
Page 67 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 67)

Thu, 19 Dec 2013 01:01:16 GMT

I got like a 64% on L.A final how much is the final worth??

Roger: Did you try asking your teacher?

Sheny W
Thu, 19 Dec 2013 01:00:26 GMT

I need an A in a class.

Thu, 19 Dec 2013 00:56:00 GMT

Hey roger- how the heck do you study for an English final if it's a writing final?

Roger: Is it literary response? Persuasive?

John A
Thu, 19 Dec 2013 00:39:15 GMT

All I needed on my Biology final was a 75.6% to keep my B and I got a 75% exactly. I studied 6 hours for that final... Oh what a cruel world.

Thu, 19 Dec 2013 00:27:59 GMT

Need a 23% to keep the A in AP US.

I can do this.

Pilling My Hair
Thu, 19 Dec 2013 00:26:20 GMT

Will you answer this for me Roger? I have several categories with different weights for a course.
98.44 with a weight of 12
86.67 weight 20
10.00 weight 12
88.00 weight 14
0.00 weight 19
not graded weight 23
Can you tell me what grade I need to get to pass with a 70?

Roger: In order to get a 70% overall, you will need 120.7% in the category labeled “not graded”. I assumed that you actually meant 10% and 0% for categories 3 and 5, instead of 10/12 or something.

Thu, 19 Dec 2013 00:18:58 GMT

It said I need at least a 73.48 on my final that's worth 20% of my grade. There's 55 questions on the final. How many do I need right in order to get at least that

Roger: 73.48% of 55 is 40.4/55.

Thu, 19 Dec 2013 00:13:33 GMT

Does it matter if the course is weighted or not?

Roger: I don’t quite understand what you mean.

Thu, 19 Dec 2013 00:11:49 GMT

Hi, Mr. Hubb
I have a 66.84 in my overall GPA I have an assignment that is not graded yet, and I would like to know what I would have to get to pass the class. That category has a weight of 23 points, and I need a 70% to pass. Can you calculate that for me for tell me the method? Thank you

Roger: Is the assignment the only thing in the category? Or are there other things in the category too? If so, I need to know what those things are. Also, I need to know what percent you need overall in order to pass the class.

Kayleigh Berthiaume
Wed, 18 Dec 2013 23:56:58 GMT

I got an 86 on the first part of my math final, worth 20% of my grade, and the second part is tomorrow. I have a 93 in the class, what do I need to get on the second part of my final to keep an A?

Roger: To get a 90% overall, you need at least a 70% on the second part of the final.

Official RogerHub Fan Club
Wed, 18 Dec 2013 23:55:34 GMT

Dude, your kind of a celebrity at my school right now. RogerHub is definitely "in" right now.
Whenever somebody has a question about what the final will do to their grade, half the class yells "Roger Hub!"

Oh, and yes, you actually do have an official fan club.

Roger: Haha

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 23:52:47 GMT

I only need a 48% to get an A in bio, amazing!!!

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 23:51:29 GMT

THANK YOU!!!! I don't need to stress about bio anymore!!!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 22:58:56 GMT

Hey so this calculator said in order to get an A in the class I had to get a 88 on the final cause my grade is a 90 and my final counts for 20% of my grade. I just got my final grade back and I got an 86 on the final but still got an A. How is that possible? Did my teacher just bumb me or is this calculator just wrong?

Roger: Your teacher probably helped you out ;) Or maybe there were a few assignments that weren’t put into your grade yet when you last checked. Your overall grade should have been a ~88.4%.

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 22:30:25 GMT

You got a lot of free time.....

Roger: Do I? Nobody told me.

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 22:22:33 GMT

Thank you so much for this site! its amazing! on an unrelated topic, do you know any good ways to review for an honors geometry final? I really need a good grade in that class and I can't find any good ways to study. Thanks for your help!

Roger: You’re welcome! Try practicing with past final exams if you can find them. (Or find a smart friend.)

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 22:09:42 GMT

Okay so i took my algebra 2 exam today and i got a 68% on it. i have a 77.6% in the class for semester.what is my final grade?

Roger: That depends on how much your exam was worth.

