i am a Junior and i have a 2.67 gap from my freshman and sophomore year. I really want to raise it up to a 3.4 before my junior year is over. What should i do ?
Roger: That’s going to be really difficult, since you’re trying to improve 2 years of course grades with just one additional year. But if you get all A’s this year, you’ll make it partway there!
Fri, 12 Dec 2014 06:52:32 GMT
I have a 2.8 gpa if I make 4 A's 1 B and 1 C what could my GPA become?
Roger: It depends on how many grades you have on your transcript already.
Wed, 26 Nov 2014 01:14:23 GMT
Roger, I took classes in community college outside of California, so I don't really know whether the course is transferable. Should I consider my community college classes to be honor or not?
In my sophomore year,I took an art sculpture class.Do I have to include this in the UC calculator? (I'm out of state) Thanks
Roger: I think so.
Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:45:45 GMT
My school does full term grades, how should i plug in my grades into the calculator? Should i just multiply my number of A's and B's by 2?
Roger: That sounds right. You should definitely ask your counselor for more information.
Tue, 28 Oct 2014 11:22:16 GMT
I have taken the IB. Does that count as an Honours program?
So if it is an honours program is the GPA out of 4.5?
What would a 7, 6, 5 and 4 be in terms of As, Bs and Cs??
Also, what subjects of the IB Middle Years Program count in the GPA calculation?
In grades 9 and 10. I had to take Math, Science, Humanities, English, LOTE, Technology, P.E and Theatre Arts. Do any of those not count for the GPA calculation?
Please help :)
So in my school I have a 2.7 unweighted gpa and a 3.4 weighted gpa....the reason it is soooo low is cuz i have taken 17 AP and IB level classes. So in a rough estimate...wht would my UC gpa be?
Roger: It depends on how many classes you’ve taken total.
Fri, 17 Oct 2014 00:48:43 GMT
ok soa while back i calculated my gpa and it said i got a 3.0 and was relieved. I currently checked it again just to make sure I wasnt wrong or anything. I got a renewed transcript and I retook Biology for one semester and got a C and Geometry for 2 semesters and got a D and a C. Why did my gpa go down ? it is now a 2.97!!! wthhh!!! So, its likely that a UC will no longer accept me??
Roger: A 3.0 means B. If you get anything lower than a B, your GPA will go down. There have been students admitted to UCs who had GPAs lower than 3.0! (according to the released statistics) Don’t give up hope.
Tue, 23 Sep 2014 01:24:30 GMT
i was wondering about GPAs in general. does your quarter grade count toward your overall end of the year GPA or does getting say a B in one quarter and As in the rest of the quarters still give you a 4.0 in year? to put it more bluntly, does having a B for one quarter and all As the rest still give you a 4.0 GPA.
Roger: I don’t think so.. The GPA is supposed to be an average of all of your grades, which means that a single B would bring you down below a 4.0.
Fri, 15 Aug 2014 01:19:36 GMT
I am a senior and have taken Honor classes since middle school and AP & Honor classes since sophomore year of high school.
How do you calculate how many TOTAL SEMESTERS of AP/IB Honor classes ? In my case, I count only 4 (10th grade=2 semesters and 11th grade=2 semesters.) How does one get up to 8 semesters if you can only count from your junior year of high school to the present? Does this include summers ? If it does, I count 6. Please clarify.
BTW: This was really depressing. The results here say MY chances of getting into UC schools mathematically is ZERO/ZILCH & "Try looking somewhere else" sad face! What?!!!!
I have a GPA of 4.3, have gotten 5 and 4's on 4 AP tests and my SAT is a 2020. My intention is not to brag- but my older brother had a lower GPA (3.8) and SAT 1910, and got into Cal State schools as well as UCI & UCSB!!!! He is currently one happy Gaucho, whereas I am one confused and discouraged high school senior :(
Roger: Hi JR. Each qualifying AP/IB course you take counts as a different semester. If the course is a year-long course, it would count for 2 semesters. If you, for example, took 4 year-long AP courses your Junior year, that would count as 8 semesters. Does that make sense?
Mon, 21 Jul 2014 10:10:43 GMT
If I calculated my sophomore and junior year gpa and got a 3.0 , what uc's would likely accept me, or consider accepting me?
Roger: Well, what did the calculator say?
Fri, 18 Jul 2014 05:40:07 GMT
I'm a bit confused on how to use the calculator, need another explanation.
