Do they count online classes I took outside of school if I send them a separate transcript, as long as it's UC approved online school?
Roger: If the classes you took are listed as “a-g” on this online list, then they should count.
Thu, 14 Jun 2018 01:40:44 GMT
If I retook some classes to improve my grade but did not fail, would that count in the GPA too?
And as long as it was UC approved online schools, they accept those classes?
Roger: I think repeated classes only count when you fail the class the first time. See this FAQ.
Ethan Chan
Wed, 13 Jun 2018 06:39:16 GMT
I've taken throughout my high school years and every year I moved up to a higher ensemble. They technically count as a different course. Every grade has been an A. Should I count it as one A or multiple As?
Roger: I don’t quite understand your question.
Dan Nguyen
Sun, 10 Jun 2018 04:45:10 GMT
Do college classes taken over the summer count for honors ?
Roger: As long as it’s UC transferrable.
Wed, 06 Jun 2018 01:06:01 GMT
wait so I took two honors courses 10th grade. This means I only have 4 semesters of honors courses left for all of junior year? so technically only 2 of my AP classes will be weighted for junior year?
Roger: For the purposes of the weighted and capped GPA, yes.
Wed, 06 Jun 2018 00:48:32 GMT
Are my chances of getting into a UC higher or lower if I actually live in California?
Roger: Higher, but declining, supposedly.
Vadim Gorbaty
Sun, 03 Jun 2018 22:03:13 GMT
Hi, is this calculator only intended for use with academic classes or are electives and gym factored in as well?
Roger: You should count only “a-g” courses, which includes most electives, but probably not your gym class.
Hey Roger, does the capped GPA apply to AP courses too?
Roger: Sure does.
Mon, 28 May 2018 09:18:33 GMT
How much money do I need to donate in order to get into UCLA?
Roger: $150. You can hand it to me, and I’ll pass it along.
Thu, 24 May 2018 02:50:27 GMT
No, only classes listed on the a-g requirements list
I Hope I Get A Good School
Wed, 23 May 2018 00:34:34 GMT
I have 1 C on my transcript. How bad is that for California school? My Senior Year grades are all As.
Roger: Absolutely devastating.
Tue, 22 May 2018 16:25:51 GMT
When was the last time you updated this?
Roger: About a year ago.
yo momma
Thu, 17 May 2018 15:23:33 GMT
yo momma
Thu, 17 May 2018 02:28:43 GMT
Do PE classes count in calculating UC gpa
Mon, 14 May 2018 04:19:57 GMT
So if I get a D in English in my 9th grade, then retook it over the summer and gotten an A, it shows the A on my transcript?
Billy Joy
Wed, 09 May 2018 05:17:59 GMT
Thank you so much for this calculator and all your other gadgets! and for being so active in responding to people!
Roger: You’re welcome!
Brian Lee
Tue, 08 May 2018 19:11:27 GMT
So, I got accepted to UCI, and they want me to get at least weighted gpa of 3.0. I saw that only 8 semester's honors credit count will be counted, and I am taking 4aps and 1 honors. So when they calculate my senior gpa, do they consider one of my honors courses as a regular one?
Roger: I’ve never heard of a requirement like that, but in the absence of more specific guidance, my initial guess is that your weighted GPA would be calculated with no cap on honors courses.
Tue, 08 May 2018 16:30:48 GMT
I have a 1.93gpa. I have 18 more units. What do i need to average in those units, grade wise (or percentage wise) in order to get a 2.0gpa?
Roger: It depends on how many units you’ve taken so far.
Sat, 05 May 2018 22:15:19 GMT
If I took summer classes during summer after 9th grade which are on the UC A-G cuorse list and I got 2 B grades (in an honors class) and two D grades (in regular class) and then I retook the same classes in 10th grade at high school and got 2 D's in the honors class and a D and C grade in the other class, how do I calculate my GPA? How many semesters and grades are counted?
Roger: I’ve never heard of someone repeating a course and scoring even worse than before. My best guess would be that the UCs would count two B grades for your honors course (repeating non-failing grades should have no effect) and one D and one C grade for your regular course. See this FAQ for details about calculating GPA for repeated courses.
