
Page 59 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 59)

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 23:47:39 GMT

Do you have a calculator in which we can enter different weights for differnt sections to come up with our current class average? For example tests 55% homework 35% etc......

Roger: Everybody’s grading system is a little bit different. There are a few sites on the Internet that can do stuff like this, but I highly recommend that you do this with a spreadsheet. You can read this very simple tutorial about how to set up a Google Sheet do to this, and once you learn the skill, you will be able to do it quickly in the future. Using spreadsheets is a very useful and marketable skill that you may be interested in learning.

Otherwise, you can just post numbers here, and I’ll help you out.

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 23:40:32 GMT

My common exam average is 81
My lab/quizzes/hw is 90

What do I have to make on my exam to get an A final average for class?

Common exams are 45%
Lab/quizzes/hw are 30 %
Final are 25%

Roger: To get an A (90%), you will need at least a 106.2% on the final exam.

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 23:13:57 GMT

do you like cats

Roger: I like the small ones that won’t hurt you.

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 23:13:35 GMT

So in my class quizzes count for 20%
Participation counts for 20%
Midterm counts for 25%
Final counts for 35%
There are 6 quizzes. I got a 100, 100, 100, 84, 85, and 100 on each of them.
I got a 100 in participation.
I got a 96 on the midterm.
What will I need to get on the final to make at least a 90 in the class? If you could also post how you figure out that number too, that would be great! Thanks!

Roger: Sure. So, your quiz average is a 94.8%. To figure out what you need on the final for a 90% overall, calculate (90% - 20% × 94.8% - 25% × 96% - 20% × 100%) / (35%) = 77.26%. Therefore, you need a 77.26% on the final exam. (If you’re trying this on your own calculator, don’t forget to turn the percents into decimals. For example, you would convert 96% → 0.96.) If you’re interested in how the calculator performs all of its math, you can read the formulae documentation.

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 23:02:18 GMT

I have an 88 in my math class and I made a 64 on my test which is worth 15% of my grade. What grade do I have now?

Roger: Hi Daid. There’s an option underneath the calculator titled “Already took the final. What is my overall grade?”. If you click that one and put in:

  • 88% in the first box
  • 64% in the second box
  • 15% in the third box

It should tell you encouragingly that your overall grade is now 84.4%.

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 22:37:00 GMT

Hi Roger! Your site is too cool!

Question: what is the grade of 313 ou t of 410?

Thankso much Roger!

Roger: Thanks! 314 out of 410 is 76.34%.

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 22:01:06 GMT

I need your assistance in figuring out my grade. I have taken 4 test with the following scores:
Test 1: 95 out of 110
Test 2: 97 out of 100
Test 3: 113 out of 115
Test 4: 35 out of 36
These tests will count for 70-75% of my grade. The final exam will count for 25-30% of my final grade. What would I need to score on my final to get a 70% overall grade.

Roger: Assuming that all of your tests are worth the same amount, you will need around a -4 to 10% on the final exam to get a 70% overall. To get an 80% overall, you’ll need around a 35.87% to 45.67% on the final. To get a 90% overall, you’ll need around a 75.87% to a 79.01% on the final. These ranges correspond to the range of values (25% - 30%) that you said your final was worth. Your current overall grade is a 94.71%.

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 19:21:22 GMT

I have
1 final 15%
1 homework 15%
1 test 55 %

2 free 5pts. passes

what do i need to get in order to get a C

She's offering 40pts for homework cat
If we go to Saturday school

Grade: 59.78

Roger: I’ll assume that you’re the “Brieanna” from before, even though your name is spelled differently today. Let’s assume that you get a 100% on that last homework assignment (worth ~150 points) and an extra 40 points in your homework category. I’ll also assume that you use your 2 free 5 point passes in your Tests category like I described before. You will need to average a 90.04% on your final exam and last test in order to get a 70% overall. Alternatively, you could get a 95% on your final and only a 83.3% on your last test. You could also get a 95% on your last test and only a 86.4% on your final. Does that give you a fair idea about what you need to get?

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 14:42:07 GMT

Hi, Roger

I have Projects and Assignments Overall (45.33%), Quizzes Overall (79.39%) and Exams Overall (80.44%). Can you explain to me how my overall is only 62.62%? I need to get atleast 70% to pass the class. If the final is worth 20%, what % should I get? thanks!

Roger: Well, one possible grade distribution is 40% projects/assignments, 20% quizzes, 20% exams, and 20% final exam. If you assume that these are your category weights, then your overall grade would be a 62.62%. To get at least a 70% overall in the class, you will need to score a 99.51% on your final exam.