Wed, 25 Jun 2014 05:48:46 GMT
Would I have to add my first semester grades of my senior year? I know they don't count your second semester grades, but do they count your first semester grades, or at least first quarter grades? - (for a High School student by the way)
Roger: The UC GPA is calculated mostly for statistic purposes, I believe. It doesn’t directly affect admissions considerations. You should count all of the grades that you know of, which includes your first semester senior grades if you have them.
Fri, 30 May 2014 22:24:42 GMT
I took four summer courses at CSM: Chemistry, Intro to Engineering, Elementary Chinese, Object Oriented Programming. I had an A in each - 4.0 on the transcript. Does this count as four semesters of A's? And all of these would be considered UC transferrable? Also I'm taking Math 252 this summer. So that would be a 5th semester of A's if the trend continues.
Oddly when I added the four A's for the community college it actually dropped my UC GPA from 4.07 to 4.06 which was puzzling. I had had 24 A and 4 B semesters with six AP that calculated to a 4.07. But after adding in the four A's - 4.06. Not a big deal but an interesting artifact.
Roger: I’m not a college admissions expert. I think you should ask your counselor instead. Good luck!
Fri, 23 May 2014 00:08:05 GMT
How does a gpa go down as you add more 4.0 grades A?
42 A's
8 Honors
44 A's
8 Honors
Roger: The extra 2 A’s in the second group count as “4.0”, which bring down the overall GPA because it was greater than “4.0” before. I guess it is a little silly.
Mon, 19 May 2014 19:25:35 GMT
Do they count all years or 2-3 for internationals students ? (europe)
Roger: I’m not sure how the statistic is calculated for international applicants.
Sat, 17 May 2014 17:29:36 GMT
Do I add in first quarter of senior year, since we apply after?
Tue, 29 Apr 2014 16:03:03 GMT
When it says honors courses does that mean per semester or per year?
Eg: i take two honors courses for a full year so should I plug in 2 (as in honors courses per year) or 4 (as in honor courses per semester)?
Roger: It’s per semester.
Tue, 29 Apr 2014 02:56:50 GMT
In your opinion, is it worth retaking a core class in say math, for example, if you got 2 C+'s but know that you will get 2 A's if you retake it? Even though the UC's do not count it towards the GPA, do you think it will cancel it out in the mind of the admission officer?
Roger: I’m not an admissions expert, so I really don’t know what to tell you. Good luck though!
Fri, 25 Apr 2014 01:02:30 GMT
Do the UC's count A- and A's and A+ as the same?
Roger: For high school courses, the UC GPA calculation does not differentiate pluses and minuses.
Sat, 19 Apr 2014 23:08:38 GMT
We go by a quarter system in my school. Do UC's only weight a quarter or the entire class
like 20 A's, 10 B's, and thus, 12 weighted A's and 2 Weighted B's would give me the same as 10 A's, 5 B's and 6 weighted A's and 1 weighted b?
Roger: Not sure, sorry! Try asking your counselor.
Wed, 09 Apr 2014 04:04:57 GMT
If you received a C+, and you retake that class in summer and get an A, do UC's calculate your GPA using the C+ and A, just C+, just the A, or what?
Roger: I don’t think UC’s will replace grades unless they are failing grades. A C+ is not failing.
Lao Kang
Thu, 03 Apr 2014 22:55:27 GMT
Hi, thanks for the calculator.
Do the UC's use this calculator to determine whether to rescind your application or not? My school uses a 100-point scale, and I'm expecting an 82 to 83.5 for my senior year GPA. My senior courseload is 6 AP classes, with low-mid B's in all of them.
Is this 82-83.5 below a 3.0 unweighted, according to UC Berkeley? Or is it right on a 3.0, using the calculator? Thanks.
Roger: Low-B’s would get you a 3.0. UC’s generally don’t care about pluses and minuses in high school grades. To get lower than a 3.0, you would need a couple of C’s.
Tue, 25 Feb 2014 04:07:29 GMT
My school calculates GPA with 94 being a 3.4 rather than a 4.0. Will this affect my the GPA UC schools use to judge and if I get all 90's and above taking mostly honors courses will this put me in a good position to get admitted?
Roger: You’ll have to check with your counselor about that.
