
Page 86 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 86)

Fri, 01 Aug 2014 18:32:50 GMT

My grades are 100, 85, & 77 for 90%. The other 10% is homework with a 100 grade. What is my final grade?

Roger: Your final grade is 88.6%.

Fri, 01 Aug 2014 16:43:22 GMT

How can I find out my final grade?
My tests are 75% and all other work is 25%. My tests together equals to 300 and 1,307. for all of my other work.

Roger: What did you get on your tests? And what did you get on your other work?

Alejandra Perez
Thu, 31 Jul 2014 13:46:05 GMT

Test 1 - 100 points - score 99
Test 2 - 100 points - score 79
Test 3 100 points - score 87
Final 200 points - score 78.5

What is my final grade please. and how did you calculate it?

Roger: Do it like this: First, find out how many points you got on each exam: 99, 79, 87, 157. Then, add those points all up: 99 + 79 + 87 + 157 = 422. The total that you could have gotten was 100 + 100 + 100 + 200 = 500. So, you got a 422/500 = 84.4%.

Meaad Hassan
Thu, 31 Jul 2014 01:11:31 GMT

If I have a 90% and want to get 90% on the final and there is a curve of 5% what is my needed score

Roger: Can you tell me more about this curve?

Tue, 29 Jul 2014 22:35:43 GMT

ayo roger gimme 1 milllllIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tue, 29 Jul 2014 03:08:08 GMT

I have a 48.38% in the class. The final is worth 40% of my grade and there is a 10% curve. What do I need to get on the final to get a 70%?

Roger: You’ll need a 92.43% on the final.

Sat, 26 Jul 2014 16:13:15 GMT

Hi roger The work book for the class is worth 50% and I got an A the tests are each worth 15% each I got a 96, 74, and the last one I took just now. She also gives you another 5% which I got an A. So 55%= A, the test are 45% what does the last test have to be to have at least a 78 in the class?

Roger: Well, your test average is currently a 85%. If I assume that your A is around a 93%, then that means you’d need around a 9% on the 3rd test.

Tue, 22 Jul 2014 15:13:18 GMT

I'm taking a class which to pass requires a 75%. The grading scale is as follows:

Participation: 5%
Homework: 10%
Quizzes: 10%
Tests: 25%
Midterm Exam: 25%
Final Exam: 25%

I currently have a 79.9% in the class and my average on the tests I have taken is 77.89%. I have taken all but one test, and done all but one homework assignment. What do I need to get on my final to pass the class?

Roger: Well, that depends on what you get on that test and that homework assignment..

Mon, 21 Jul 2014 23:21:37 GMT

Hi Roger, my course grading system is as follows:

Homework: 25%
Quizzes: 15% ( 3 quizzes)
Test/final: 60% (2 tests and final)

I currently have a 97% after the homework, quizzes as well as the first 2 tests. As for the final what would I need to score to pass with an A , 90%

Roger: Is your final worth as much as 1 test? 2 tests? You can use the option labeled “My final counts as a test” to calculate this.

Mon, 21 Jul 2014 21:33:44 GMT

I have an 84 in one class and i need a 75 to pass the whole class. the exam is worth 12% of the grade. what do i need to get on the final?

My other one is i have a 79 in the class, the final exam is worth 25% of my grade, i need a 75 to pass. what is the lowest grade i can get on the final?

Roger: 9% and 63%.

Mon, 21 Jul 2014 03:30:31 GMT

Hey Roger quick question currently I have a 96.90 and my finale is worth 10% of my grade what would I need to get to pass this class with at least a 97 or a high A

Roger: You’ll need just a little higher than a 97% on the final.

Sun, 20 Jul 2014 13:57:40 GMT

Thank you roger for having this hub! It helps lot!!!!

Fri, 18 Jul 2014 08:04:07 GMT

Hey Roger, I'm getting a 15% in my summer school chemistry class, and I was wondering what I need to score on a final to get at least a C? The final is worth 50%, and its two parts, one project one test. Thanks for your time!

Roger: Assuming that a C is a 75%, you’d need at least an average of 135% on the final.

Tue, 15 Jul 2014 07:48:58 GMT

an NHI means Not handed in, which means i havent done it. ans 50% is the passing grade.