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 14:19:59 GMT

im sorry the class work is 10% of my grade

Roger: Did you mean to say that your homework is 10% of your grade? You already said before that your classwork is 10%. I’ll assume that you meant to say homework is 10%: Your overall grade is 98.70%, and if you get a 100% on the final exam (which I’m assuming weighs equally into all of this), your overall grade will go up to a 98.96%. Check to make sure that your percentages are correct though. They still don’t add up to 100%..

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 05:57:10 GMT

So in my computer class I have a 84% in the class. I just need a 87% because I got a 93 last quarter and my teacher is willing to round the two ending up with a 90 in the class for the semester. I have a 79% test average and 95% homework average. Tests are worth 70% of your grade while classwork + homework are worth 30% (classwork I have 100%). What will I need to get on the final in order for me to get a 87? The final is just a regular test. We have taken 3 tests so far so this will be the final test. Thanks!

Roger: I’ll assume that your classwork+homework average is around a 96%. In that case, you will need at least a 95.6% on your final test in order to bring your grade up to an 87%.

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 04:54:01 GMT

I need to know what grade I need to get on my final exam in order to get an 80% in the class overall.

The Lecture part of the class constitutes 75% of the overall grade and consists of a total of 400 points. To date I have completed 300 of the 400 points and received a total score of 233/300 points. The final exam is worth the remaining 100 points.

The Lab part of the class constitutes 25% of the overall grade. I have completed that with a score of 279/400 points or a 70%.

Roger: You will need at least a 100.67% on your final exam to get a 80% overall.

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 04:52:20 GMT

Hi roger. I have a 79 in class I just took two test not included in my grade I think I did bad in one of them (maybe a 45) but on the other I'm sure I got 98 both test are 100 points and on Monday I have a final worth 10% of my grade. Can u tell me what grade I have with the two test scores and how much will 10% affect my grade thanks

Roger: Without more information about your grading system, I can’t tell you what your new overall grade will be, but I can describe it to you qualitatively. Getting a 45% on a test will make your grade go down like whhoooooosh, and then getting a 98% on another test will make it go back up like whoooooop. A final that is 10% will affect your grade a little bit, but like not that much, unless you get a really bad grade on it. If you get a really bad grade on it, then it will probably affect your grade a lot.

If you want a more serious answer, I will need to know 1) your test average (before you took those two tests), 2) how much your tests are worth as part of your whole grade, and 3) how many tests you have taken so far.

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 04:50:07 GMT

So I have a 65 in math because I don't understand it my final is worth 20% but they are adding 5% to our final so taut we can get a better grade if I want to get a C what grade do I have to get?

Roger: To get a 70% overall, you will need a 90% on your final. If your instructor is adding 5% to your final, then you will only need an 85% on the final. Does that sound right?

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 03:25:24 GMT

My current grade is 74.4% My exam is next week and is worth 30% of my overall grade. What grade do I need to get on the final to at least get a 70% passing score in the class? Thanks. The final is all we have left for the class.

Roger: You need to get at least a 59.73% on the final exam in order to get a 70% overall in the class.

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 01:35:08 GMT

Hey Roger quick question!
So right now I have a 82.8% in my math class. This is mainly because my teacher messed up and put in something wrong as a 5/24 instead of 5/5. The categories are as follows: (category, grade, weight) participation: 100%, 10%; exam: 94.47%, 30%; final: not taken, 15%; homework: 82.81%, 20%; project: 106%, 5%; and quiz: 51.02%, 20%. I already did the math and if he changes the grade to 5/5 but moves it to the homework my quiz grade will go up to 60.81% and if he changes it to 5/5 and leaves it in quiz category my quiz grade will be 63.29%. Knowing that my teacher gives 10% bonus on the final so the maximum score is 110%, and assuming that no other assignments and tests are given, can I get a 90% in the class and what grade would I need on the final for a 90%? Fortunately for me, there will still be homework and an exam or two in the class, so what grade would I need to reach in the class to have a perfect score on the final get me to a 90%?