Sat, 15 Feb 2014 00:18:59 GMT
My school's honors and AP courses are not in UC Doorways. I entered them as Honors and AP manually in the UC application. Will the UC consider them as weighted? If not, only two of my CC courses will be weighted, making my UW 4.0 into a W 4.09 - not enough for the UCI Honors program is it?
Roger: That’s odd. All AP courses should be eligible as weighted courses. I think you should definitely check with your counselor.
Tue, 28 Jan 2014 02:40:31 GMT
Does a "D" become a "C" if it's a weighted class?
Roger: No. Weighted classes are counted as AP/Honors courses, but your grades are what they are.
Fri, 24 Jan 2014 07:09:11 GMT
If i get a C in my Junior year and i retake the class and get a higher grade like an A or B will it replace that grade and help my GPA or would it just replace the grade on my transcript itself?
Roger: I don’t think you can replace non-failing grades like a C, but you should check with your counselor.
Thu, 16 Jan 2014 03:52:55 GMT
How do I calculate mu GPA on a 5.0 scale. I am pretty confused! And like how do we use the formula that is give to us to calculate it by hand? Please Explain!
Roger: I’m assuming you’re referring to the 4 point GPA scale in which honors courses are given an extra 5th point. This calculator won’t calculate that GPA for you. To calculate your 5.0 scale GPA by hand, you need to find the following numbers first:
a - the number of A grades you’ve received
b - the number of B grades you’ve received
c - the number of C grades you’ve received
d - the number of D grades you’ve received
h - the number of honors courses you’ve taken
Then, just compute (4 × a + 3 × b + 2 × c + d + h) and divide that by (a + b + c + d), which is the total number of classes you have taken.
Thu, 21 Nov 2013 05:53:15 GMT
Do the UC schools use senior year grades that you have entered into the application, when they calculate your GPA? Or just 10th and 11th? My quarter 1 senior year grades, A's, lower my GPA because they are not AP classes.
Roger: UC schools usually ask for copies of your Senior year transcripts when they become available. This is usually after the application deadline, so those transcripts will be sent in individually. I don’t know much more than that.
Mon, 18 Nov 2013 07:48:50 GMT
Do UCs look at weighted or unweigthed GPA? if i got D+ in an honors class and retook it as a regular class and got a B, do i have a D and B or just B?
Roger: I don’t think a regular version of a course can replace an honors version. You may want to check with your counselor.
Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:47:22 GMT
Right now as a Freshmen for this trimester I have a 3.8. If I get all A's this year it says my gpa will be 3.93. Can I get over a 4.0 at senior year of high school? Can I get into Ivy League colleges if I have one B overall in my highchool career?
Roger: A 4.0 implies that you received only A grades. I don’t know anything about your college admissions, but good luck.
Sat, 09 Nov 2013 09:22:21 GMT
(Continuing the topic my previous post) I am an international. I have got some grades for my senior year. So will those be of any consequence or would they simply look at the difficulty of the courses I am taking in senior year?
Roger: If you already have senior year grades, they will be considered. This calculator is mostly for domestic students.
Fri, 08 Nov 2013 17:16:00 GMT
I was filling the UC application and it required me to fill in my senior year grades. I thought the UCs required only freshman, sophomore and junior year grades. Where am I going wrong in this process? :/
Roger: Most California high schools have not issued any senior year grades to current seniors. UC schools do request a copy of your Fall semester transcript once the semester is over, however.
Fri, 01 Nov 2013 16:22:09 GMT
What percentage would holy smokes be?
Roger: The statistical models that are in the calculator aren’t perfect and get kind of wonky near the extremes. “Holy smokes” just means that there is not enough meaningful data to give you an exact number, but it is probably high-ish.
Wed, 30 Oct 2013 06:48:39 GMT
Is a 3.61 UC GPA and an ACT score of 25 good enough for UCI? Including a really good personal statement and involvement in clubs and sports?
What if I took a class at a community college during my junior year and got a B in it. I earned 10 credits for it, but it was only one semester. Do I count the B once or twice for my UC GPA?
Roger: Count it once.
Matthew Avaylon
Sat, 26 Oct 2013 04:41:16 GMT
Hey I have a couple questions
1. This is weighted right? For admissions does uc berkley look at weighted or u weighted?
2. I have taken 10 AP classes in just junior and sophomore year ending with an A in all, but I also took 5 regular classes where I got 2 B and the rest A. Since there is a cap, what do I do.
