
Page 143 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 143)

Wed, 18 Nov 2015 01:53:09 GMT

hello roger, I have a 91.1% as my grade and i took a test and there 12 question and i think i got 4 out of 12 correct. What would be my grade?

Roger: If you got 4 out of 12 correct, then you got a 33.3%. But your overall grade depends on how much your test is worth.

Tue, 17 Nov 2015 23:22:26 GMT

If I have a 76% with 2 test and final exam left, what do I need to score to get an 78%. Final worth 15%

Roger: Well, it depends on how much those 2 tests are worth as well.

Tue, 17 Nov 2015 22:29:23 GMT


This is the information that I know:

Exam #1 (15%): 88.6%
Exam #2 (15%): 76%
Exam #3 (15%): 93%

Homework (15%): 96%
Online Assignments (15%) : 100%

Final Exam (25%): Not available

What do I need to get on the Final in order to get an A?

Roger: Your current grade is a 90.72%, and you’ll need at least a 87.84% on the Final in order to get a 90% overall.

Tue, 17 Nov 2015 19:33:41 GMT

Hello Roger,

I need help figuring out my current grade/what I need to get a B in the class on my final exam. Thanks!

Our Course is divided into:

Exam 1 (15%): Attained 75.56%

Exam 2 (20%): Attained 68.89%

Exam 3 (20%): Attained 60.00%

Workshops (10%): Currently 90.8%

In-class Quiz (2%): Currently 100%

Participation (3%): Currently 100%

Final Exam (30%): Not yet Available

Roger: Your current grade is a 73.13%. In order to get a B (80%) overall, you will need to get at least a 96.03% on the final exam.

Tue, 17 Nov 2015 17:57:59 GMT

The final in my comm arts class is worth 10% and I have an 88. What do I need to get an A?

Roger: Assuming that an A is a 90%, you’ll need to get at least a 108% on the final exam to get an A.

Tue, 17 Nov 2015 17:53:28 GMT

I got 188 yearly mark so i think i scored 50 in lst term so can it be able for me to pass

Martin K
Tue, 17 Nov 2015 12:58:06 GMT

Hi Roger,

Unfortunately this calculator is not working as desired. I've been doing my head in following your calculations and it's just not working correctly.


Current grade: 10
Exam Weight: 80
Mark Needed: 50

The calculator is stating that I need 60% to achieve the 50% pass rate which is incorrect. I have a spreadsheet in Excel with my calculations and if I add 60% to the 10% current grade
I end up with 62% for the year mark, not 60% as the rogerhub calculator suggests. I would need 50% in the exam to obtain 50% pass rate.

The formula I've used in Excel is (Mark Needed - Current Mark) / (Exam Weight / 100).
(50 - 10) / (80 / 100)
= 40 / 0.8
= 50

Going by my example above, the Current Mark is 10 / 20 (20%) weight which is 50%. The Exam Mark, when reverse calculating, is 40/80 (or 50%). The combined answer should be 50%.

Sorry if this doesn't make much sense.

Roger: Your current grade should actually be a 50% (10/20), not a 10%. If you actually had a 10%, your grade should be 2/20 not 10/20. (Percentages are fractions of 100, by definition.) You need to get at least a 50% on your 80% Exam in order to get a 50% overall. If you use 50% instead of 20% in the calculator, it’ll tell you the same thing. Hope this helps!

stressed over grades
Tue, 17 Nov 2015 12:26:48 GMT

Even though I'm a stressed this site always makes me feel better

. .

Kilroy Was Here
Tue, 17 Nov 2015 06:59:02 GMT

Almost Jumper....

No. Because if you stay ahead with the homework, and study like a MoFo you can still squek out with a C. No one said college was fun, haha. It is alot of work. Yes, MyMathLab is a grind, I am doing Stats right now. I have logged in well over 200 + hours in homework, plus the classes, plus the mandatory 12 hours between each section test. Sitting at a 64.25, I will pass if it kills me. JUST KEEP GETTING 95 or above on rest of homework, do the problems, and get ready for the last exam and finals. i know you have some Chapter Quizzes in there, get 90s or above. IT IS A PAIN IN THE A$$, BUT DO IT and you will pass. Fingers crossed, sorry, I have not alot of pity as I have been working my a$$ off also. SO.... JUST DO IT and quit whining.

Tue, 17 Nov 2015 02:39:10 GMT

I have a civics teacher and my grade is a 64. And it is hard then I have a math teacher she gave me a 64 below what will that get me

Roger: I don’t understand what you’re saying. Could you rephrase your question?

Mon, 16 Nov 2015 22:47:28 GMT

I need a 100% in all my classes to get an A

Almost Jumping
Mon, 16 Nov 2015 06:32:42 GMT

Learned too late that my professor is seriously sadistic in her homework and testing methods. The homework is assigned online (College Algebra), but in such large quantities, due every other day, and often due on the same day as a large exam. I have logged nearly 200+ hours according to the MyMathLab counter. Her homework consists of only get 1 point for a 5+ part question, and she does that on the tests. It's been killing me. Then, you spend most of the time on homework, valued at only 10% of your grade. So even though I have an 86% in homework scores, I have Test Freeze and have failed all 4 tests at about 56% each test, as well as some quizzes, (worth 25% of my grade), leaving me with an overall average of 59.6% right now. I have only 5 homework assignements and the standard on-campus Final Exam. For me to graduate, I must have a C on the Final and an overall grade of C in the class.