Roger: It doesn’t sound like you can get above a 50%. Your current grade is a 42%, and none of your other grades are above 50%.

Mon, 14 Jul 2014 18:46:57 GMT

My mark right now before my exam tomorrow is 92% what do I have to get to go up 1 or 2 percent

Roger: How much is that exam worth?

Thu, 10 Jul 2014 17:53:40 GMT

****Correction to previous post

Hi Roger,
I had 3 exams worth 45% of the final grade (Scored an 80, 72 and 52% respectively)
Final exam worth 20% of final grade (scored 56%)
Quizzes are worth 20% of final grade we had 15 quizzes throughout the semester (i calculated the total scores and my average is 96.8%)
Assignments are worth 15%of final grade we had 15 assignments throughout the semester(I calculated my total scores and my average is 78%)

What is my final grade, using the standard grading scale?

Roger: Your final grade is a 73%.

Thu, 10 Jul 2014 17:49:31 GMT

Hi Roger,
I had 3 exams worth 45% of the final grade (Scored an 80, 72 and 52% respectively)
Final exam worth 20% of final grade (scored 56%)
Quizzes are worth 15% of final grade we had 15 quizzes throughout the semester (i calculated the total scores and my average is 96.8%)
Assignments are worth 20%of final grade we had 15 assignments throughout the semester(I calculated my total scores and my average is 78%)

What is my final grade, using the standard grading scale?

Roger: I’ll answer your updated comment above.

Thu, 10 Jul 2014 08:23:05 GMT

Hi Roger, I'm getting 42% in Science 10 and I have 2 NHI's on unit tests (unit tests are worth the most other than provincials). If I got anywhere between 30-50% on the two unit tests do I have a chance of passing?

Roger: What’s a NHI? And what grade do you need to pass?

Wed, 09 Jul 2014 21:54:39 GMT

I am sorry the final is worth 35%
3 - 20% each test average (60%) 91
5% perfect attendance grade 100

What will I need to score on final to get 90% - A please?
Thank you!

Roger: Ah, gotcha. I answered your question below.

Wed, 09 Jul 2014 21:50:17 GMT

Hi Roger,
My average on three test, 20% each (60% total), is 91. I have a 100 for 5% perfect attendance grade. What will I need to get on the final to get a 90%-A please? Thank you so much Roger for your continued help! Your site instills us to strive for excellence! May the Lord bless you and your family for giving hope to all of us! Thank you again!

Roger: Is your final worth 35% of your grade? If so, you will need at least a 86.9% on the final exam to get a 90% overall.

Tue, 08 Jul 2014 05:13:57 GMT

I currently have a 95% grade or 69.5/73, my participation is worth 5 points which I have, my team paper is worth 7 points which I think we may have gotten, my final exam is worth 15 points but I got 77% according to the exam not graded by the teacher as of yet. Will my grade stay above a C?

Roger: It sounds like your overall grade will be a 93.05%.

Gwen Casper
Wed, 02 Jul 2014 01:44:28 GMT

Hullo Roger!

If I got a 87% overall in my first semester, what would I have to get as an overall grade for my second semester in order to get a 95%, 94%, 90.5% or 92% as my total of two semester overalls put together?

Please respond as soon as you may.

Thanks so much love,

Roger: You would need at least a 103%, 101%, 94%, or 97% on the second semester.

Sabrina Montauge
Wed, 02 Jul 2014 01:36:15 GMT

Hi Roger,

If my current grade is 86% what would I need to get on the final to get a 89.5% overall if my final is worth 15% ?

What would I need to get if my grade currently is 83%, 80%, 90% or 88% ?

Please Help!
Thanks, Sabrina

Roger: If you have an 86%, you will need to get at least a 109.3% on the final. If you have an 83%, you need a 126.3%. If you have an 80%, you need a 143.3%. If you have a 90%, you need a 86.7%. If you have an 88%, you need a 98%.

Sabrina Montauge
Wed, 02 Jul 2014 01:33:54 GMT

Hi Roger,

If my current grade is 86% what would I need to get on the final to get a 90.5% overall if my final is worth 15% ?

What would I need to get if my grade currently is 83%, 80%, 90% or 88% ?

