
Page 65 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 65)

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 10:11:12 GMT

It's Mandy.. Btw I am asking what will I need on my unit exam, not final

Roger: Okay, I will answer your question below.

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 09:49:49 GMT

I have an 87 in my AP Calc BC class. I have a 79.63 in the summative assessment category, which is 30% of my grade. What will I need on the exam to get at least a 90...(p.s.u should make a calculator for this stuffz)

Roger: Well, what are you planning to get on the final exam? How much is your final exam worth? How many tests have you taken so far in the summative assessment category? Are you trying to raise your grade to a 90% once you finish your unit exam, or do you want a 90% after you’ve finished your final exam as well?

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 09:04:30 GMT

This site works great! Thank you!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 09:01:44 GMT

I have a 74 but I want to get a 80 on the exam to get a 85. It doesn't work that well

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 07:16:25 GMT

I was just wondering if the calculator really works. Because I have 85% in Spanish and my final exam is worth 20% of my grade and I want at least a 80. It says I need to score 60% on the this really true?

Roger: Yes, that’s true.

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 05:25:07 GMT

This is awesome! Thought I knew the formula but I guess I did it wrong. I thought I needed a 89 to get an A but thanks to this I found out I only need a 77! Thank god

Roger: Thanks! You can review the formulas used in this calculator if you’d like.

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 05:24:24 GMT

Hi Roger!

I currently have an 85.77% in my math class. The final is worth 20% of my grade. Our teacher told my class that he would replace our lowest test score with our the grade I get on my final if I manage to do better than my lowest test score. The test category is worth 20% of my grade, and my test average is 86.19%. We have taken 6 tests so far, and my lowest test score is 77.17%. With this in mind, if I would like to get a 89.5%, what do I need to get on the final?


Roger: Your test category is only worth 20%? That’s unfortunate. You said that your current test average is 86.19%, which is already fairly high. To get an 89.5% overall, you will need at least a 100.5% on the final exam.

CA student
Tue, 17 Dec 2013 05:24:04 GMT

I have taken three tests so far, so the final would count as a fourth test


So currently I have a 77.75 in my math class
the final is worth 15% of our grade

the test category is worth 45% of our grade
my current test average is 65.64

Our teacher said he will count the final as both the final and as another test in the test category if i can beat my test average.

With this in mind, if i beat my test average, what do i need to get to have a b in the class?

Roger: Okay. To get an 80% overall, you will need at least a 81.1% on the final exam.

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 04:59:12 GMT

Love this! Always helps me put things into perspective while studying for my finals. Thank you!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 04:24:33 GMT

Thank you so much! This helped me while studying for finals and helped me plan ahead.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 04:00:48 GMT

Thanks so much!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 03:57:24 GMT


Roger: Thanks ;)

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 03:56:19 GMT

Exam Category 71.67 C- 60% of Sem 1

Limit Exam 78 out of 100 78%
Chap2Exam 77 out of 110 70%
Qu*est 43 out of 50 86%
Chap3AB 60 out of 100 60%
Final Exam

Overall class grade: 77.01

What do I have to get to get in 80% in the class?

Roger: I’ll assume that this question is unrelated to the one you posted yesterday afternoon. To raise your overall grade to an 80%, you will need to raise your Exam Category average to a 76.7% (assuming that your exams are 60% of your grade as suggested in your question). Let’s assume that your Final Exam is worth 200 points. You would then need a 171.3/200 (85.6%) on your final exam to get an 80% overall. (If this is not the case, please provide how many points your final exam is worth, and I’ll tell you what you need to get.)

fuck you
Tue, 17 Dec 2013 03:38:19 GMT

this site is fucking useless

Roger: Are you having trouble figuring out how to use it?

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 03:23:38 GMT

Also, whats to prevent someone from typing hundreds of single-word comments over and over and spamming the comments?

Roger: Spam hasn’t been much of an issue so far. People are pretty nice.

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 03:22:32 GMT

Thank you for this. It made my anxiety a little less! I need a 68 on final to pass my class! Good luck all on the finals! RN 2014 (May )

Roger: You’re welcome! And good luck to you too!

Daniel wright
Tue, 17 Dec 2013 03:21:22 GMT

Thanks man so much I really appreciate it!!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 03:20:30 GMT

Are you human? Because many of your responses are exactly the same and you have perfect punctuation. Or are you just a computer generated by the creator of the website?

Roger: Nice try ;)

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 03:17:11 GMT

This is so helpful.. Thanks

Roger: You’re welcome!

CA student
Tue, 17 Dec 2013 03:13:21 GMT


So currently I have a 77.75 in my math class
the final is worth 15% of our grade

the test category is worth 45% of our grade
my current test average is 65.64

Our teacher said he will count the final as both the final and as another test in the test category if i can beat my test average.

With this in mind, if i beat my test average, what do i need to get to have a b in the class?