Diamond H.
Wed, 02 May 2018 18:49:31 GMT
What are my chance of getting accepted into (SDSU) San Diego State University with a 3.5 overall GPA unweighted and a 3.56 weighted?
Thu, 26 Apr 2018 06:33:33 GMT
My daughter took total of 18 Honors and AP. We live in CA. Are you saying she can only use 8?
Roger: Sort of? The UC GPA counts a maximum of 4 semesters of honors points. But the rest of your honors courses still show up on your transcript, obviously.
Sun, 22 Apr 2018 03:49:23 GMT
My school considers AP biology as two classes. So when I calculate my GPA, do I consider AP Bio as two classes.
Roger: Sounds reasonable to me.
Fri, 20 Apr 2018 04:36:16 GMT
thank you for the calculator!^_^
Roger: You’re welcome!
Wed, 04 Apr 2018 17:00:16 GMT
I retook a class that i got a C in and i got a B should i count the B
Roger: This FAQ says no. See “How does UC calculate the GPA with repeated courses?”.
Thu, 29 Mar 2018 03:54:05 GMT
Do UC schools count honors classes (Not AP or IB) for out of state students?
Roger: My impression was that only AP and IB courses counted for honors points for out of state students. I imagine that it’s because the UCs don’t have high school profiles for every non-Californian school.
Tue, 27 Mar 2018 22:21:42 GMT
I got waitlisted for UCI. What now?
Mon, 26 Mar 2018 23:44:03 GMT
Would theology classes count towards my uc gpa?
Roger: I don’t see why not. If you go to a California high school, you can try looking up your school on the A-G Course List website.
Mon, 26 Mar 2018 21:53:08 GMT
I live outside of California so only my AP classes get the honors GPA bump. Between 10th and 11th grade, I've taken 8 AP classes (16 semesters.)
Since the UC caps the number of honors courses counted in the GPA to 8 semesters (with a max of 4 for 10th grade) can I choose which of my AP classes are counted as honors? In other words, can I count only 2 AP semesters 10th grade and 6 AP semesters 11th grade?
How does the UC choose which classes get counted for the "honors grade bumb?"
Roger: What difference would it make? The GPA is a linear function of your grades, after all.
Fri, 23 Mar 2018 22:30:46 GMT
Can I get into irvine with a 1400 SAT and a 3.75 weighted
Roger: No idea. I went to UC Irvine once in high school to volunteer at a charity walk. I don’t know anything about UC Irvine except what the trash cans look like.
Sat, 17 Mar 2018 00:23:10 GMT
I have been wait listed at UCSD, do you know what are the chances of me getting into it based on historical data ?
Roger: In my experience, waitlisted students usually don’t get in. I don’t have any specific numbers for UCSD though.
Bill Joy
Wed, 14 Mar 2018 00:47:24 GMT
Do UC's know that some schools have severe grade inflation? How do they differentiate between students of the schools that have grade inflation?
Roger: I think the UCs keep grade distributions for high schools (mostly in California, but probably some out of state schools as well). Even if applicants’s GPAs are similar, there’s always standardized tests and your personal statement.
Justin Bean
Wed, 07 Mar 2018 23:44:18 GMT
Is the minimum requirement of 3.4 (for out of state students) for weighted or unweighted GPA’s
Roger: This FAQ suggests that the 3.4 GPA requirement refers to the weighted and capped UC GPA.
Justin Bean
Wed, 07 Mar 2018 22:59:31 GMT
Do the UC schools look at my weighted UC GPA or unweighted?
Roger: I think admissions are based on your entire transcript, not just your GPA.
De’Andre Westing
Wed, 07 Mar 2018 22:55:15 GMT
Can I get into UCLA or UC Berkeley with a 3.71 Weighted UC GPA and a 33 on the ACT?
Roger: Maybe?
Wed, 28 Feb 2018 02:26:35 GMT
Are my chances any better of getting into a UC school if I take a summer UC class as opposed to a class at community college?
Roger: I don’t think it makes a big difference.
