
Page 90 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 90)

Tue, 09 Dec 2014 04:59:11 GMT

Love this! and love the uplifting humour with the response, thanks a lot! so helpful. :)

Roger: You’re welcome!

charles in charge
Tue, 09 Dec 2014 03:40:23 GMT

i have a 99% in math and I want to get a B in the class. Tests are 20%. Help a brother out cracker

Tue, 09 Dec 2014 01:02:11 GMT

thanks roger are u in like college

Roger: Yea I am in like college!

Tue, 09 Dec 2014 00:42:04 GMT

Sometimes when I type in my grade in one of the boxes, the text i type will shift over the words "(e.g. 90)" instead of clearing that text first, then displaying what i type. also the text appears light gray and italicized.

Roger: I just fixed it. Shouldn’t happen anymore. Thanks!

Tue, 09 Dec 2014 00:38:37 GMT

"You will need at least a -40% on the final exam in order to have a 90% average. Maybe you can just draw a flower on the test or something."

I wish :(

help im fayling math,:
Tue, 09 Dec 2014 00:34:14 GMT

halp me my math grade isa 69.55555555555555 (litraly thats whats on the caluator) and ineed to pass tat classs or els i cant get a job. the nextt test is worfth 30% of our entier graed. what do i nead on itt?


Roger: Well it depends on what you need to pass.

Mon, 08 Dec 2014 23:33:29 GMT

I have an 89.89% in chem. Tests are worth 45% of the grade and the final is 25% of the test category. What do I need to get to get an A (90%)?

Roger: So, I’ll assume you just have 1 final left to take and no tests. You will need to get at least a 90.33% on the final to get a 90% overall.

Mon, 08 Dec 2014 22:54:45 GMT

Hi Roger I was wondering if you could please answer this question for me? I have a 77% in my class. there are two parts to my final. one project worth 10% and the final exam worth 20%. I got back my project and I got a 87%. what is my average now thanks!!

Roger: Your current average is now a 78.25%.

Mon, 08 Dec 2014 22:40:13 GMT

Thanks! hope I pass my finals!

Mon, 08 Dec 2014 22:32:34 GMT

Hey, this site is pretty cool! it's really good for taking the edge off the final exam stress. Thanks Roger!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Mon, 08 Dec 2014 22:03:03 GMT

Jesus Christ, people. Just use the calculator...

must go to hsrverd
Mon, 08 Dec 2014 21:00:12 GMT

hey i hsve 26% in baiolagy, i need 98% to get 2.2 to go to harverd. finel werf 63% wha du eye niid

Mon, 08 Dec 2014 17:50:34 GMT

I have an 88 in my class does anyone no what I will need on my final worth 20% of my grade to pass the class with at least an 80

Roger: You need to get at least a 48% on your final to get a 80% overall.

Mon, 08 Dec 2014 16:57:55 GMT

I have a 92 in Precalculus right now. I need to get at least a 90 to get an A in the class. Our semester exam is worth 33%. But there's another factor: our exam grade will replace our lowest test grade. I've gotten an 100, a 93, an 86, and an 83. So the exam grade would replace the 83. Tests are worth 52% of our grade. So what do I need to get on the exam to keep a 90 A?

Roger: You need to get at least a 85.2% on your exam to get a 90% overall. (The dropped test doesn’t help much, because your lowest test grade is already pretty high!)

Yeny Overboard
Mon, 08 Dec 2014 13:01:00 GMT

Hi, my grade right now is a 63% and I need a 60% to pass and the test is worth15%

Roger: You will need at least a 43% on the test then, assuming there are no undetermined categories.

Mon, 08 Dec 2014 06:54:03 GMT

I have a 78 in the class but i have two big tests coming up and a final can i get it to a B still.

Roger: Sure you can! It depends on how much the tests and final are worth though.

Mon, 08 Dec 2014 05:50:59 GMT

dude, this is great. you are great.

Roger: Thanks!

Mon, 08 Dec 2014 04:59:13 GMT

Hello, I have a 75.61% but a 83% is a pass I was just wondering what i would need to get on my exam that is worth 25%?

Roger: You will need to get at least a 105.2% on your final exam.

