
Page 64 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 64)

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 23:00:15 GMT

So I need a 90%, but I received a 85% and a 88% on the other parts of the three part final that is worth 20% of my grade. What can I get on this last final so I can get an A?

Roger: What was your overall grade before you started the final?

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 22:59:09 GMT

my finial is part in the test section each part of the finial is 20 points, there are 3 parts. not including the finials there are 154 points. the test section is worth 35 and i have a 74, the in class is 50% and i have a 87 the homework is 15% and i have a 89. i need a b and i have a overall grade of 83 what is the lowist i could score. on the finals

Roger: I’ll assume that a B is 80%. It looks like your overall grade is an 82.75% and you will need to average 27.6/60 (46%) on the 3 parts of the final to get a B.

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 22:44:21 GMT

Hey Roger. You're cool.

Roger: Thanks ;)

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 21:53:06 GMT

If you have time, could you add a calculator for a 2 quarter class? My school divides the two semesters into 4 quarters, and I think it would be helpful if you had an option to input the two quarter grades, giving you the overall semester grade to be used in the "what grade do i need on a test?" calculator.

Just a thought for if you have time


Roger: Hi Will. The four additional calculators that I added last June were taken from the most common questions that people had about their grade. Your situation isn’t very common and I don’t think it warrants an addition, but if you tell me more about your grade, I can figure it out for you.

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 21:50:25 GMT

Hi I have an 87.8 in the class now and the final is worth 20% I got a 91% on the first part which is only a third of the 20% What do I need to get on the second (which is 2/3 of the final)part to at least get a 89.5.

Roger: Well, you need a 96.3% on the final overall, so since you got a 91% on the first part, you will need 98.95% on the second part to get at least a 89.5% overall.

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 21:46:59 GMT

i need a passing grade of 66

Roger: Well, you can get as low as a 27% on the final and still get a 66% overall.

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 21:25:36 GMT

Thank you so much for all that you do. You're awesome, Roger!:)<3

Roger: Thanks, and you’re welcome!

Billy Bob Joe Williams III
Mon, 16 Dec 2013 20:54:59 GMT

i have a 67 in my class my final is worth 10% and i only want a 60% to pass so i had to score a 6%.... I think ill be fine. im not stressin gout about passing or failing anymore

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 19:47:08 GMT


I have a an 82.37% and I need a 79.5%. My class is point for point right now I have a 472/573 and my final is worth 160 points. What do I need to keep this 79.5%?



Roger: You need at least a 110.7/160 (69.2%) on the final exam.

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 19:19:00 GMT

My school is in a 10 point grading system. Will this work with it?

Roger: If referring to the 10 point GPA system, then definitely.

weed grower
Mon, 16 Dec 2013 19:15:20 GMT

i love you man

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 18:12:17 GMT

I have a 100 % in my class what do i need to get a B??

Roger: Probably something pretty low.

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 18:02:05 GMT


Mon, 16 Dec 2013 17:31:56 GMT

I have 76.84 in the class

there's a exam category but no final exam category.

In the exam category I have a 71.66.

I think my final is in that category which is 60%.

What do I need to get?


Roger: Hi Crystal. I need to know 1) your current exam average, and 2) how many exams you’ve taken so far. Also, is your final worth the same as all of the other exams, or is it worth more? If it’s worth more, I need to know how much more it’s worth. Could you provide those?

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 17:24:51 GMT


Mon, 16 Dec 2013 17:23:08 GMT

HEADS up! Imma be late this year. Dont wait up. Oh and if i dont get some cookies and milk.... I WILL CUT YOU!

Roger: Gotcha..

Samuel K
Mon, 16 Dec 2013 17:07:35 GMT

Hi Roger - I have a 3 classes I'm close to failing with a 64.3%, 65.9%, and 67.2%, and the semester test is worth 15% of our grade. I want to know for each one, what I need to pass the class.

Roger: What percentage do you need to pass? I’ll assume that it’s 60%. You’ll need 35.6%, 26.6%, and 19.2% to pass those three classes (in the order you listed them).