Sun, 25 Feb 2018 08:46:03 GMT
Hey Roger
Just wondering, is a 4.08GPA competitive for UC Berkeley? If not how can I make it competitive?
Roger: Sounds pretty good to me.
Sun, 18 Feb 2018 18:03:59 GMT
For an IB Student with
Pycho HL 7
Bio HL 6
Chem HL 5
Maths SL 6
English SL 6
Hindi SL 6
What would be UCal GPA?
Thanks for your help!
Roger: I’m not sure how the UC GPA is calculated for international students, sorry. Do you have a transcript with letter grades?
Issac Nguyen
Sat, 17 Feb 2018 18:06:28 GMT
Hey Roger, do you happen to know when students receive notifications of Regents Scholarships from UCLA and UCSD for 2018? Berkeley Regents was just notified last week but haven't heard from UCLA or UCSD.
Roger: No idea, sorry.
Thu, 15 Feb 2018 04:41:48 GMT
wait so minus plus don't count...interesting. i got all a's and one b+ in an ap class. that puts me under someone who got all a'-s in the same classes
Fri, 09 Feb 2018 06:39:22 GMT
Do the 8 max weighted semesters apply to UC-transferable approved coarse taken in the summer?
Roger: Yep, I think so.
need help
Fri, 09 Feb 2018 02:51:23 GMT
Hi Roger. Do you know if our grades during senior year will count towards our official UC gpa??!?!?!
Roger: Check out my response to “Cori Madison” below.
Thu, 08 Feb 2018 04:24:27 GMT
There isn't an option fro APs?
Roger: AP courses count as honors courses.
Tue, 30 Jan 2018 03:48:48 GMT
If your overall grade is over 50% and you recieved your exam and you got 46% is that considered a pass?
Tue, 30 Jan 2018 03:42:45 GMT
If your overall grade is 55% and you get your exam back and you got a 46% is tha considered a pass?
Roger: I suppose that’s up to your instructor.
Fri, 19 Jan 2018 06:57:12 GMT
I am taking 2 AP courses and 2 honors courses (One is a college course offered through my highschool). I received all A’s this semester. How many advanced classes shouldn’t I take judo or year to try to becompetitive for UCLA? I am out of state
Alan Tram
Wed, 17 Jan 2018 17:51:30 GMT
Hi roger, I have a 4.17 UC Gpa but a low 1170 on the new SAT. I'm looking to get into UCSD or UC Irvine and I was wondering what are my chances of getting into these colleges. I've tried to better my chances with an abundance of extracurricular activities and I have a low economic background. My counselors have also praised my personal insight essays for being very good reads. How much of a factor will these play in helping my chances into these colleges and what are my chances regardless of these factors?
Roger: I think you’re asking the wrong person. I don’t actually know anything about college admissions. Anyway, good luck!
Sun, 07 Jan 2018 12:16:26 GMT
I noticed when planning classes that because the UC GPA is capped, if you take more AP/Honors classes your capped GPA will actually go down (while your unweighted uncapped will go up). UC definitely wouldn't discourage you from taking rigorous classes, so would this small loss of GPA matter to them?
Roger: My understanding is that admissions is based on your entire transcript, whereas your GPA is only a statistic. The intent of cap is to reduce variance between students that take large numbers of honors courses, not to punish students that take additional courses.
Fri, 05 Jan 2018 20:15:57 GMT
hey roger,
i had a 89.78 i think in math but it was a A- and now we just had finals and i got a 83.98%, so now my grade is a 89.14 my goal is to try to get at LEAST a A-. Now i noticed i got a F on a test which is low score dropped. If she drops that score will it be a A-? Tests count as 40% of our grade.
Roger: The answer depends on (1) how many tests you’ve taken so far and (2) what you scored on all your other tests. Try out the calculator mode labeled “I need something else”. It should be able to answer your question.
Paul Jackson
Wed, 03 Jan 2018 16:42:24 GMT
I currently have a 3.34 unweighted gpa after first semester of freshman year. Is this good enough for UCLA if I am an out of state student
Roger: The minimum GPA for out-of-state applicants is 3.4, but keep in mind that (1) you can count an extra point for AP/IB-level courses, (2) if this is your first semester of high school, you have plenty of time to improve your grades, and (3) the UC GPA only counts courses taken after 9th grade anyway.