I'm doomed aren't I? Especially since I am a Test Freezer.

Roger: If you haven’t already, I would definitely check with your university to see what kind of test taking accommodations they offer for students who have trouble concentrating on exams. It’s a very serious matter in academia, and at least at my university, it’s not uncommon for students to get 1.5x to 2x the allotted time, in addition to a special quiet room or even a room all to themselves. Give it a try! You shouldn’t let your anxiety get in the way of a proper assessment, and your professor would agree.

My teacher took a shit on me
Mon, 16 Nov 2015 05:42:28 GMT

She just looked at my grade and said, let me take a giant hot shit on him and make sure he dosent make it to any college ever

Mon, 16 Nov 2015 02:45:14 GMT

I got a 76.4% of my midterm. I only have one other exam in the class which I have not taken yet. Participation counts for 10% of our grade and I have 100% in that category. Each of the two exams counts for 45% each. What do I need to get on the other exam to get an 83.0% in the class?


Roger: You’ll need to get at least a 85.82% on your remaining exam to get a 83.0% overall.

Mon, 16 Nov 2015 01:40:56 GMT

Ok lol this is probably really easy to calculate but I need some help, since I don't really know how to calculate it.

Well... Since my teacher is soo mean, she's making us take these collaborations of exams, in preparation for the final exam. She said a few weeks ago they weren't going in the grade book but she changed her mind on Friday. There's a total of 500 points for all 5 of the tests, 100 points each. I currently have a 91.14% (cumulative point system, 3744/4108) So I got a 62/100 on the first test, and she said the other 4 tests are super hard. But it doesn't stop there, she said for all 5 of the tests she will put them in a separate category worth 17.5% of our grade, so making all of our stuff in a category worth 82.5% of our grade and those 5 tests in the 17.5 category. right now the 62/100 is in the whole cumulative category but she's probably going to change that tomorrow. so that would make my whole classwork category 3682/4008. I don't know what I need to get on the other 4 tests to get my grade back up to a 90%, since it will go down A LOT when she puts it into the different category.

Sorry if this didn't make a lot of sense, I'm just freaking out because my grade's gonna go down to an 86 from this and I NEED to study!

Roger: So, you’ll need to get at least a 81.25% in your new “17.5% Category” in order to get a 90% overall. Since you’ve already taken 1 test and gotten a 62/100, you will need to average at least a 86.06% on the remaining 4 tests to achieve this goal. Good luck!

Sun, 15 Nov 2015 18:37:49 GMT

i need you to pass my class

Sun, 15 Nov 2015 14:32:58 GMT

Wait a sec that's a 54.83 not 57.83 :\

Roger: Oh, okay. Then, assuming you have no Final Exam category, you will need at least a 75.84% on the 3rd missing project in order to get a 70% overall. If you have a 10% Final Exam category, then you will need at least a 68.28% on the 3rd missing project in order to get a 70% overall.

Sun, 15 Nov 2015 14:13:29 GMT

I have a 57.83 in a class due to missing a project which I'm currently making up. Projects are worth 60% of the grade, and we've done two before this one, though my project average is a 52 because of the instructor putting in a 0 for this project instead of waiting for me to make it up. Without that 0, the average between the other two would be a 78. Do you know how much I'd need to get on this project to raise my grade up to at least a 70%? Any help is appreciated, thank you!

Roger: The answer depends on whether there are any undetermined categories in your grade (like a Final Exam category, for example). I will assume that your 3 projects are worth 1/3 of the total Projects category grade (tell me if that’s incorrect). You will need to get at least a 60.84% on that 3rd missing project in order to get a 70% overall. The answer changes if you, for example, have a Final Exam category. If I assume you have a 10% Final Exam category, for example, then you will need at least a 54.78% on that 3rd missing project in order to get a 70% overall.

Sun, 15 Nov 2015 05:36:30 GMT

I have a 90% and i have a project thats worth 10% of my grade. i dont really feel like doing it so i think im getting like a 50% on it. how much would that lower my grade?

Roger: It depends on whether you have any undetermined categories in your grade (like a Final Exam category?). If the rest of your grade has been determined and your project is the only thing that’s left, then your overall grade will drop to an 86%.

Sat, 14 Nov 2015 01:25:21 GMT

I currently have 38/49 possible points. If the term is out of 242 points, then what is the least amount of points which I will need to earn in order to average a 90% for the entire quarter?

Roger: Well, 90% would be a 217.8 out of 242. If you’ve only received grades for 49 possible points so far, it sounds like it’s definitely possible to get to a 90%. (I’m assuming that a term is a quarter, for you.)

Fri, 13 Nov 2015 19:57:29 GMT

I still love this website because it's still accurate and my teacher prolly enters in some more grades

Fri, 13 Nov 2015 19:46:38 GMT

I cried after entering my grade stuff in this but it turns out it wasn't an 80 it was a 90 and I got my 4.0....