Mon, 08 Dec 2014 04:05:48 GMT

cool website

Mon, 08 Dec 2014 02:59:43 GMT

So roger my school uses a standards based grading system cuurnely I have a 2.51 which is a B if I want to keep a B what should I get on my final to keep da B the final is worth 15%. Also what if I Had 3.0 what would my grade me. And what if I had a 3.51 is an A what will I need to get on the final to have an a. Lowest B is a 2.51

Roger: I don’t quite understand what you’re saying.

Student 1
Sun, 07 Dec 2014 22:14:48 GMT

Hello Roger,

I currently have 622.69 out of 669 points in my class. The teacher will drop my lowest test grade which was 78 out of 100 points. Our final is worth 100 points. What would I need to get to keep my A?


Roger: I’ll assume an A is a 90%. If so, you’ll need at least a 57.4% on the final exam to get an A. (Your current overall grade, with the lowest test grade dropped, is a 95.7%.)

Sun, 07 Dec 2014 21:10:42 GMT

Thanks so much for this. I really needed to know that i can mess up... and still be okay.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sun, 07 Dec 2014 20:20:55 GMT


Sun, 07 Dec 2014 16:24:56 GMT

hello roger,
im in an art class... there is a final worth 10% of my grade and three huge projects that is under the project category (we have done many). I have a 76.6 and all I want is 70 to pass the bitch ass class (projects are worth 50 percent and my average on them is 71.3). Help me out cause these projects are super hard and its a freaking elective i just want the credits.

Roger: What do you need help with? (I can’t tell you what grade you need to get, without more details. Like how much of your project category is your final worth?)

Sun, 07 Dec 2014 14:20:14 GMT

I have 55 in class and a passing grade is 60. The exams are worth 20% of grade. What do I need to get in order to pass?

Roger: When you say ‘Exams’, are you referring to an Exam category? Or a single exam?

Sun, 07 Dec 2014 14:19:38 GMT

Hi, i have 4 homework assignments worth 20% of my grade i got 70%, 90% , 90% , 100% on them. i have 3 tests worth 30% of my grade which i got 70% , 95% , 60%. i have one midterm worth 20% of my grade which i got 61.25%. and there's a final exam worth 30%. What is my grade right now and how much do i need on the final to get a final grade of 64%. Thank you!

Sun, 07 Dec 2014 14:18:45 GMT

Hello Roger!

I need to know what I should get on my final exam to achieve 77% or 80% in my final course grade.

Here is how our grading works.

2 Midterms (Each worth 15%)= total of 30%
Quizzes (Total worth 15%)
Homework (Worth 5%)
Final (Worth 50%)

What I have:

Midterm 1: got 35%
Midterm 2: got 63.50%

Quizzes (So far): 84.8%
Homework (So far): 96%
Final exam: ..Still need to do it..

Roger: Your current grade is a 64.6%. To get a 77% overall, you’ll need at least a 89.4% on your final exam. To get a 80% overall, you’ll need at least a 95.4% on your final exam.

Roger: Umm.. it looks like I already answered this? Hmm...

Felicity :)
Sun, 07 Dec 2014 14:17:58 GMT

Only need 50s or 60s to get the grades I want in my classes. Hooray!

Sun, 07 Dec 2014 14:17:10 GMT

Well. There's no way I can get an A in any of my classes. Oh the joy of being a college student.

Sun, 07 Dec 2014 10:10:51 GMT

I have a 113 percent and my final is worth 20. Im Turnin it in soon as i get it XD

Sun, 07 Dec 2014 04:47:56 GMT

only need a 195.5%

Sun, 07 Dec 2014 00:23:00 GMT

I think there is something wrong with this calculator because a girl at my school got a C on her final and it didn't drop the way this claculator said it would. (and yes both the test and her info entered into this calculator were correct)

Roger: The calculator is accurate! The formulas used are available for anyone to verify, and more than 3.7 million students all around the world have used this calculator. You should double check with your instructor.

Sat, 06 Dec 2014 22:51:58 GMT

This is so nice to use it with my school classes. I think u did good job on the math part. Happy yay!!! !! Well talk to u later Roger. Thanks roger. :-}


Roger: You’re welcome!