3. What's my unweighted gpa
Roger: I think UC admissions reviews your coursework and grades on an individual basis, rather than interpreting a single number that represents all of them. However, many statistics are released according to a student’s weighted and capped UC GPA, which is somewhat correlated to how impressive your transcript is. You would count 13 A’s and 2 B’s, like you said, and put down 8 as your number of approved honors courses. Your unweighted GPA is (13*4 + 2*3 + 10)/(15) = 4.53.
Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:09:03 GMT
How important is the UC GPA for internationals applying to Berkeley? And what do you think is an impressive GPA for admission to Berkeley L&S?
Is this used for international applicants? If so, then which grades have to be put in out of freshman, sophomore, junior and senior? And also, do AP exams like Calculus BC, Physics C etc qualify as UC Honors courses? I am terribly confused..
Roger: This calculator can be used for international applicants. For out of state applicants, UC Honors courses only include AP and IB courses. Exams themselves do not count toward your GPA. Also, California residents count only courses taken after the end of the Freshman year. I am not certain which metrics are used to measure the GPA’s of international students. Just try your best to fill out those fields.
Sun, 20 Oct 2013 21:05:22 GMT
Roger: Did the calculator answer your questions? I mean this calculator.
Sun, 20 Oct 2013 20:37:03 GMT
My GPA is 3.88 and I have an SAT score of 1600 what UCs am I likely to get into to?
Roger: Did you try using the calculator?
Sun, 13 Oct 2013 19:45:39 GMT
If I did not do well sophomore year, but did well in junior year, is there any chance I can get into UC Davis or UC Santa Cruz?
Roger: Yes. Believe in yourself!
Sat, 07 Sep 2013 02:45:56 GMT
if i took an honors english class junior year but got a C- and a B; so i retook it and got an A- but CP (regular) because thats all they offer during summer, do i only include the A-s or both
Roger: Not sure. I think UC’s only consider grade replacements for failing grades.
Thu, 29 Aug 2013 23:48:12 GMT
How do you calculate in Visual/performing arts if you are taking the class senior year?
Roger: For admissions purposes, you don’t count classes taken senior year.
Fri, 14 Jun 2013 16:07:29 GMT
Calculate out at 4.o. HS is considered a very good public high school. Valencia High School in Valencia.
What are the UC that would likely accept me? Not much community service, but spent a lot of time playing guitar, and doing math and science.
Fri, 31 May 2013 19:46:44 GMT
I was wondering if 1st semester senior year counts. Also our English department is regarded as one of the hardest in the state and half of my B's are in an advanced but non-weighted English class. Will UCs look at that? Finally, I got 2 B's 1st semester Jr year but got straight A's 2nd semester. Does that look good?
Roger: I have no idea man. I do know that the released data was primarily focused on sophomore and junior years.
Thu, 30 May 2013 04:46:32 GMT
my accum. gpa as if now of one semester of sophomore year and all of freshman is a 3.3. What do i need to get in order for my acc. gpa to be a 4.0?
Roger: How is your GPA calculated? Is it weighted? If so, what courses have you left to take that will go into your GPA, and how many of them are weighted?
Tue, 28 May 2013 03:57:02 GMT
I got a 3.32 freshman year and this year got a 2.8 what will my GPA be if I get 4.0 junior and sophomore year?
Roger: Typically, only your junior and sophomore GPA are taken into account. At least, that was the way the data was released.
Comments (Page 1)
i am a Junior and i have a 2.67 gap from my freshman and sophomore year. I really want to raise it up to a 3.4 before my junior year is over. What should i do ?
Roger: That’s going to be really difficult, since you’re trying to improve 2 years of course grades with just one additional year. But if you get all A’s this year, you’ll make it partway there!
I have a 2.8 gpa if I make 4 A's 1 B and 1 C what could my GPA become?
Roger: It depends on how many grades you have on your transcript already.
Roger, I took classes in community college outside of California, so I don't really know whether the course is transferable. Should I consider my community college classes to be honor or not?
Roger: Check out this FAQ about the UC GPA.
In my sophomore year,I took an art sculpture class.Do I have to include this in the UC calculator? (I'm out of state) Thanks
Roger: I think so.
My school does full term grades, how should i plug in my grades into the calculator? Should i just multiply my number of A's and B's by 2?
Roger: That sounds right. You should definitely ask your counselor for more information.
I have taken the IB. Does that count as an Honours program?