High School Student
Fri, 13 Nov 2015 17:06:16 GMT

I'm tired.

Country Boy
Fri, 13 Nov 2015 16:35:51 GMT


Rick Bhardwaj
Fri, 13 Nov 2015 03:31:38 GMT

hey...don't you work for quizlet or somthing?

Roger: I had an internship there.

Fri, 13 Nov 2015 03:07:55 GMT


I'm listening to Spotify
Thu, 12 Nov 2015 01:39:18 GMT

I put my grade stuff into the M Final Counts as a Test thingy and it said to get a 100% in US history if I have a 96.3 then I just need like a 66.4% on the test but I don't feel like that's right.. I dunno.. how does that part of the calculator work? also I'm not really worried about getting a 100% in USH but I'm trying to use it for another class that I don't really wanna publicize my grade for l.. ??

Roger: That doesn’t sound right. You might get that kind of result if 1) your current test average is very low and 2) you haven’t taken many tests yet. Also, 3) your test category is worth a large percent of your grade. You can look at the formulas that are used in this calculator and verify them yourself. Take a look at section 3.2.

Wed, 11 Nov 2015 19:18:42 GMT

I used the My final counts as a test. What do I need to get? last year and it messed up. I is mad...

I a good spot
Wed, 11 Nov 2015 18:11:20 GMT

i need a -12 to get a B in a class, no studying needed

li dont have do a fuckin thing
Wed, 11 Nov 2015 18:01:39 GMT

i dont have to do i fuckin thing to get a b if i do my final and get a 0 i will pass awesome

Tue, 10 Nov 2015 23:49:31 GMT

This was honestly a relief, to know that I would only need a certain percent to get the grade i want? This website is an A+ ! I use it all the time now! :))))

Tue, 10 Nov 2015 21:05:24 GMT

Remember that one test cannot completely ruin your grade. Most of the time you can make up for a low grade on a test by getting 100% on all homework and classwork. If not then talk to your teacher because maybe the test did not sure truly what you knew

Fxck Me
Tue, 10 Nov 2015 19:59:54 GMT

I need 392% to pass my class. pls help

Tue, 10 Nov 2015 17:47:15 GMT

I need to get a 47% on my final exam to get a B in my Economic class but a 102% on the final to get an A. i guess i am locked in at a B.

Tue, 10 Nov 2015 17:27:12 GMT

Need a 46% to pass with a C and got exactly that on the midterm. I guess will see how this plays out

My Life is Average
Tue, 10 Nov 2015 16:09:06 GMT

safeguard is the robot one

Hella rad roger
Tue, 10 Nov 2015 15:40:43 GMT

My school tried to block you but here you are. bless this website

roger that
Tue, 10 Nov 2015 10:03:13 GMT

Nice clean and to the point website, kudos.

Tue, 10 Nov 2015 08:10:16 GMT

looks like i'm gonna need to bus ass to get a 90 in math

Ben Franklin High School
Tue, 10 Nov 2015 03:22:16 GMT

Don't stress freshmen! Just study all night everyday and don't do anything you love.
A 50% retention rate is normal (:

sardonic whore
Tue, 10 Nov 2015 03:21:57 GMT

need a 190% on the final to pass the class, guess i'm just going to suck dick as I have already lost all hope

Tue, 10 Nov 2015 02:53:54 GMT

Thx bromigo I was stressing over nothing!

e.g Bill Joy
Mon, 09 Nov 2015 21:42:21 GMT

WOW I only need a 55 to pass with a 30 :)

Dan Quayle
Mon, 09 Nov 2015 19:35:30 GMT

I recently visited Latin America and the only regret I have was that I didn't study Latin harder in school so I could converse with those people.

Mon, 09 Nov 2015 17:29:45 GMT

Hello, I have a 82 in my math class at the moment and its roughly halfway through the year. A test is coming up and I am curious to know what sort of grade I need to get to get at least a 90 in the class. Tests are worth 10 percent overall.

Roger: If tests are only worth 10%, you should probably focus on the other categories to improve your grade. Unless you actually meant that tests are 10% each? Either way, the answer depends on your current test average, how many tests you’ve taken so far, and if there are any empty categories (like a Final Exam category maybe?)

Monash Uni
Mon, 09 Nov 2015 08:20:49 GMT

lol. screwed.

Well then
Mon, 09 Nov 2015 02:27:38 GMT

Royally screwed.

bill joy
Mon, 09 Nov 2015 01:43:39 GMT

never mind, found it in your bio : D

bill joy
Mon, 09 Nov 2015 01:35:22 GMT

tell me stuff about the mastermind behind this website. You, Roger. What's your favorite color, college(if you are in right now), grades, (are you a stereotypical Asian), and your major(again if you are in college right now)

Sun, 08 Nov 2015 22:13:12 GMT

Thanks so much Roger! Even though it's not possible to get the grade I want, this is still a cool website that really helps others!

Roger: Sorry to hear that, and you’re welcome!

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