Comments (Page 7)
Do they count online classes I took outside of school if I send them a separate transcript, as long as it's UC approved online school?
Roger: If the classes you took are listed as “a-g” on this online list, then they should count.
If I retook some classes to improve my grade but did not fail, would that count in the GPA too?
And as long as it was UC approved online schools, they accept those classes?
Roger: I think repeated classes only count when you fail the class the first time. See this FAQ.
I've taken throughout my high school years and every year I moved up to a higher ensemble. They technically count as a different course. Every grade has been an A. Should I count it as one A or multiple As?
Roger: I don’t quite understand your question.
Do college classes taken over the summer count for honors ?
Roger: As long as it’s UC transferrable.
wait so I took two honors courses 10th grade. This means I only have 4 semesters of honors courses left for all of junior year? so technically only 2 of my AP classes will be weighted for junior year?
Roger: For the purposes of the weighted and capped GPA, yes.
Are my chances of getting into a UC higher or lower if I actually live in California?
Roger: Higher, but declining, supposedly.
Hi, is this calculator only intended for use with academic classes or are electives and gym factored in as well?
Roger: You should count only “a-g” courses, which includes most electives, but probably not your gym class.
Can you tell me a story roger?
Roger: There was once a rabbit that had crippling depression…
Hey Roger, does the capped GPA apply to AP courses too?
Roger: Sure does.
How much money do I need to donate in order to get into UCLA?
Roger: $150. You can hand it to me, and I’ll pass it along.
No, only classes listed on the a-g requirements list
I have 1 C on my transcript. How bad is that for California school? My Senior Year grades are all As.
Roger: Absolutely devastating.
When was the last time you updated this?
Roger: About a year ago.
yo momma
Do PE classes count in calculating UC gpa
So if I get a D in English in my 9th grade, then retook it over the summer and gotten an A, it shows the A on my transcript?
Thank you so much for this calculator and all your other gadgets! and for being so active in responding to people!
Roger: You’re welcome!
So, I got accepted to UCI, and they want me to get at least weighted gpa of 3.0. I saw that only 8 semester's honors credit count will be counted, and I am taking 4aps and 1 honors. So when they calculate my senior gpa, do they consider one of my honors courses as a regular one?
Roger: I’ve never heard of a requirement like that, but in the absence of more specific guidance, my initial guess is that your weighted GPA would be calculated with no cap on honors courses.
I have a 1.93gpa. I have 18 more units. What do i need to average in those units, grade wise (or percentage wise) in order to get a 2.0gpa?
Roger: It depends on how many units you’ve taken so far.
If I took summer classes during summer after 9th grade which are on the UC A-G cuorse list and I got 2 B grades (in an honors class) and two D grades (in regular class) and then I retook the same classes in 10th grade at high school and got 2 D's in the honors class and a D and C grade in the other class, how do I calculate my GPA? How many semesters and grades are counted?
Roger: I’ve never heard of someone repeating a course and scoring even worse than before. My best guess would be that the UCs would count two B grades for your honors course (repeating non-failing grades should have no effect) and one D and one C grade for your regular course. See this FAQ for details about calculating GPA for repeated courses.
What are my chance of getting accepted into (SDSU) San Diego State University with a 3.5 overall GPA unweighted and a 3.56 weighted?
My daughter took total of 18 Honors and AP. We live in CA. Are you saying she can only use 8?
Roger: Sort of? The UC GPA counts a maximum of 4 semesters of honors points. But the rest of your honors courses still show up on your transcript, obviously.
My school considers AP biology as two classes. So when I calculate my GPA, do I consider AP Bio as two classes.
Roger: Sounds reasonable to me.
thank you for the calculator!^_^
Roger: You’re welcome!
I retook a class that i got a C in and i got a B should i count the B
Roger: This FAQ says no. See “How does UC calculate the GPA with repeated courses?”.
Do UC schools count honors classes (Not AP or IB) for out of state students?