A to the W to the E to the SOME
Sat, 06 Dec 2014 21:08:42 GMT

Well, I'm going to fail. (Enthusiasm: Level 100) Thanks for this site anyways! It's so helpful! Now I know there's no point in studying for some of my finals, and now I know how much I have to study for my other finals.

Roger: Aww, bummer. Good luck on your other finals!

Sat, 06 Dec 2014 20:08:50 GMT

I have a 87 average in my class and I want to make an A. my final is worth 20% of my grade. what do i need to make on my final in order to get an A??

Roger: I’ll assume an A is a 90%. To get an A, you will need to get at least a 102% on the final exam.

JIm Jam
Sat, 06 Dec 2014 00:01:10 GMT

Roger, This is brutal bud, why do you answer all these people. You have much more patience then I could ever manage, Keep on truckin'.

Roger: Haha, thanks.

Fri, 05 Dec 2014 23:50:23 GMT

Hi, i have 4 homework assignments worth 20% of my grade i got 70%, 90% , 90% , 100% on them. i have 3 tests worth 30% of my grade which i got 70% , 95% , 60%. i have one midterm worth 20% of my grade which i got 61.25%. and there's a final exam worth 30%. What is my grade right now and how much do i need on the final to get a final grade of 64%. Thank you

Roger: Your current grade is a 74.6%. You need at least a 39.2% on the final exam to get a 64% overall.

Fri, 05 Dec 2014 23:39:00 GMT

So my three quizzes are worth 15 percent I got 30%, 95%, 90% my midterm was also worth 15 percent I got 56%. My essay was worth 35% and I got a 70% and my final is worth 35% what am I getting in this class anAnd what do I need to get a 70?

Roger: Your current grade is a 67.2%. You need at least a 75.3% on the final exam to get a 70% overall.

Fri, 05 Dec 2014 21:42:27 GMT

this site is awesome and very helpful

Roger: Thanks!

Fri, 05 Dec 2014 18:57:43 GMT

So I took my final today and I got a 64 (worth 1/3). My grade before the final was like a 75. So is my final grade at least a 70??

Roger: Your final grade should be around a 71.3%.

Fri, 05 Dec 2014 18:03:07 GMT

I just need to know if I'll pass if I don't do my final

Fri, 05 Dec 2014 18:01:21 GMT

Only have to get 136% on my final to pass History of Rock.. Hm, seems easy enough.

Fri, 05 Dec 2014 16:13:41 GMT

Thanks for this site! Also, some of you people are way too sensitive. People are going to be mean to you all throughout your life, learn how to not let negative remarks affect you.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Fri, 05 Dec 2014 15:50:46 GMT

Bruh these comments got me crying tho

Fri, 05 Dec 2014 04:55:34 GMT

I came here to calculate what I would need on my algebra final.... in retrospect maybe I should have done the math myself but I think I have fried my brain, with the studying......Thanks for the great tool though!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Your Butt
Fri, 05 Dec 2014 03:19:02 GMT

This is really fucking useful.

Fri, 05 Dec 2014 00:46:29 GMT

Wow, your comments are really disheartening. I don't even understand why you would do that?

Roger: Do what?

Thu, 04 Dec 2014 21:01:49 GMT

hey roger
i have a 19 in ceramics because someone stole my clay. I tried to tell my teacher but she was the one who stole it. My final is to steal the clay back from her. Where should i look if i want a 43.76% in the class? I need a 42.98% to pass but I feel like i am an over-achiever so im striving for greatness. #harvardbound

Roger: Haha

Thu, 04 Dec 2014 20:45:13 GMT

I have 55 in class and a passing grade is 60. The exams are worth 20% of grade. What do I need to get in order to pass?

Roger: When you say ‘Exams’, are you referring to an Exam category? Or a single exam?

Thu, 04 Dec 2014 19:30:07 GMT

Good God people, Roger I'd like to thank you for having a site that the morons can come and calculate their grade. This is truly for the lazy ones that decide to pull their heads out of their lower orafice at the last possible moment. Those offended by some of the sarcastic comments probably should have made that popping sound a little bit sooner.

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