
Page 54 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 54)

Thu, 19 Sep 2013 01:04:40 GMT

Hi Roger.
My overall grade is 82.1
Homework is 10% of my grade and I have 100%
Tests are 65% of my grade and I have 78
"Correspondence" is 5% of my grade and I have 100%

If I get a 0 on a Correspondence assignment that is worth 5 points only, how much will my grade drop?

Roger: Your grade will drop to a 77.00%.

Wed, 18 Sep 2013 21:28:49 GMT

;) great site. what's your favorite color? mine's interesting.

Roger: Navy blue. Can’t you tell?

Tue, 17 Sep 2013 00:38:17 GMT

thanks roger. this is really useful. you're such a smartie! :)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Deione Bledson
Mon, 16 Sep 2013 01:31:50 GMT

I made a 42 on my exam that is worth 20%, i made 2 100s on frewwrites that are worth 10% and i made a 50 on something worth 10% what is my grade as of right now

Roger: 66.8%

Sat, 14 Sep 2013 20:18:08 GMT

Hi Roger.

This is not about my final grade, but its about grades overall. I got a 43 on my quiz, and my teacher hasn't put anything in yet. Tests/quizzes are worth 40%. What did I get as my overall grade?

Roger: Your overall grade is a 43%. If there is nothing else in your grade yet, then the quiz makes up the entire grade.

Fri, 13 Sep 2013 02:09:46 GMT

Random, unrelated grade calculating question.

What was your high school GPA?
And how on earth did you get into such a prestigious college?

-A sophomore getting paranoid about grades.

Roger: Uh.. I think I had a 3.93 in high school, unweighted. If you’re interested in college admissions, try this. ;)

Wed, 11 Sep 2013 00:55:21 GMT

I missef term 1 and 2 so im doing it online but i got 58% in term 3 and 4 and 53% on exam what percentage do i need in term 1 and 2 to pass I need 50% to pass the class each term is worth 20% and the exam is worth 20%

Roger: You need an average of 46.33% on term 1, term 2, and the exam to get a 50% overal.

Tue, 10 Sep 2013 20:56:27 GMT

I need your help trying to figure out something.
My tests are worth 60% My first 2 tests were a 95 and a 81. All of my homework (7 so far) is turned in at and got 100s and worth 10% . So my question is, what is my grade so far?

Roger: Your current grade is a 89.71%.

Sat, 07 Sep 2013 15:37:15 GMT

I missef term 1 and 2 so im doing it online but i got 58% in term 3 and 4 and 53% on exam what percentage do i need in term 1 and 2 to pass I need 50% to pass the class

Roger: How much is each term worth? How much is your exam worth?

Fri, 06 Sep 2013 03:02:44 GMT


Roger: Thanks ;)

Mr. Crim
Thu, 05 Sep 2013 00:27:34 GMT

Thank you for creating this and I absolutely love the advice offered with the calculations! Just by changing my desired grade by 5% the comments went from "forget studying" to "you're screwed, best of luck". Brilliant!

Roger: Yep.

Mon, 02 Sep 2013 01:13:12 GMT

My overall course grade right now is a 89.75, so since I just took my final exam and scored a 62.5, which is worth 20% of my grade, what will be my final course grade?

P.s thank you

Roger: Use the calculator that is labeled “Already took the final. What is my overall grade?”. It will tell you that your final course grade is 84.3%.

Sun, 01 Sep 2013 23:43:48 GMT

Hi roger I just took my final exam, it had 40 questions on it and I scored a 62.5 how much did I get wrong?

Roger: It looks like you got a 25/40 on your exam (e.g. 15 questions wrong).

Sun, 01 Sep 2013 18:40:31 GMT

Hey i really like your website, i think its such a novel idea that makes peoples life easier.

I really wanted to know the formulas that go with all these diverse equations.

I would really much appreciate it.

Roger: Hi Larry. Thanks for the support. Here are the final grade calculator formulae.