Please Help!
Thanks, Sabrina

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 23:46:49 GMT

I just want to know if my test I need to take is worth 130 points and I get a zero, how much would it drop my grade?

Roger: That depends on how much your test is worth.

Plz Help Me
Sat, 28 Jun 2014 16:43:41 GMT

i made an 86 on the test, and i had an 83 average, what is my new average, and what do i need to make on the final exam to make an average of 90.
The test was worth 30%, and the final exam is worth 15% of my semester grade... plz help me find out what i need ti make on the final!

Roger: Do you mean that your test is worth 30%? Or your test category is worth 30%? I think you meant the latter.

Fri, 27 Jun 2014 16:10:15 GMT

I just need a check to be honest, so I got a 47.0% on my final exam and I'm coming in with a 51.2% and the final is worth 15%. I calculated it and my results came out to be 50.25% is this correct? Is this accurate?

Roger: That sounds about right.

Thu, 26 Jun 2014 13:14:11 GMT

– 1st HALF AT 40% and THE 2nd HALF AT 60%

The 1st half had 100 questions that had 19 incorrect answers and 81 correct answers.

The 2nd half had fill in the blanks which consisted of 51 answers with 37 correct and 14 incorrect.

Thank you!!

Roger: Your total grade on the exam is 75.9%.

Wed, 25 Jun 2014 02:27:57 GMT

hey so i don't think it calculated mine correctly or something idk... i need a 79% in the class but i have a 78 and the exam is worth 20% (in two parts) the first i did i got a 75% what % do i need on the second part to get a 79% ?

Roger: Well, you’ll need to get a 83% overall on the final exam. So, that means you’ll need to get at least a 91% on the second part. Does that sound right?

Jonah Tumbler
Wed, 25 Jun 2014 01:05:29 GMT

Lol i need a friggin 103 percent well guess it'l be summer school then

Lola Perez
Wed, 25 Jun 2014 01:03:36 GMT

I need a 24% to get an overall, of 70% in math. I have an 81.71% now and I wasn't nervous, but now that I've taken the test I'm actually really scared! 70% equals a B- where I'm from (which I feel is my lowest possible acceptance mark). Aaaaah I really hope I got that 24% lol

Wed, 25 Jun 2014 01:00:22 GMT

It's safe to say that this website is my go to website the week before finals. What you've created is absolutely amazing and seriously much appreciated. I try calculating my grades with my calculator for tests and stuff, but when it comes to finals week my brain hurts so I use your website!

Love it and thank you so much for creating something so useful to all students our there!
I have one more final left and thanks to you I only need a 68% to get an A in the class!
You're the absolute best Roger!

Roger: You’re welcome! And thanks!

UnSatisfied Guy
Tue, 24 Jun 2014 21:55:41 GMT

OK so i have took one test today, i have another test on Thursday, and the final on next Monday. I got an 89 on todays test, i would like to know what i need for Thursday test and the final, the the 2 number as low as possible, but i still want a 90% semester average.

Your current grade is 83%.
You want (at least) a 90% in the class.
Your final is worth 75% of your grade.
You have 3 parts to your final.
You have taken 1 part(s) already.
Your 1st part is 100 worth points.
Your 2nd part is 100 worth points.
Your 3rd part is 100 worth points.
On part 1, you got 89 points.

It says i need : " score at least 94% on the remaining parts of [my] final..."
Can i please get 2 separate grades? one for the test on Thursday and one for the final?

Roger: That calculator assumes that your “current grade” doesn’t include any part of your final exam. Is that correct? If so, you should interpret the “94%” as “you will need to average a 94% on the two remaining parts”. For example, if you get a 96% on one part and a 92% on the other part, that would be okay. You’ll make your goal as long as you get the average of the two parts is at least 94%. You could get 94% on both parts too.

UnSatisfied Guy
Tue, 24 Jun 2014 21:45:05 GMT

Well see, I have a 83 in the class, and i want to get an A, so at the absolute least a 89.5. Thing is there is one test i have on Thursday, then on next Monday i have the final. So i would like to know what to make on the test and final. Is that possible with this calculator?

Roger: That’s a little difficult to calculate with just this calculator. If you post more details, I can help you out though. I need to know 1) how much your test category is worth, and 2) your current test average, as well as 3) how much your final exam is worth.