Roger: Well, the bad news is that your quiz grade is what’s holding you back from a solid A. Unfortunately, you didn’t say there were going to be any more quizzes to take. You need to get your overall grade to an 87.5% if you want to be able to get a 90% by scoring 100% on the final exam. Let’s say that your quiz grade goes up to a 63.29%. Then, you will need to raise your homework grade to a 90% and your exam grade to a 96% so that you can get 100% on the final and get an overall grade of 90%. That seems very difficult, so let’s try something else: Let’s say you get 105% on the final exam instead. You will only need to have a 86.25% overall grade before the final exam, which is much more doable. If you raise your exam grade up to a 95% and your homework grade up to a 84.5% (both of which are fairly small increases), you will have an overall grade of 86.3%, and you just need to get ~104.8% on the final exam to get a 90% overall. Good luck on this.

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 00:50:07 GMT

Hey Roger,
I am having a hard time trying to find out what I need on my last two test and the final. I currenly have a 79.85 and need a 77 to pass. Im in a nursing program by the way and it is hard hard hard, I'm use to getting A's in everything and this is very new to me. Anyway, the quizes are worth 10%, test are worth 65%, and the final is worth 25%. I have two test to take and one final. If you could help me I would be so greatful! :)

Roger: Hi Jessica. I need to know 1) how many tests you have taken in total, and 2) what is your current test average?

Thu, 05 Dec 2013 00:00:42 GMT

Love the site, I use it for almost all of my test! Keep up the great work Roger!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 04 Dec 2013 23:29:04 GMT

Hi Roger. I have an 88.7% in my class.
There is still 1 more test (test category is weighted 25%) and the final.
My test avg is 75%.
What do I need to get on my test to ensure that I can get a 90% in the class before the final?

Roger: Hi there. It depends on how many tests you have already taken and how much the final is worth. You can use the option that say “my final counts as a test” to find out the answer to your question. You would put in:

  • 88.7% in the first box
  • 90% in the second box
  • For the third box, put in 20% / (100% - how much your final is worth). For example, if your final were worth 20%, then you would put in 20% / (100% - 20%) = 20% / 80% = 25%.
  • For the fourth box, you will need to put in how many tests you’ve taken.
  • For the fifth box, put in 75%
  • For the last box, put in 1

If you need any further assistance, post another comment with 1) how many tests you’ve taken, and 2) how much your final is worth.

Wed, 04 Dec 2013 18:35:59 GMT

Okay, in my art class There are percents and points. The grade percentage breakdown is cw 10% hw20% quiz 35% project 40% and an extra 5% is just given. for class work I have 192 put of 200 points and homework I have 380/400 and for quiz 216 out of 200 and project 276/300 Can you tell me what my exact percentage is and my maximum I can get in the class if I get a 100 on the final exam worth 20%

Roger: Uh, when I add up your categories, [10%, 20%, 35%, 40%, 5%], I get 110%. Are you sure this is correct?

Wed, 04 Dec 2013 18:01:25 GMT

Score Information
Name Date Category Score Max % Grd Footnote Mean

Quiz#1 08/26/13 Quizzes 4 10 40 F 7
Quiz#2 09/05/13 Quizzes 7 19 36 F 12
Test#1 09/12/13 Tests 59 100 59 F 72
HWUnit1 09/16/13 Assign 170 210 80 B 186
Quiz#3 09/23/13 Quizzes 8 18 44 F 13
HWUnit2 09/30/13 Assign 115 125 92 A 104
Test#2 09/30/13 Tests 68 100 68 D 71
Quiz#4 10/10/13 Quizzes 15 27 55 F 19
Quiz#5 10/17/13 Quizzes 0 33 0 F 25
Test#3 10/28/13 Tests 52 100 52 F 72
HWUnit3 10/28/13 Assign 240 240 100 A 201
Quiz#6 10/30/13 Quizzes 22 22 100 A 20
HWUnit4 11/12/13 Assign 70 70 100 A 58
Test#4 11/12/13 Tests Low 100 50 F 73
Quiz#7 11/22/13 Quizzes 0 24 0 F 14

Quizzes Subtotal Quizzes 36.6 100 36 F 74
Tests Subtotal Tests 57.2 100 57 F 72
Assign Subtotal Assign 92.2 100 92 A 85
Grading Periods #1Subtotal 59.7 100 59 F 75

I NEED A at least a [ c - ] (70%) at the end of the semester !

I have
1 final 15%
1 homework 15%
1 test 55 %
2 free 5pts. passes

what do i need to get in order to get a C

Roger: I will assume that your quizzes are worth 15%, since you didn’t specify how much they are worth. Let’s say that you get a pretty good score on your homework (95%). I am assuming that you can put your 2 free 5pts passes in any category. In case you didn’t know already, they will be most helpful in your Tests category, where they will boost your overall grade by 1.1%. (The runner-up would be your quizzes category, where 10 extra credit points would boost your grade by 1.0%.) Now, if you average a 93.3% on both your next test and your final, then you will be able to get a 70% overall. Alternatively, you could get a 100% on the final and only a 84.2% on the test, or 100% on the next test and only a 88.5% on the final. You should be aiming at around ~93% for both assignments though. Does that give you an idea of where you need to be?