Fri, 30 Aug 2013 00:02:18 GMT

I missef term 1 and 2 so im doing it online but i got 58% in term 3 and 4 and 53% on exam what percentage do i need in term 1 and 2 to pass

Roger: What percentage do you need overall to pass?

Wed, 28 Aug 2013 17:47:36 GMT

Im taking my final tomorrow and its worth 50% of my grade im at a 80 average now what will I need ti make to assure I stay at a 80. Thanks so much!

Roger: You need to score at least an 80% on the final.

Mon, 26 Aug 2013 23:53:34 GMT

Ok I just received my grade I have a 34% and my final is worth 40% of my final grade. What do I need to make on my final to pass my class

Roger: What percentage do you need to pass your class?

Khari Graves
Thu, 22 Aug 2013 04:37:18 GMT

I believe I have about a 70 in my class, what would I need to get in order to maintain a 70 for my final grade if my final is worth 25% of my grade

Roger: You would need to get a 70% on your final to maintain a 70% overall.

Wed, 14 Aug 2013 23:13:57 GMT

I have a 64.4 which is worth 67% of my grade right now and the final is worth 33% overall, what do I need to get on the final to get at least a 50% overall in the class?

Roger: You need at least 20.7% on your final.

Mon, 12 Aug 2013 03:32:50 GMT

my overall class is worth 86 percent not out of 100 percent i dont know why. my current grade is 78.21 . my final is worth 25 percent . what do i need to get on final to receive a 76 percent in the class

Roger: I’ll assume this means your final is worth 25/86 (29.07%) of your total grade, and that your current grade is 78.21/86 (90.94%) and that you’re aiming for a 76/86 (88.37%). You need a 82.10% (70.6/86) on the final to get a 76/86 (88.37%) overall.

Jose Mayorquin
Sat, 10 Aug 2013 14:14:07 GMT

I only need a score of -1% on my final to get a 75% overall. Whoop-de-do. Good for me. Don't even bother studying.

Sat, 10 Aug 2013 00:59:16 GMT

Thank you so much Roger! I just found out that I should be getting a 99.74%! I was shooting for 100% but it's close enough.

Roger: You’re welcome, and congratulations!

Sat, 10 Aug 2013 00:47:14 GMT

I love this site. This was the only site that was able to convert my final points into a percentage. This is great I'm definitely using this again real soon.

Roger: Thanks!

Fri, 09 Aug 2013 06:54:29 GMT


My class is worth 25% Homework, 30% Exam, 25% Labwork, and 20% Final Exam. I have a 100% average in both homework and labwork, and a 94.5% average in Exam. What do I need on the Final Exam in order to get a 90% overall in the class?

Thank You!

Roger: You need at least a 58.25% on the final exam to get a 90% overall.

Thu, 08 Aug 2013 18:10:41 GMT

Hi my class final grade is confusing and I cant figure out how to calculate it.

We have a Hesi and a final this week then in 2 months we take a comprehensive exam which counts as 20% of the grade in this class and could prevent me from graduating. Can you tell me what I need to get in this class on the following exams to keep at least a 75% overall?

Here is my grading breakdown:
Labs 5% of grade I have a 98%
Assignments 5% of grade I have a 98%
Exams 30% of grade I have an 80%
so as of right now I have an 84%

our Hesi is worth 15%
the final is worth 20%
the comprehensive is worth 20%
(I don't know where the other 5% is)

if I maintain a B average on the final and the Hesi could you possibly tell me what I would have to achieve on the comprehensive?

Roger: Since you don’t know where the other 5% is, I’ll assume it disappeared. If you get a 85% on the Hesi (what the heck is that??) and a 85% on the final, you will need a 57.3% on the comprehensive to maintain a 75% overall.

Thu, 08 Aug 2013 04:41:58 GMT

If I have 69.04/90 so far in my class, what do I need to get on my final tomorrow if its 10% so that I can at least get a C?!

Thank you!!!

Roger: You need a 9.6% on the final to get a 70% overall.

Wed, 07 Aug 2013 13:28:36 GMT

I have a 96.04% average right now. One final is worth 10% of my grade and the other is worth 5% of my grade. What would I have to get to get at least a 90% in the class?