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 16:30:16 GMT


Roger: You had me at ‘h’.

Josef Richardson
Mon, 16 Dec 2013 14:09:26 GMT

Roger, this site confuses me

Roger: It confuses me sometimes too.

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 06:40:48 GMT

Hi Roger,
If I currently have a 76% overall in a class,
100% on classwork that is worth 15%
50% on exams that are worth 15%
99% on homework that is worth 15%
82% on vocabulary/terms that are worth 15%
91% on warm ups that are worth 10%
and 57% on writing assignments that are worth 30%, but have two assignments not put into writing assignments yet that are worth 550 points, and I am assuming the final is 20% of my grade, can you estimate what I should get on those assignments and the final in order to get at least a B, so assuming around 85%, in the class? One of the assignments is 50 points and the other is 500 points because it is a term paper.

Roger: Hi K. It depends quite a lot on how many points are in your writing assignments category right now. What you need to do right now is boost that writing assignments average up to at least a ~80%, and 550 points sounds like a lot of points that you could do it with. If you want a more definite answer, I need to know how many points are in your writing category right now. (Also, the percentages you provided add up to 100% already. I’ll assume that your 20% final averages into those, but it’s something you might want to verify.)

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 05:30:10 GMT

Hi Roger. I currently have a 95.2 in my spanish class. Our final consists of an oral part, which constitutes 15% of our grade and a written part. The oral category already has 4 entries in it, and my average in this category is 95.56%. The written portion goes under the final category, which is 20% of our grade.

How badly can I do while still being able to keep an A(90%) in the class?

Roger: I need to know 1) how many points are in your written portion, 2) how many points your writing final is worth, and 3) your current writing category average. Could you provide those? (But since you already have a 95.56% overall, I think you would have no problem keeping a 90% in the class.)

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 04:51:54 GMT

if i have a a 79 avergae in my history class and my final is 25%
i am terrible at history , whats the lowest score have to be to pass my class?

Roger: What grade do you need to pass your class?

Alex R.
Mon, 16 Dec 2013 03:24:47 GMT

Hi Roger, I currently have an 87% flat in chemistry and I would like to see if I could at the very least bring it up to an 89.5%. If in the test category, which is weighted at 64%, I have an 84.9% (352.70 out of 415) and in the homework category, which is weighted at 16%, I have a 93.98 (101.5 out of 108), what is the score I would not to get on my final? (weighted at 20%).

Roger: If you wanted to bring your grade up to an 89.5%, you would need to get a 99.5% on the final exam. Do you have another test or any other assignments left? Raising your test average would help you out a lot. Extra credit would help you out a lot too. Check with your instructor.

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 03:18:03 GMT

I HATE AP LANG 4.0 Student... AP LANG comes along and i have an F in the class

I hate Calc
Mon, 16 Dec 2013 02:45:05 GMT

Well, I am now depressed to find that I will have ruined my 4.0 during my senior year of high school. Thank you AP Calculus and thank you to my school district for making finals worth less and therefore screwing me over and making it impossible for me to get an A for semester even though I have an 88 for an overall grade before the final. Oh how I love high school. Thx Roger for the well as the time I'll spend not studying for calculus.

Roger: Write your feelings down somewhere. In a year, you will realize how meaningless your AP Calculus grade was. I don’t even remember my senior year grades, and that was less than 2 years ago for me.

Stressed puppy
Mon, 16 Dec 2013 02:42:38 GMT

I have a 89.47% in my class and the final is split in 2 parts. One is 10% and the other is 7.5% of my grade. What do I need on each part to get a 89.5 +? I have a 4.0 and it's my senior year I can't get a b

Roger: You need to average at least a 89.64% on the two parts of your final to get an 89.5% overall.

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 02:36:16 GMT

I have a 90.12 in my art class, assignment score is 89.17, homework is 70 project is 93.6, and quiz score is 100. What do I need on the final to keep my grade above 90%? Thanks. My teacher didn't give us weights on anything. Contact me at my given email if you need anymore info. :)

Roger: I don’t answer questions through email, sorry! There are simply too many of you guys. Do you know how much your final is worth? As long as it’s somewhere between 10% and 60%, you will need at least a ~89% or 90% on the final to get a 90% overall, but the actual number depends on how much your final is worth.