Freaked to the Max(math)
Tue, 24 Jun 2014 18:08:24 GMT

I currently have a 60%, my final exam which is 30% of my grade consists of 2 parts. I need to get a C in this class....the project portion of the final Im certain I will at least get a B, what do I need on the exam portion to raise my grade to a c??? HELP

Roger: Well, you’ll need to average at least a 93% on the final exam. If we assume that each part of your final is worth half of the 30%, then you’ll need about a 103% on the exam portion, depending on what exactly you get on the project portion. (I assumed an 85%.)

Tue, 24 Jun 2014 00:36:55 GMT

So I have an 87% in the class and my final is worth 49% of my grade, but it's in the test category which is 77.53% how much do I need to get on the final to get my grade to an 90%?

Roger: That depends on 1) how many tests you have taken so far, and 2) your current test average.

Mon, 23 Jun 2014 20:28:22 GMT

Roger, My Social Studies final is worth 40% of my grade. I have a 97.3. I heard all I need is a 17% but you're telling me I need a 79%. HELP ME, I'M CONFUSED

Roger: What grade are you trying to get overall?

Mon, 23 Jun 2014 15:42:58 GMT

Hey so I'm getting around 63%, I just need to Pass this class. My exam is worth 20%. So do I only need like 10% to pass lol?

Roger: Well, the exact number depends on what percent overall you need to pass.

Mon, 23 Jun 2014 05:46:34 GMT

Only need a C on my final to retain my A! Stress level ~ 0% Thanks Roger! Have an awesome summer (:

Roger: Thanks! You too!

Mon, 23 Jun 2014 04:16:29 GMT

Okay so, my teacher called my parents and said I need to do really well on my exam to get the credit. My mark is either a 65 or a 63 so what's the worst I can do? This thing says I can get a 0 and still get at least a 50 but I don't get why he'd say I'd fail if this is true??

Roger: You should probably follow what your teacher told you. Teachers are ultimately in charge of deciding your course mark, and if they might not give you credit even if you technically get above a 50% overall.

Sun, 22 Jun 2014 16:47:37 GMT

Ok so I have an 87.5 in one of my classes and my teacher told me I need to get a 96% to get an A. How much is my final worth?

Roger: It sounds like your final is worth 30% of your grade.

Sun, 22 Jun 2014 12:44:57 GMT

Is this accurate?

Roger: You can read about the formulas if you want to confirm them yourself.

Sat, 21 Jun 2014 18:40:44 GMT

Is this really accurate? I have a 64 in math and to pass the class I need atleast 16% ON MY FINAL?

Roger: The exact number depends on how much your final is worth and how much you want to get overall.

Sat, 21 Jun 2014 12:17:25 GMT

Help please!!! I have a C in my class and I got a D on my exam but its only worth 20% of my overall grade what is my grade??

Roger: Well, probably a C-?

Sat, 21 Jun 2014 04:05:47 GMT

Thank you so much!!!!
You are awesome!!!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Fri, 20 Jun 2014 07:31:07 GMT

Can someone please explain why...
I am currently sitting on 50% (i got 10/20 first quiz, and 10/20 second quiz)
Both quizzes were worth 20%

Why is it that i need 70% in my paper worth 60%, to pass the course at 50%?

Roger: Is each quiz worth 20%? Or both quizzes together? It sounds like you only accounted for 80% of your total grade. Where’s the remaining 20%?

Jesse Martel
Thu, 19 Jun 2014 22:20:30 GMT

Thank you so much Roger, I figured out that I only need a 59 on my final exam to end with a 75 average in math :) Have a nice summer

Roger: You’re welcome! You have a nice summer too!

Thu, 19 Jun 2014 14:36:33 GMT

I have a 68 and my final is worth 30 i want at least a 50 and it says i only need an 8 is this true?

Roger: Sounds about right.

Thu, 19 Jun 2014 06:45:17 GMT

Thanks for making this. It's a stress free

Roger: You’re welcome!

Thu, 19 Jun 2014 03:00:49 GMT

Hep! what does it mean if I need a negative percentage on my final exam?
I have a 96% average, I need 50% overall to pass, and my final is worth 40% of my overall mark, giving me -19%

Roger: You can get a zero on the exam and make the mark.

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