Wed, 04 Dec 2013 17:42:48 GMT

Okay so I need to get at least 60% in the course.. The first exam was worth 20% and I got 59%. What do I need to get on the second exam which is worth 30%?

Roger: What is your overall grade? I’ll assume that you have a 60% overall. If so, then you’ll need a 60.67% on the second exam to maintain that 60% overall.

Wed, 04 Dec 2013 06:48:24 GMT

One more question about my English class. I'm not so good with weighted grades. It's weighted 30% Compositions, 30% Homework, 30% Tests & Quizzes, and 10% Class participation. Class participation I have 20/20 (100%), Tests and quizzes I have 191/244(78.28%), Homework I have 200/208 (96.15%) and compositions I have 38/40(95%). We are currently writing an essay which will be worth 45 points in the composition category, which is weighted at 30%. Say I get 42/45(93%), bringing my composition totals to 80/85(94%). How will that effect my overall grade if my current grade is 90.83%? Thanks for the help.

Roger: It would bring your grade from a 90.83% to a 90.57%.

Wed, 04 Dec 2013 06:31:38 GMT

Hey Roger. My teacher hasn't updated the grades online yet, and I would like to know what my current grade is now. My Bio class is weighted 60% test, 30% Labs & Quizzes, and 10% Homework. I have a 57/63 in Tests(90.48%), a 117/131 in Labs/Quizzes(89.31%) and a 92/151 in Homework(60.93%). Say I turned in a missing homework assignment, that was worth 40 points and got a 35/40 on it, so that would bring my homework totals to 127/151. Based on homework only being weighted 10%, what would that bring my grade up to being my current grade overall is an 87.17%?

Roger: It would bring your grade from a 87.17% up to a 89.490%.

Wed, 04 Dec 2013 06:29:33 GMT

Hello Roger!

So my question is a little bit complicated! I currently have an 87.87% in the class. My teacher uses a point and percentage system. However, there is a final and a final paper. The point system winds up to being 196 points. The final paper is worth 100 points, and is considered 25% of our grade. The final is worth 30 points and is considered 15% of our grade. What would I need to score on both the final and the final paper in order to receive a 90% or higher in the class?

Roger: It sounds like your teacher uses points only for calculating your category averages (your homework average, your test average, etc.). Since your final paper is worth 25% by itself and your final exam is worth 15% by itself, we can ignore the point system for this calculation. You could put [87.87, 90, 40] into the calculator and get an accurate answer in this case. You put 40% in the last box because it’s 25% + 15%. The calculator will tell you that you need a 93.13% on your final exam. What this means is that you need to average a 93.13% on those two assignments (your final paper and your final exam). It is a little more important that you get a good score on your final paper, since it is worth slightly more, but you should be aiming for around a 93.13% on both assignments.

If you want to understand more about how the two assignments are counted together, consider this: If you got a 94% on your final paper, you would only need a 91.85% on your final exam. But if you got a 94% on your final exam, then you would need at least a 92.71% on your final paper. Do you see how the final paper is a little more important, since it is worth slightly more?

Karina Garcia
Wed, 04 Dec 2013 03:09:34 GMT

My grade is a 85.7% in my class and I got a 68% on one of my tests which counts 70% of my grade if I get a 85% on the makeup test what would be my overall grade?

Roger: You said that your test counts for 70% of your grade. I think you actually mean that your tests category counts for 70% of your grade, not just that one single test. If this is what you meant, then I need to know how many tests you have taken total before I can give you an answer. I will also need to know if there are any other categories in your grade that are 0 points out of 0 points right now, like maybe a Final Exam category. (If you actually meant that 1 test by itself was worth 70% of your entire grade, then your overall grade would be 97.6%, which is absurdly high.)

Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:03:47 GMT


As of today my grade is 72% which is 80% of my grade. My lowest test score was a 62.7 which was worth 30% and he let me do a make up exam and I made a 100%. So, I have a final exam and it is worth 20% of my grade. So, what do I need to make on final to get a 79.6.


