love to talk to Roger right now and ask him a few questions like why make this why reply to the comments with many more to come.
Roger: Haha
this website is a blessing and a curse - im not worried about finals but its also horribly demotivated me from anything school
Ok "Dontavious" its not like ur name is any better lol
need an 86.83 to get an A in compsci. Thing is, I've never been able to get that score first try on any compsci tests, so we'll see where the road takes us
i need a 70 to make an 80 in genetics so rip. Anyways stream universe by nct u and good luck on your exams ^^
goofy mf name
ayo Lamontrey J Quarles F u and ur physics grade ong fr my brotha
Because one dog ain't enough, and two is too low, it's me, Three Dog!
You could say it is a three dog night. Shmabala!
My grade in AP Physics right now is a 60% and I want to get at least a 70% on the final, but I don't know how much the final's worth, so...???
Roger: Good luck!
obama obama obama
i may have done something wrong but why tf do i need a 103% on my final to raise my grade from a 88 to a 90
Roger: Yeah, it’s basically impossible unless your final is worth a lot.
finals are an L
I am rage quitting life
@DWren good luck! I hope you got the score you needed!
can i get a sko buffs