So if it is an honours program is the GPA out of 4.5?
What would a 7, 6, 5 and 4 be in terms of As, Bs and Cs??
Also, what subjects of the IB Middle Years Program count in the GPA calculation?
In grades 9 and 10. I had to take Math, Science, Humanities, English, LOTE, Technology, P.E and Theatre Arts. Do any of those not count for the GPA calculation?
Please help :)
Roger: Check out the list of frequently asked questions on the UC admissions website.
So in my school I have a 2.7 unweighted gpa and a 3.4 weighted gpa....the reason it is soooo low is cuz i have taken 17 AP and IB level classes. So in a rough estimate...wht would my UC gpa be?
Roger: It depends on how many classes you’ve taken total.
ok soa while back i calculated my gpa and it said i got a 3.0 and was relieved. I currently checked it again just to make sure I wasnt wrong or anything. I got a renewed transcript and I retook Biology for one semester and got a C and Geometry for 2 semesters and got a D and a C. Why did my gpa go down ? it is now a 2.97!!! wthhh!!! So, its likely that a UC will no longer accept me??
Roger: A 3.0 means B. If you get anything lower than a B, your GPA will go down. There have been students admitted to UCs who had GPAs lower than 3.0! (according to the released statistics) Don’t give up hope.
i was wondering about GPAs in general. does your quarter grade count toward your overall end of the year GPA or does getting say a B in one quarter and As in the rest of the quarters still give you a 4.0 in year? to put it more bluntly, does having a B for one quarter and all As the rest still give you a 4.0 GPA.
Roger: I don’t think so.. The GPA is supposed to be an average of all of your grades, which means that a single B would bring you down below a 4.0.
I am a senior and have taken Honor classes since middle school and AP & Honor classes since sophomore year of high school.
How do you calculate how many TOTAL SEMESTERS of AP/IB Honor classes ? In my case, I count only 4 (10th grade=2 semesters and 11th grade=2 semesters.) How does one get up to 8 semesters if you can only count from your junior year of high school to the present? Does this include summers ? If it does, I count 6. Please clarify.
BTW: This was really depressing. The results here say MY chances of getting into UC schools mathematically is ZERO/ZILCH & "Try looking somewhere else" sad face! What?!!!!
I have a GPA of 4.3, have gotten 5 and 4's on 4 AP tests and my SAT is a 2020. My intention is not to brag- but my older brother had a lower GPA (3.8) and SAT 1910, and got into Cal State schools as well as UCI & UCSB!!!! He is currently one happy Gaucho, whereas I am one confused and discouraged high school senior :(
Roger: Hi JR. Each qualifying AP/IB course you take counts as a different semester. If the course is a year-long course, it would count for 2 semesters. If you, for example, took 4 year-long AP courses your Junior year, that would count as 8 semesters. Does that make sense?
If I calculated my sophomore and junior year gpa and got a 3.0 , what uc's would likely accept me, or consider accepting me?
Roger: Well, what did the calculator say?
I'm a bit confused on how to use the calculator, need another explanation.
Would I have to add my first semester grades of my senior year? I know they don't count your second semester grades, but do they count your first semester grades, or at least first quarter grades? - (for a High School student by the way)
Roger: The UC GPA is calculated mostly for statistic purposes, I believe. It doesn’t directly affect admissions considerations. You should count all of the grades that you know of, which includes your first semester senior grades if you have them.
I took four summer courses at CSM: Chemistry, Intro to Engineering, Elementary Chinese, Object Oriented Programming. I had an A in each - 4.0 on the transcript. Does this count as four semesters of A's? And all of these would be considered UC transferrable? Also I'm taking Math 252 this summer. So that would be a 5th semester of A's if the trend continues.
Oddly when I added the four A's for the community college it actually dropped my UC GPA from 4.07 to 4.06 which was puzzling. I had had 24 A and 4 B semesters with six AP that calculated to a 4.07. But after adding in the four A's - 4.06. Not a big deal but an interesting artifact.
Roger: I’m not a college admissions expert. I think you should ask your counselor instead. Good luck!
How does a gpa go down as you add more 4.0 grades A?
42 A's
8 Honors
44 A's
8 Honors
Roger: The extra 2 A’s in the second group count as “4.0”, which bring down the overall GPA because it was greater than “4.0” before. I guess it is a little silly.