Amanda ;P
Wed, 18 Dec 2013 21:40:03 GMT

Thanks so much for this site!!!! It relieves so much stress!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 20:54:11 GMT

My whole grade is using this now. Even the teachers are telling us to use it!

Roger: Haha

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 20:51:03 GMT


Roger: Hey

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 20:14:08 GMT

I just totally bombed that Excel final, why do they have it in Intro to Computers? I don't know. I think this stuff needs it's own class. Thankfully it's only worth 10%. The calculator says I need a 48% to keep my B which starts at 79.5%, before final it's an 83%. Good luck to me.

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 19:25:48 GMT

Roger, my teacher put in a zero for the one test that I am missing. He said that my exam grade will be the grade for that test. I had a 96 but the zero on the test brought me down to an 86.2. What do I need to make on the exam so I will end up with an A?

Roger: Can you tell me more about how your grade is calculated? It sounds like you won’t need a very high score on the final exam if your grade was a 96%.

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 18:27:34 GMT

This is fabulous! I just learned that the only final I have to study for is A.P. Literature. Thank you!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 18:13:42 GMT


Sorry you need a 91.25% on the final, and assuming questions are worth 1 point each then you need to answer 155.125 correctly. 156 to be safe. Again, I could be wrong. Good luck!

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 18:11:22 GMT


90.25%. assuming each question is worth one point then you need to answer 153.425 correctly, so 154 answered correctly to be safe. I believe these are correct but it's entirely possible I made an error

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 17:53:48 GMT

I can get a 65 on my math final and still have an A! WHAT! thank you for this site!!

Roger: Congrats! And you’re welcome!

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 16:13:48 GMT

Roger, I have a 77% in my math class, my teacher said as long as your final is higher then your lowest test score then your grade on the final will be replaced and the final will still count for. My lowest test score is a 55%. My final is worth 20%. What score on the final do i need to get to get a 79.5 in the class?

Roger: I need to know a few more things: 1) how many tests have you taken so far? and 2) how much is your test category worth?

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 16:04:44 GMT

Roger, can you tell us your high school stats that you had to get into EECS?

Like your SAT/GPA/Extracurricular Activities?


Roger: I honestly don’t think those helped me very much. I have been programming computers since I was 10 though..

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 09:06:41 GMT

So I have an 88.98% and I need an 90.0% my final is 45% of my grade and my final is worth 170 points. What would I need to get on the final to get an A? How many questions do I have to answer correct to get to that percentage?
Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!

Roger: You will need at least a 91.2% (155.1/170) to get a 90% overall.

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 08:29:22 GMT

Weight for final grade:
25% - 1st exam
25% - 2nd exam
50% - cumulative final exam

i have 62.5% right now. what do i need to get to get 73% on my final grade?

Roger: I will assume that you have only your Cumulative Final Exam to take. You will need at least an 83.5% on your final exam to get a 73% overall.

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 06:54:44 GMT

I got a tough one. I have a 72.36% as a overall grade.
Final (20%) -- I have a 73% because of 2 other exams.
What can I get on the final to keep a 69.5

Roger: I’ll assume that all of the exams in your final category are worth the same. If so, you’ll need at least a 30.13% on the final to get an overall grade of 69.5%.

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 06:35:29 GMT

Roger ur such a babe we love you ❤

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 06:24:29 GMT

I have an 80% and need a 75% or higher, what is the lowest I can get to still pass. The test is worth 20% of my grade

Roger: You need at least a 55% on the final.

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 05:47:36 GMT

So I have a 60.68 in chemistry and my final is out of 60 points not 100, how many questions do I need to answer correctly to keep my 60.7? I also need to get a 53% on it!

Roger: A 53% on a 60-point final exam is 32/60.

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 05:45:20 GMT

hey sup, needed help with my bio grade
so right now i have a 100% in homework category which is about 15 % of the grade
90% percent in labs which is 25%
82% in quizes which is 15% of the grade
and then 86% in tests which is 30%

the teacher has yet to uplaod two 50 point labs which will go in the lab category
and i hav a final thats 15%
wat will i need on the final and on my labs to get a 89.5% overall ? (lowest and highest grades)

Roger: Your current grade is a 88.94%. It looks like you have a pretty high lab grade right now, so let’s assume that on the next two labs you get around a 90% and maintain that lab average. Then, you would need at least a 92.7% on the final exam to get an 89.5%. Alternatively, if you raise your lab average to ~93%, then your overall grade would go up to a 89.8%, and you would only need an 87.7% on the final to get a 89.5% overall. Does that give you an idea of what you need to get?