Roger: The makeup exam will bring your grade up to a 86%, which puts you in a very good place. You will only need to get 54% on the final. (Double check your numbers before you get too excited though. I assumed that your 62.7% -> 100% change has not been factored into your 72% overall grade yet. I also assumed that your 62.7% exam will be thrown out completely and replaced by the 100% score, even though you didn’t say this explicitly. That make-up will increase your overall grade by 14%, which is the primary reason why you’ll only need a 54% on the final.)

Wed, 04 Dec 2013 00:50:26 GMT

Sorry I forgot to mention that my test average is a 61.3

Roger: Gotcha. I’ll answer your question below.

Wed, 04 Dec 2013 00:43:23 GMT

Hi Roger,

My grade is a 63. I have one more test, a final exam and another test that is worth 5 percent. What grades do I need to at least make a 70 in the class? I have already taken 7 tests and this is the last one and they represent 45% of the grade in the gradebook. The final exam is 15% and the other test is 5%. Thanks!

Roger: To make a 70% overall in the class, you will need to average a 89.9% on your remaining tests and final exam. Here are some alternatives: You could get a 95% on your next test and 88.5% on both the final and on your 5% test. You could get a 85% on your next test and a 91.3% on both the final and on your 5% test. Does this give you an idea of where you stand?

Tue, 03 Dec 2013 20:29:55 GMT

I currently have a 75.7 in my class. There was a total of 5 test. I took 3 test and skipped two of them. Test average counts for 80% of total grade and final exam counts 15% and a final comprehensive test counts 5%. My final exam grade will fill in for the 2 test that I skipped. What do I need to make on the final exam to receive a 79.5 in the class?

Roger: What is your test average? (And does that average include the two 0%?) And what grade are you expecting to get on the Final Comprehensive Test?

My test average is 75.7. The 2 test I skipped will be filled in with the grade I get on my final exam. I received a 90 on my final comprehensive test.

Roger: Okay. You will need at least an 82.26% on your final exam to get a 79.5% overall. I’ve factored in the fact that you received a 90% on your final composition test.

Sam R.
Tue, 03 Dec 2013 15:33:16 GMT

I have an 88.4% right now. I have one more test left before the final exam. Tests are 40% of my overall grade and the final exam is 15% of my grade. What would I need to get on my next test AND the final to achieve a 92.6 as my overall grade?

Roger: Hi there. It depends on your test average and how many tests you’ve taken. Can you provide those?

Alejandro Dominguez
Tue, 03 Dec 2013 13:47:51 GMT

Hi, Rpger this page is great you have help me so much. Thanks

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 03 Dec 2013 13:25:06 GMT

Thank you so much! I'm not sweating as bad anymore!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Jay Singh
Tue, 03 Dec 2013 04:41:08 GMT

just wanted to say, Thank you!

This site has been helping me for years now!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 03 Dec 2013 04:09:03 GMT

My test grades are 88%, 86%, 82%, 70% and 70% counting as 65% of my grade test and quizzes which count as 10% of my grade consist of one paper for a possible points of 35, I got a 32/35 and three quizzes which was 10/10 on all of them and my final is worth 25% of my grade what do I need on the final to pass with a 75%

Roger: You’ll need a 55.9% on the final exam. Your current overall grade is 81.4%.

Tue, 03 Dec 2013 02:46:14 GMT

Hi. Love your site I have a two part question
Currently I have a 76% I have 2 more assignments worth 30% and 2 more test worth 40%
The exam is worth 30%
What do I need on my next assignments and test
And what do I need on my exam to put me in the 90% range
Is it possible or am I doomed

Roger: You said that your 2 assignments are worth 30% and your 2 tests are worth 40%. However, that can’t be the case, since along with the 30% final exam, that is 100% of your grade. I think you meant to say that your assignments category is worth 30% altogether, not that the 2 assignments are worth 30% by themselves. Same goes for your tests. If so, I need a lot more information from you: 1) what are your tests and assignments category averages? 2) how many points do you have in each of those categories? 3) how many points are your 2 upcoming assignments and 2 upcoming tests worth? 4) what is your goal in regards to the first part of your question?

Tue, 03 Dec 2013 00:39:23 GMT

I'm an Engineering Sciences major - doing math constantly - and I STILL come to this site. It's just so easy.


Roger: Thank you for coming, and you’re welcome!

Katherine Scafo
Mon, 02 Dec 2013 21:31:22 GMT

Hi Roger, my math test average is worth 75% on my report card. My math test average is 93.5 overall. How would i know that how is my test average out of 75%.

Roger: Your test average is 93.5%, which translates to 70.125% out of 75%.