Do they count all years or 2-3 for internationals students ? (europe)
Roger: I’m not sure how the statistic is calculated for international applicants.
Do I add in first quarter of senior year, since we apply after?
When it says honors courses does that mean per semester or per year?
Eg: i take two honors courses for a full year so should I plug in 2 (as in honors courses per year) or 4 (as in honor courses per semester)?
Roger: It’s per semester.
In your opinion, is it worth retaking a core class in say math, for example, if you got 2 C+'s but know that you will get 2 A's if you retake it? Even though the UC's do not count it towards the GPA, do you think it will cancel it out in the mind of the admission officer?
Roger: I’m not an admissions expert, so I really don’t know what to tell you. Good luck though!
Do the UC's count A- and A's and A+ as the same?
Roger: For high school courses, the UC GPA calculation does not differentiate pluses and minuses.
We go by a quarter system in my school. Do UC's only weight a quarter or the entire class
like 20 A's, 10 B's, and thus, 12 weighted A's and 2 Weighted B's would give me the same as 10 A's, 5 B's and 6 weighted A's and 1 weighted b?
Roger: Not sure, sorry! Try asking your counselor.
If you received a C+, and you retake that class in summer and get an A, do UC's calculate your GPA using the C+ and A, just C+, just the A, or what?
Roger: I don’t think UC’s will replace grades unless they are failing grades. A C+ is not failing.
Hi, thanks for the calculator.
Do the UC's use this calculator to determine whether to rescind your application or not? My school uses a 100-point scale, and I'm expecting an 82 to 83.5 for my senior year GPA. My senior courseload is 6 AP classes, with low-mid B's in all of them.
Is this 82-83.5 below a 3.0 unweighted, according to UC Berkeley? Or is it right on a 3.0, using the calculator? Thanks.
Roger: Low-B’s would get you a 3.0. UC’s generally don’t care about pluses and minuses in high school grades. To get lower than a 3.0, you would need a couple of C’s.
My school calculates GPA with 94 being a 3.4 rather than a 4.0. Will this affect my the GPA UC schools use to judge and if I get all 90's and above taking mostly honors courses will this put me in a good position to get admitted?
Roger: You’ll have to check with your counselor about that.
My school's honors and AP courses are not in UC Doorways. I entered them as Honors and AP manually in the UC application. Will the UC consider them as weighted? If not, only two of my CC courses will be weighted, making my UW 4.0 into a W 4.09 - not enough for the UCI Honors program is it?
Roger: That’s odd. All AP courses should be eligible as weighted courses. I think you should definitely check with your counselor.
Does a "D" become a "C" if it's a weighted class?
Roger: No. Weighted classes are counted as AP/Honors courses, but your grades are what they are.
If i get a C in my Junior year and i retake the class and get a higher grade like an A or B will it replace that grade and help my GPA or would it just replace the grade on my transcript itself?
Roger: I don’t think you can replace non-failing grades like a C, but you should check with your counselor.
How do I calculate mu GPA on a 5.0 scale. I am pretty confused! And like how do we use the formula that is give to us to calculate it by hand? Please Explain!
Roger: I’m assuming you’re referring to the 4 point GPA scale in which honors courses are given an extra 5th point. This calculator won’t calculate that GPA for you. To calculate your 5.0 scale GPA by hand, you need to find the following numbers first:
Then, just compute (4 × a + 3 × b + 2 × c + d + h) and divide that by (a + b + c + d), which is the total number of classes you have taken.
Do the UC schools use senior year grades that you have entered into the application, when they calculate your GPA? Or just 10th and 11th? My quarter 1 senior year grades, A's, lower my GPA because they are not AP classes.
Roger: UC schools usually ask for copies of your Senior year transcripts when they become available. This is usually after the application deadline, so those transcripts will be sent in individually. I don’t know much more than that.
Do UCs look at weighted or unweigthed GPA? if i got D+ in an honors class and retook it as a regular class and got a B, do i have a D and B or just B?
Roger: I don’t think a regular version of a course can replace an honors version. You may want to check with your counselor.
Right now as a Freshmen for this trimester I have a 3.8. If I get all A's this year it says my gpa will be 3.93. Can I get over a 4.0 at senior year of high school? Can I get into Ivy League colleges if I have one B overall in my highchool career?
Roger: A 4.0 implies that you received only A grades. I don’t know anything about your college admissions, but good luck.