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 05:42:50 GMT


Roger: <3U2

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 05:42:29 GMT

I hate to doubt this site but do you have any 'proof' that these calculations are correct?

Roger: You can check out the formulas used in this calculator and verify them yourself. (For what it’s worth, nearly 2 million students have used this calculator.)

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 05:24:48 GMT

What's your story, you seem interesting?

Roger: I’m not so sure myself.

Tony L
Wed, 18 Dec 2013 05:08:49 GMT

THIS IS SO FREAKING HELPFUL!!!!! You are a GOD Rodger Chen. I love you and this site so keep up the amazing work.

Roger: Thanks! And you’re welcome!

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 05:07:28 GMT

Roger, whatever inspired you make this website out of randomness, just GOD BLESS YOU, this is so helpful and thanks for creating this website, it has helped alot

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 05:01:53 GMT

love your site! but i cannot figure this one out.

for my trig class, the categories are as follows:

Homework/Quizzes (weight:25%)
current grade: 103% (26 assignments)

Final (weight: 15%)
no current grade (not taken yet - and i only have 1 test for the final)

Tests (weight: 60%)
current grade: 86% (5 assignments)

SO my questions are
what is my current grade now? and what do i need to get on the final (weighted at 15%) to get an 89.5% in the class overall?

Thank you!

Roger: Your current grade is 91%. You will need at least an 81% on your final exam to get an 89.5% overall.

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 05:01:30 GMT

SO i have an 89.9 in my history class, and so thats considered an A- and i want at least above an 89.5, to pass with an A- still and it says all i need is just an 87% is this correct roger?! my finals are worth 15% of my grade T____T may god help my spanish grade

Roger: Yep, that’s correct.

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 04:48:11 GMT

Finding out I can get a 67 on the final and still have an A in the class, probably the happiest moment all week!

Roger: Congrats! You earned it.

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 04:42:01 GMT

When you are trying to determine what you need to get on a the final if a final is counted as a test, what does the "The Final is worth ____ tests" mean?

Roger: How many tests is the final equivalent to? In most courses, all of the tests in the Test category are all equal (e.g. they’re 100 points each or something). That particular calculator assumes this is true and asks how many tests is your Final Exam worth? If it’s 200 points, it would be worth 2 tests. If it’s 100 points (which it sometimes is), it would be worth 1 test.

Jacob G
Wed, 18 Dec 2013 04:14:36 GMT

I mean like being able to just press tab to go through the calculator is extremely helpful and makes it extremely easy for me to determine the score needed for more than one class.

@Roger Reply:
I love this website, I find it extremely user friendly and the layout is perfect, as well as the tab management

Great job on it roger, I have used it for the past two years and plan on using it as long as I am in school. Keep up the good work man


Roger: Haha, thanks! What tab management are you talking about, by the way?

the comment below
Wed, 18 Dec 2013 03:42:28 GMT

the title above

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 03:30:01 GMT

I need a -44% to pass my gym final with a C cause I am taking it pass/fail. So great! Always hated studying for a gym test..
All my other classes I need about a 70 to pass with an A except math which I need a 87%.. Darn Honors Algebra 2

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 03:27:25 GMT


Sarah D
Wed, 18 Dec 2013 03:26:58 GMT

I have a 90.3 in my class, and our final is 15% of our grade. The final is out of 70 points, but has 80 points available, so the highest we can get is 114%. I need a 104% to get a 92.5%. How many points will I need to get to get a 92.5%? What about 89.5%?

Roger: In order to get a 92.5%, you will need at least a 104.97% (73.5/70) on the exam. In order to get an 89.5%, you will need at least a 84.97% (59.5/70) on the exam.

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 03:22:28 GMT

I have a 90 in pre-calc and I want at least an 89.5 in the class. My final is worth 20 percent. What do I need to make?

Roger: You need at least a 87.5% on the final exam.

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