Mon, 02 Dec 2013 19:34:21 GMT

My current grade right now is 71.8% I want to get at least a 70% to pass the class and I still have my final left to take tomorrow which is worth 25% of my grade. I'm kinda worried do you know how much I will have to make on my final to pass?

Roger: 64.6%

Mon, 02 Dec 2013 17:55:19 GMT

This thing is awesome really helps especially when your teachers don't post the formula until the day before the test thanks Roger!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Mon, 02 Dec 2013 07:28:04 GMT

THANK YOU SO MUCH. That is all.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Mon, 02 Dec 2013 02:33:11 GMT

Thanks, I always forget how to do this!! Good to know going into it. Helps reduce anxiety :)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Mon, 02 Dec 2013 00:52:05 GMT

I need to find what grade I need to pass the semester. 1st quarter I had a 38%. this quarter I have a 44.7% what grade do I have to get to pass, and what grade do I need to get for the final?

Roger: What grade you need to get to pass depends on your course and school policy. I don’t know the answer to that.

Sun, 01 Dec 2013 20:23:21 GMT

Sorry Roger on my last post one part was a typo. What would I need on the final exam to get a 70%? Same criteria as my last post applies.

Roger: Gotcha. You will need a 98% on the final exam to get a 70% overall.

brenda kyle
Sun, 01 Dec 2013 19:39:58 GMT

I have an 83.86%

I have one more quiz worth 10% and one moe exam worth 20% and a paper worth 30%
I turned in work for 6 points of extra credit....and I got 6 points. What do I need on the remaining assignments to get an A in the class? Is getting an "A" even possible?

Roger: I’m going to make a couple of assumptions here, since there is not enough information to give you a straight answer. I’ll assume that your 6 points translates to a ~1% increase and that your assignments are actually worth what you said they are worth. If so, you have 60% of your grade that is still undetermined. If you average a 92.4% on the remaining assignments, you can bring your grade up to a 89% and then the extra credit will bump you up to a 90%. (Check that those assumptions are true. I seriously do not think they are.)

Sun, 01 Dec 2013 17:08:47 GMT

I have a 78 in geometry.. If I score a 100 on my final what will my grade be..

Roger: Probably higher than a 78%, depending on how your final is factored into your grade.

Sun, 01 Dec 2013 17:07:34 GMT


I have a question:
I have a 97 in science
I am doing extra credit for a total of: 166 points
My teacher said it would be 25% of my grade ( counted as a quiz grade)

Roger: What is your question? There’s not enough information to tell you what your final grade will be after the extra credit. I need to know how many quiz points you have right now. (And a few more decimal digits on that overall grade would be nice too.)

Sun, 01 Dec 2013 00:53:23 GMT

my exam is worth 55% of my grade if I'm currently getting over an 80 in the course and i fail my exam will i fail the course?... or what is the minimum mark i need to pass

Roger: It depends on what percentage you need after the exam in order to pass. Let’s say you need a 70% to pass. You would put your current overall grade in the first box of the calculator (let’s say that it’s an 84%). In the second box, you would put 70%. In the third box, you would put 55%. Then, there’s a button beneath those boxes that is labeled “Determine what I need on the Final!”. If you press the button after filling in the three fields, it will tell you that you need at least an 58.55% to pass. Let me know if you need any further assistance.

Sat, 30 Nov 2013 23:42:40 GMT

I had 5 quizzes which is worth 20% of my grade. I got a 92.30, 100, 100, 100, 100.
I had a homework assignment which is worth 20% of my grade. I got 100 on that.
I had a midterm which was worth 20% of my grade. I got 100 but the highest I could get was 103.23
I had my first final which was worth 20% of my grade. I got 97.20
Class participation is worth 5% which I got the full percentage.
I have a second final which is worth 15%. I need to know what I can get on it to keep my A average. ( an a is anything above a 95)
Thank you

Roger: I’m going to assume that you got a 100/103.23 on your midterm, and not 100%. Your current grade is a 98.2% and you will need a 76.6% on the second final to keep at least a 95% in the course.

Haley Dodge
Sat, 30 Nov 2013 21:35:31 GMT

I have 2 parts to my final:

Research paper is worth 100pts 20% of our grade
Rhetorical Analysis is worth 100pts 15% of our grade

To pass the class I need a 60%, i have a 78.32 right now.. what do I need to get on each paper to pass?

Roger: You will need a (weighted) average of 26% on your two assignments. You could get 26% on both, or you could get slightly higher on one and slightly lower on the other one.

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