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 02:11:45 GMT

I just want to thank you for this. I can focus on my other exams rather than the ones that I only need 70's on.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 01:44:31 GMT

Hi roger, my final is a test grade, my tests are worth 70% of our grade, my test average is 79.88 and i have a total of 82.41 in the class. I need a 75% overall to stay in the program, what do i need to score on the final?

Roger: I need to know 1) how many tests you have taken so far, and 2) if your final is worth the same as your other tests. If your final is worth more than your other tests, then I need to know how much it is worth in comparison. Could you provide those?

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 01:44:18 GMT

Hey. My current grade is a 65% in math. My final is worth %15 of my grade. What do I have to get to just pass math with a 64% or higher.

Roger: You need at least a 58.33% on your final to get a 64% overall.

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 01:41:19 GMT


My final has two parts. An exam that is 15%. I got 31/50 so 62. My paper is 25% and I have yet to turn it in to get a grade. My overall grade before I took the exam and the paper was a 72.2. I have not yet calculated my grade since the exam so the percentage will be different. My question is what do I need on the paper in order to get a 70% overall in the class?


Roger: Your current grade is a 70.16% and you need at least a 69.52% on the exam to get a 70% overall.

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 01:39:30 GMT

Thank you so much, Roger!!! You have really made me feel so much better!!!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 00:36:57 GMT

Hi if i have a 93.5 test average, a 91.6 quiz average and a 100 homework average, and i got an 89 on the midterm what do i need to get on the final for a 91.5 in the class if tests are worth 40%, quizzes are worth 20%, homework is worth 10%, the midterm was worth 10% and the final is worth 20% of my grade. Thanks

Roger: You will need at least a 84.4% on the final to get a 91.5% overall.

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 00:28:38 GMT

I have a 88.93% in the class. I want at least an A- so about 90%.

In the final category, which is worth 20%, already have our midterm score which I got an 76%.

What do I need to get on my final?

Thank you so much

Roger: Assuming that your final and midterms are worth the same amount, you will need at least an 86.7% on the final to get a 90% overall. (This is due to your midterm score being so low.)

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 00:25:03 GMT

I think I just may draw a flower on my test. Thanks for the help Roger

Roger: You’re welcome! ;)

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 00:09:57 GMT

This website is extremely helpful and saves me a lot of time! I recommended it to all of my friend's and they've all been using it too. I've literally used this over 10 times a day during finals week. Just out of curiosity, how many people visit this site a day?

Roger: During finals season? Imagine how many people fit into the Staples Center. Now, double or triple that.

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 23:45:17 GMT

Hey Roger, I am currently a JR in high school. I am a pretty decent student 3.5+ GPA unweighted taking Honors and AP Classes. I am in my schools Engineering club and I am motivated to peruse it as a career! I am aiming for a 2000+ on my SAT scores. Do you think I have what it takes to get in UC Berkeley amusing I get around a 1850-2000+ on my SAT! This would mean so much to me if you had time to respond I have been curious for such a long time. Thanks for your time (:

Roger: Engineering is a very competitive major at UC Berkeley, and most students here had high school GPAs and SAT scores that were only a little bit higher than yours. Good luck though! (Have you tried my UC Freshmen Admissions Calculator? It sounds like you’re very involved in extracurriculars, so don’t let the calculator discourage you!)

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 23:21:02 GMT

Do you think if last year I got an overall 3.7 GPA and so far this year I have a 3.3 (unweighted) and 3.7 (weighted) that I could get into a good college (just assuming I was going to college right now as a sophomore)

Roger: Of course. That sounds like a pretty decent GPA.

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 23:02:18 GMT

Hey Roger, alright so I have an 87.47 in my english class and my final's worth 20% of my grade. I tried the calculator and in order to get a 90% I need to score over 100% on my final. I just feel like that can't be right. What do you think?