Roger: You need to average a 55.8% on the two parts.

Tue, 06 Aug 2013 21:18:59 GMT

I have two parts weighted at 25 each total 50 i want at least a 50% i have a 69% what will i need to get to achive a 50%..?

Roger: You need a 31% average on the two.

Tue, 06 Aug 2013 18:31:53 GMT

Does it matter if you are on a 800 point system... If my average is 82 and my final is 20% of my grade. Why I'm trying to say is will my average be the same with point scale?

Roger: Yup, that’s correct. Your average will still be an 82, and you can use the calculator accurately.

Tue, 06 Aug 2013 14:16:02 GMT

15% homework i got 6
ad 2 test each is 20% i got 67, 74
final is 45%

what do i need to get on my final to pass ?
i need 70% in total at least to pass !

Roger: You will need at least a 90.9% on the final to get a 70% overall.

Tue, 06 Aug 2013 02:34:36 GMT

I have taken 9 quizzes thus far.

Roger: Oops, sorry. I also need to know what your current grade is in each of the categories (quizzes, online homework, exams). Also, I need to know how many exams you have taken so far.

Tue, 06 Aug 2013 01:23:11 GMT

Oh I have 92.66 in my class 393.79 pts.
My final is 300 pts , it is 35% of my grade. What do I have to get on my final to get at least a C

Roger: To get at least a 70% overall, you need to score at least 83.75/300 or 27.9% on the final.

Tue, 06 Aug 2013 01:03:53 GMT

I have a 92.66% in my class. The final I'm taking is 300 pts. It is 35% of my grade. If I get , let's say a 45% in the final what would be my overall grade percentage ?

Roger: If you get a 45% on the final, you will have a 76% overall.

Tue, 06 Aug 2013 00:28:40 GMT

15% homework i got 6
ad 3 test each is 20% i got 57, 67, 74
final is 25%

what do i need to get on my final to pass ?
i need 70% in total at least to pass !

Roger: You will need 118% on the final to get a 70% overall.

Mon, 05 Aug 2013 18:43:14 GMT

Also, I have another exam to take left plus the final. Mind letting me know what I also need to earn on this last exam, before the final?


Roger: Okay. I just need to know how many quizzes you’ve taken so far.

Mon, 05 Aug 2013 18:37:31 GMT

I currently have 60.2%.

Two of my lowest quiz grades get dropped, 37% and 38%.
Quizzes are worth 10%
online homework 5%
exams(4) 55%
and final 30%.

What would I need on my final to earn at least a 70%?

Roger: I need to know how many quizzes you’ve taken so far.

Mon, 05 Aug 2013 01:08:39 GMT

-Homework grade is 35% and is 10% of my final grade
-2 Exam average is 66.5 and each are 25% of final grade
-Quiz grade is 100% and is 15% of final grade

If my final is 25% of my final score, what will I need on the final to get a 60% in the course?

Roger: You need at least a 33% on the final to get a 60% overall. If you get a 73% on the final, you will get a 70% overall.

Fri, 02 Aug 2013 23:07:56 GMT

hi i got 80% on one quiz , 71% on the other, 80% on essay, and 80% on the final...each test was worth 25% of my grade...can you tell me what i got in the class

Roger: You got a 77.75%

Fri, 02 Aug 2013 01:51:39 GMT

I have a class broke down in 4 parts
35% of my grade is a 75.2%
25% of my grade is a 60.1%
25% of my grade is a 71.7%
15% of my grade is a 82%

What is my final grade?

Roger: 71.57%

Thu, 01 Aug 2013 08:25:53 GMT

i have an exam in 6 hours. My grade in the class is 74%. even if i fail th exam (worth 20% ) will i pass the course?

Roger: What grade do you need to pass?

Wed, 31 Jul 2013 22:25:32 GMT


My homework grade was wrong these are my current grades. Thanks!