Roger: Hi there. It depends on how many tests you have taken so far. Can you provide that?

Jacob G
Tue, 17 Dec 2013 03:10:03 GMT

I love this website, I find it extremely user friendly and the layout is perfect, as well as the tab management

Great job on it roger, I have used it for the past two years and plan on using it as long as I am in school. Keep up the good work man


Roger: Haha, thanks! What tab management are you talking about, by the way?

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 02:59:40 GMT

Yes I my teacher matched my lowest grade to our precalculus quarter 2 quiz grease and i now have an 82%! Now I only need a 61% on the final to get a B!

Roger: Congrats!

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 02:50:56 GMT

tests, quizzes, and homework are divided into 3 different categories but according to the website where my teacher posts the grades, the categories aren't weighted so i guess they are put in to one big are my percentages for the categories: Homework: 94.52%
Quiz: 72.21% Test: 61.62%

Roger: It sounds like your teacher doesn’t tell you how many points you have total. Do you have a rough estimate? Have you asked your teacher about how much the final is worth as part of the whole grade?

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 02:47:23 GMT


Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 02:46:36 GMT

Roger, tell me honestly how important high school is. I'm an A-B student in a few honors classes. How much does a few B's compare to A's in the big picture. Do the grades have a big impact on your life? What would you recommend prioritizing in high school?

Roger: How well you do in high school is obviously important for getting accepted into University or getting a job, but a single grade here or there really doesn’t matter. If you’re a great student, good grades should come naturally.

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 02:25:17 GMT

Thanks a lot! One more question though. In AP human geography I have an 86. There are two parts of the final. One is weighted 1/3 of the overall 20% and the other is 2/3 of it. On the 1/3 part I got a 93%. I take the other part tomorrow. Is it possible for me to get a 90% in that class?

Roger: Well, you would need to average a 106% on the entire final, so you would need to get 112.5% on the second part. I don’t think it’s possible for you to get a 90% overall. (On the bright side, you can get as low as a 37.5% on the second part and still have a 80% overall, so enjoy your night!)

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 02:03:34 GMT

In biology I have an 89.11. My final is worth 20% of my grade. There are three parts to the final-a part worth 50% of the final and two 25% parts. In the 50% part I got a 95%. What do I need to get on the next two parts if I want to get an A (90%) in the class?

Roger: So, you need to average a 93.56% on your final in total. If you got a 95% on your 50% part, then you will need to average at least a 92.12% on the remaining 2 parts.

Anne Eilis
Tue, 17 Dec 2013 02:01:55 GMT

Thank you so much! You releived 80% of the pressure off my shoulders!

Roger: You’re welcome! Good luck with the remaining 20%.

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 02:01:45 GMT

i have a 73.11% in my class and i want to end up with a 79.5 in the 2 part finals are 100 points each but the finals aren't weighted in my grade. plus i have one last assignment that is worth 30 it possible for my grade to go up 6%?

Roger: Can you tell me more about your grade breakdown? Does everything go into one big category? If so, how many points do you have total?

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 01:57:04 GMT

yes I understood the plot but you divided the quizzes and exams into two different catagories but they are worth the same. so what would be my overall in the class with those quiz/exam grade plus a 78 in online thats worth 10%? oh and attendence is also counted as 10% and I got an A in that. And would the grade I need to get in the finale still be the same as the one you previously posted?

Roger: So, one quiz is worth as much as one exam? I’ll take that into consideration, along with your 10% attendance grade (which you should have specified earlier). I’ll also assume that there aren’t any more categories you didn’t tell me about. If so, you will need at least a 83.09% on this final exam in order to get a 90% overall.

CA High School Student
Tue, 17 Dec 2013 01:46:37 GMT

Hi Roger, my final is put in my test section (70% of grade) oral is worth (15% of grade) and written is also (15% of grade).

My test average is 65.95% (484.75 points out of 735)

My final is worth 250 points

I need a least a 70% in the class, I currently have a 66.09%

Roger: You need at least an 87.95% (220/250) on the final exam to get a 70% overall.

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 01:33:01 GMT

Rager Halp!

I need halp in figurning out my grads for meth! I have a 78 % in quizs and 83% in homeowks. What will Iget finalsy?

Thanks and yours website is zwesome.!

Roger: Uhh...

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 01:21:57 GMT

Hi Roger i wanted to know what I need to recive in the final exam in order to recive a final grade of at least 90

All the quizes and exams are weighted the same. However I am not sure how much that is.
I got a quiz1= 89.3, exam1 = 90.00, quiz2= 91.10, quiz3= 93.33, exam 2= 94

the online work is worth 10% of your grade and I got a 78.9 on it.