Roger: That sounds correct to me. (You’re asking to raise your grade by 2 and a half percent with only a 20% final. That is a very hard thing to do.) If it doesn’t make sense to you, try calculating 0.8747 × 0.8 + 1.0012 × 0.2. You should get 90% as the answer.

Emily rose
Sun, 15 Dec 2013 21:53:24 GMT

If I have a 97 in writing worth 45% of my grade. A 94 in reading worth 45% of my grade. A 0% in speaking worth 10% of my grade. (There is a 0/10 on a speaking assignment so far in the speaking category) and we have a speech for 36 points in the speaking category and I got a 88% on it. What would my grade be.

Roger: Your final grade would be a 92.8%.

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 21:46:06 GMT

Hi Roger,
I have a terrible average of 90% in my French class and I'd really like to have all A's this semester and that's my only B. Do I really have to get like a 100% on my midterm to get a 92.5%????? I know the midterm worth 20% of my grade but its a lot of points, I think in the 200-300's.

Roger: Yep, that’s right. Raising your grade when it’s already so high is very difficult. It’s easier to maintain a high grade right from the beginning. Good luck!

Billy H.
Sun, 15 Dec 2013 21:41:05 GMT

I have a 91.32 in my class. I want to get at least 90%. Our final is worth 10%, but we already got 100% on 1/5 of the final. What will i need to get on the rest of the final to get an A in the class?

Roger: You will need to average at least a 72.65% on the remaining parts of your final.

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 20:33:26 GMT

Got exempt from my physics exam with a 91 in the class!!!

Roger: Sounds like your physics professor doesn’t want to grade so many tests.

Ree Brooks
Sun, 15 Dec 2013 20:28:43 GMT

I have a 57% in the class right now, my final exam is worth 25% of my final grade. What will I need to score on my final to get at least a 60% as my final grade? Thanks!

Roger: 69.0%.

Canu clarify?
Sun, 15 Dec 2013 20:12:22 GMT

So I have a 91.1 in chem and I'm trying to get a 92.5. The final is worth 15% of my grade and it is 100 points. Your calculator says I need a 100.43 on the final to get 92.5, but I have 5 points of extra credit for the final. Does this mean I only need a 95.43, excluding the extra credit, on the final to get a 92.5 in the class?

Roger: Yep, that sounds right.

the big D
Sun, 15 Dec 2013 19:17:30 GMT

you told me that I COULDN'T PASS MY CLASS EVEN IF I GOT A 100 PERCENT AND NOW I FAILED EVEN THOUGH I STUDIED REALLY HARD AND GOT 34 ON THE FINAL. I WANT A REFUND NOW. YOLOLOLOLOLOL SWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sun, 15 Dec 2013 18:51:54 GMT

Hey Roger. I have an 87.78 in the class.
Final is 20% of grade. What do I need to get to have an 89.5 in the class.
3% extra credit will be added in after finals.

Roger: You will need at least an 81.4% on your final exam.

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 18:01:18 GMT

Hi Roger, I have a quick question about your calculator. Your calculator claims I need to receive a 51% on my final for my grade, while my school's canvas program calculates that I need to receive a 55. A four percent difference seems like a big difference for it to just be a rounding error, so what could be attributed to this? I have used both calculators correctly.

Roger: Hi Jacob. Have you checked that the grades used by your school’s calculator match the ones that you put into RogerHub’s calculator? I suspect that your school’s calculator may have more updated information than you do yourself. I don’t think the difference is caused by a rounding error.

P.S. You can review the calculator’s formulae and verify the calculation yourself if you want.

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 09:49:31 GMT

will i get to go to college is my GPA for my sophmore year in High School is a 2.3 for the first semester andd i am in two community service clubs.

Roger: Probably. Good luck!

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 08:18:50 GMT

How bout if I wanted to maintain an 80% overall in that class? Continuing on from the post bout getting 9.2/50 to maintain a 79.

Roger: You will need at least a 41.8% on the final to maintain a 80%.

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