Hey I have a big stats final coming up and I am wondering what my grade will need to be

currently this is how my grade looks

broke down

50% Homework grade worth 35%
71% MidTerm grade Worth 25%
83% Case Study worth 15%
– Final Worth 25%

What do I need to make on my final for a 70% in the class?

Roger: Okay. Your current grade is a 63.6% then, and you will need a 89.2% on your final to get a 70% overall.

Wed, 31 Jul 2013 22:20:51 GMT

Hey I have a big stats final coming up and I am wondering what my grade will need to be

currently this is how my grade looks

broke down

63% Homework grade worth 35%
71% MidTerm grade Worth 25%
83% Case Study worth 15%
-- Final Worth 25%

What do I need to make on my final for a 70% in the class?

Roger: Your current grade is a 69.66%, and you will need a 71% on the final to get a 70% overall.

Wed, 31 Jul 2013 03:15:33 GMT

I have a final coming soon. I have a 84% in the class. But I want to pass my math class with a C- or Higher. What do I need to get on my final exam (25%)?

Roger: 28%

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 22:54:20 GMT

i typed it wrong again lol... i have about a 93 to 95 hw grade. 75.7 quiz grade and a 83.5 online test grade. i made a 4 on my midterm smh and a 71 on my final. midterm is .25 and so is the final exam and online tests. hw is .15 and quizzes is .10. could you help me calculate my final grade or something close to it?

Roger: Your final grade is around a 61%, depending on your exact homework grade.

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 22:38:19 GMT

I currently have a 92.6 in my biochemistry class and I am trying to figure out what I need to make on the final in order to get an A.

We have had four exams already and the final is worth 20% of our final grade. Also the lab is also counted as 40% of the final grade and the lecture counts as 60% percent of the final grade. I have a 92 in the lab with one test to go which is worth 25%. What do I need to make in order to have an A?

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 19:49:50 GMT

sorry i forgot to input m frst quiz in the first post
Hi. I woul like to know what my final grade is.
quiz 1
66.7 / 100

Quiz 3

83.3 / 100

Quiz 4

66.7 / 100

Quiz 5

87.5 / 100

Quiz 6

71.4 / 100

Quiz 7

71.4 / 100

Quiz 8

95 / 100

Quiz 9View statistics for Quiz 9

100 / 100

Quiz 10View statistics for Quiz 10

70 / 100

Quiz 2a

45 / 100
those are my quiz grades. i have about a 81 average for online tests and about a 78 average for hw. i made a 4 on my midterm..personal reasons though. i made a 71 on my final. the final is worth .25 miedterm is .25 hw is .15 tests are .25 and quizzes are .10. could you help me with my final grade?

Roger: I’ll answer your question above.

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 19:46:36 GMT

Hi. I woul like to know what my final grade is. 66.7 / 100

Quiz 3

83.3 / 100

Quiz 4

66.7 / 100

Quiz 5

87.5 / 100

Quiz 6

71.4 / 100

Quiz 7

71.4 / 100

Quiz 8

95 / 100

Quiz 9View statistics for Quiz 9

100 / 100

Quiz 10View statistics for Quiz 10

70 / 100

Quiz 2a

45 / 100
those are my quiz grades. i have bout a 81 average for online tests and about a 78 avaerage for hw. i made a 4 on my midterm..personal reasons thouh. i made a 71 on my final. the final is worth .25 miedterm is .25 hw is .15 tests are .25 and quizzes are .10. could you help me with my final grade?

Roger: I’ll answer your question above.

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 01:56:37 GMT

I have two parts to my grade, 65% and 35%. I am only worried about the 65%. Within that 65%, I must have an overall grade of 75%. Here is the following:
40% of the 65% = 86%
25% of the 65% = ?

What must I get on the 25% in order to not drop below 75%?
Thank you!

Roger: You need a 57.4% on that 25% part.

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 01:39:42 GMT

Thanks so much man!! Saved me the heartache!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sun, 28 Jul 2013 06:13:44 GMT

By the way, EACH test is 15%. It probably didn't come off too clearly.

Roger: Gotcha.

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