(Continuing the topic my previous post) I am an international. I have got some grades for my senior year. So will those be of any consequence or would they simply look at the difficulty of the courses I am taking in senior year?
Roger: If you already have senior year grades, they will be considered. This calculator is mostly for domestic students.
I was filling the UC application and it required me to fill in my senior year grades. I thought the UCs required only freshman, sophomore and junior year grades. Where am I going wrong in this process? :/
Roger: Most California high schools have not issued any senior year grades to current seniors. UC schools do request a copy of your Fall semester transcript once the semester is over, however.
What percentage would holy smokes be?
Roger: The statistical models that are in the calculator aren’t perfect and get kind of wonky near the extremes. “Holy smokes” just means that there is not enough meaningful data to give you an exact number, but it is probably high-ish.
Is a 3.61 UC GPA and an ACT score of 25 good enough for UCI? Including a really good personal statement and involvement in clubs and sports?
Roger: Check out this UC Freshmen Admissions Calculator.
What if I took a class at a community college during my junior year and got a B in it. I earned 10 credits for it, but it was only one semester. Do I count the B once or twice for my UC GPA?
Roger: Count it once.
Hey I have a couple questions
1. This is weighted right? For admissions does uc berkley look at weighted or u weighted?
2. I have taken 10 AP classes in just junior and sophomore year ending with an A in all, but I also took 5 regular classes where I got 2 B and the rest A. Since there is a cap, what do I do.
3. What's my unweighted gpa
Roger: I think UC admissions reviews your coursework and grades on an individual basis, rather than interpreting a single number that represents all of them. However, many statistics are released according to a student’s weighted and capped UC GPA, which is somewhat correlated to how impressive your transcript is. You would count 13 A’s and 2 B’s, like you said, and put down 8 as your number of approved honors courses. Your unweighted GPA is (13*4 + 2*3 + 10)/(15) = 4.53.
How important is the UC GPA for internationals applying to Berkeley? And what do you think is an impressive GPA for admission to Berkeley L&S?
Roger: Have you tried this calculator?
Do we have to consider senior year courses?
Roger: Usually no.
Is this used for international applicants? If so, then which grades have to be put in out of freshman, sophomore, junior and senior? And also, do AP exams like Calculus BC, Physics C etc qualify as UC Honors courses? I am terribly confused..
Roger: This calculator can be used for international applicants. For out of state applicants, UC Honors courses only include AP and IB courses. Exams themselves do not count toward your GPA. Also, California residents count only courses taken after the end of the Freshman year. I am not certain which metrics are used to measure the GPA’s of international students. Just try your best to fill out those fields.
Roger: Did the calculator answer your questions? I mean this calculator.
My GPA is 3.88 and I have an SAT score of 1600 what UCs am I likely to get into to?
Roger: Did you try using the calculator?
If I did not do well sophomore year, but did well in junior year, is there any chance I can get into UC Davis or UC Santa Cruz?
Roger: Yes. Believe in yourself!
if i took an honors english class junior year but got a C- and a B; so i retook it and got an A- but CP (regular) because thats all they offer during summer, do i only include the A-s or both
Roger: Not sure. I think UC’s only consider grade replacements for failing grades.
How do you calculate in Visual/performing arts if you are taking the class senior year?
Roger: For admissions purposes, you don’t count classes taken senior year.
Calculate out at 4.o. HS is considered a very good public high school. Valencia High School in Valencia.
What are the UC that would likely accept me? Not much community service, but spent a lot of time playing guitar, and doing math and science.
I was wondering if 1st semester senior year counts. Also our English department is regarded as one of the hardest in the state and half of my B's are in an advanced but non-weighted English class. Will UCs look at that? Finally, I got 2 B's 1st semester Jr year but got straight A's 2nd semester. Does that look good?
Roger: I have no idea man. I do know that the released data was primarily focused on sophomore and junior years.
my accum. gpa as if now of one semester of sophomore year and all of freshman is a 3.3. What do i need to get in order for my acc. gpa to be a 4.0?
Roger: How is your GPA calculated? Is it weighted? If so, what courses have you left to take that will go into your GPA, and how many of them are weighted?
I got a 3.32 freshman year and this year got a 2.8 what will my GPA be if I get 4.0 junior and sophomore year?
Roger: Typically, only your junior and sophomore GPA are taken into account. At least, that was the way the data was released.
we dont need to include freshman year? correcT?