Roger: It looks like you have an average of 91.2% on your quizzes and an average of 92% on your exams. Check out this plot. The x-axis lists possibilities for how much your Exam category is worth (anywhere from 0% to 90%). The y-axis shows you how much you have to get on your final exam. All of the reasonable values fall within the range of 89.4% to 89.7%. So, it is safe to say that you will need at least an 89.4%~89.7% on your final exam in order to get a 90% in the class, even though we don’t know how much your exams/quizzes are worth. Let me know if any part of this does not make sense.

Bosco Brave
Tue, 17 Dec 2013 01:20:35 GMT

Hey Roger,
My friend just showed me your site. Its really taking a lot of pressure off me for finals week so thanks for that bro.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 01:12:54 GMT

Brian Marchena can lick my balls :-)

Roger: A lot of people are quite capable of that.

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 01:01:06 GMT

Hello I be from Trelinya we fill our stockings dog fur with. but worry don't we don't dogs the kill.

Roger: Uhh...

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:56:31 GMT

Hello roger. my grade before the final exam is 83. The final is worth 150 points.

here is the point system
six exams = 600
laboratory reports 50
final is =150

possible of 800 total points. I have a total number of 541 before the final. what do i need to get at least a b-

Roger: You will need at least a 99/150 (66%) on the final exam to get a 80% (B-) overall.

Daniel Wright
Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:55:44 GMT

I have a 73.76 in a class right now and say I get a 50 percent on my final that is worth 10 percent of my grade will I still be able to keep a C in the class?

Roger: If you get a 50% on your final, your grade will drop to a 71.4%, which is a C- in most places.

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:54:46 GMT

I currently have:
713/715 points that are worth 15% of my grade,
329/338 points that are worth 10% of my grade,
199.25/218 that are worth 45% of my grade,
174.5/194 that are worth 30% of my grade,
the finals are worth 45% of my grade and it's 300 points.
What do is the least I need to get to maintain a 90% in the class?

Roger: You will need at least a 242/300 (80.7%) on the final to maintain a 90% in the class.

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:23:17 GMT

I have a 2 part final that is in the category of tests. Tests are worth 30% of my grade. My grade is an 81 and my tests are 81 (135/165). Part 1 was 100 points and I got a 70/100. Part 2 is 80 points. What do I need to get on part to to keep a B.

Roger: I’ll assume that an 80% is a B. To keep your B, you must get at least 62.95/80 (78.7%) on your Part 2.

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:22:16 GMT

Every year at finals season, do you just come on here and think "ah finals, time to answer panicky students of all kinds..." Or something to that extent? Do you take any enjoyment out of it?

Roger: Yep. Some people forget that I have finals too, but answering questions is kind of a relief, since I get to do some easier math for a change.

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:20:01 GMT

Thanks for replying Roger and the tip! Maybe if I end up with an 89.5% he'll pump me up to an A. haha

Roger: You’re welcome, and good luck!

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:19:26 GMT

Sorry I forgot to add some information you might need. I currently have 82/91 points in the writing section. In another 45% section I have a 94.2%. And in a 10% section I have 87.8%

Roger: Gotcha. You will need to average at least a 82.85% on the two parts of the final. Alternatively, you could get an 86% on the written portion and 79% on the part worth 10%, or 79% on the written portion and 87% on the part worth 10%. Does that give you an idea of what you need to get?

Vincent Tran
Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:18:15 GMT


I want to ask what does it take to bring up a 87 to a 89.5%, considering that my final is 15 %. I'm really worried after seeing the required score for me to get this is a 103.65%.

Roger: Unfortunately, that is correct. You will need a 103.666% on the final exam to get a 89.5% overall.

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:17:11 GMT

Right now I have a 91.7%. I want at least a 90%. My final is split into 2 parts. One part is worth 10% of the grade. The other part is worth 36 points in the written section that is 45% of the other 90%. Approximately what would I need to get on both, assuming I get about the same.

Roger: I need to know 1) how many points are in your writing category, and 2) your current writing category average. Could you provide those?

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:16:25 GMT

I need a -27% to keep an A. Awesome.

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:05:02 GMT

Dang Roger now I see you as a Berkley student, thanks for the reply!

And also keep doing what you're doing, you seem like a successful person in life.

Roger: Thanks, and you’re welcome!

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 23:39:33 GMT

what if i got a zer0 no one of them what wouild i need on the other 2

Roger: You would need 27.6/40 (69.0%) on the other two.

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 23:37:30 GMT

if I have a 77.01 and I want to get a 79.5 what score do I need to get on the exam? if that is possible

Roger: How much is your exam worth?

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 23:26:46 GMT

Sup Roger, I have a question for you,

What was your worst semester in high school?
I have 3-4 B's D: and this is my first semester as a freshman
luckily they are in honor's but thats still not good for my parents

Roger: My worst semester was probably my first one. I got a B+ in summer Biology. (But I went on to take AP Biology and Biology IB/HL and aced those.) You never know what will happen!

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