Roger: My impression was that only AP and IB courses counted for honors points for out of state students. I imagine that it’s because the UCs don’t have high school profiles for every non-Californian school.
I got waitlisted for UCI. What now?
Would theology classes count towards my uc gpa?
Roger: I don’t see why not. If you go to a California high school, you can try looking up your school on the A-G Course List website.
I live outside of California so only my AP classes get the honors GPA bump. Between 10th and 11th grade, I've taken 8 AP classes (16 semesters.)
Since the UC caps the number of honors courses counted in the GPA to 8 semesters (with a max of 4 for 10th grade) can I choose which of my AP classes are counted as honors? In other words, can I count only 2 AP semesters 10th grade and 6 AP semesters 11th grade?
How does the UC choose which classes get counted for the "honors grade bumb?"
Roger: What difference would it make? The GPA is a linear function of your grades, after all.
Can I get into irvine with a 1400 SAT and a 3.75 weighted
Roger: No idea. I went to UC Irvine once in high school to volunteer at a charity walk. I don’t know anything about UC Irvine except what the trash cans look like.
I have been wait listed at UCSD, do you know what are the chances of me getting into it based on historical data ?
Roger: In my experience, waitlisted students usually don’t get in. I don’t have any specific numbers for UCSD though.
Do UC's know that some schools have severe grade inflation? How do they differentiate between students of the schools that have grade inflation?
Roger: I think the UCs keep grade distributions for high schools (mostly in California, but probably some out of state schools as well). Even if applicants’s GPAs are similar, there’s always standardized tests and your personal statement.
Is the minimum requirement of 3.4 (for out of state students) for weighted or unweighted GPA’s
Roger: This FAQ suggests that the 3.4 GPA requirement refers to the weighted and capped UC GPA.
Do the UC schools look at my weighted UC GPA or unweighted?
Roger: I think admissions are based on your entire transcript, not just your GPA.
Can I get into UCLA or UC Berkeley with a 3.71 Weighted UC GPA and a 33 on the ACT?
Roger: Maybe?
Are my chances any better of getting into a UC school if I take a summer UC class as opposed to a class at community college?
Roger: I don’t think it makes a big difference.
Hey Roger
Just wondering, is a 4.08GPA competitive for UC Berkeley? If not how can I make it competitive?
Roger: Sounds pretty good to me.
For an IB Student with
Pycho HL 7
Bio HL 6
Chem HL 5
Maths SL 6
English SL 6
Hindi SL 6
What would be UCal GPA?
Thanks for your help!
Roger: I’m not sure how the UC GPA is calculated for international students, sorry. Do you have a transcript with letter grades?
Hey Roger, do you happen to know when students receive notifications of Regents Scholarships from UCLA and UCSD for 2018? Berkeley Regents was just notified last week but haven't heard from UCLA or UCSD.
Roger: No idea, sorry.
wait so minus plus don't count...interesting. i got all a's and one b+ in an ap class. that puts me under someone who got all a'-s in the same classes
Do the 8 max weighted semesters apply to UC-transferable approved coarse taken in the summer?
Roger: Yep, I think so.
Hi Roger. Do you know if our grades during senior year will count towards our official UC gpa??!?!?!
Roger: Check out my response to “Cori Madison” below.
There isn't an option fro APs?
Roger: AP courses count as honors courses.
If your overall grade is over 50% and you recieved your exam and you got 46% is that considered a pass?
If your overall grade is 55% and you get your exam back and you got a 46% is tha considered a pass?
Roger: I suppose that’s up to your instructor.
I am taking 2 AP courses and 2 honors courses (One is a college course offered through my highschool). I received all A’s this semester. How many advanced classes shouldn’t I take judo or year to try to becompetitive for UCLA? I am out of state
Hi roger, I have a 4.17 UC Gpa but a low 1170 on the new SAT. I'm looking to get into UCSD or UC Irvine and I was wondering what are my chances of getting into these colleges. I've tried to better my chances with an abundance of extracurricular activities and I have a low economic background. My counselors have also praised my personal insight essays for being very good reads. How much of a factor will these play in helping my chances into these colleges and what are my chances regardless of these factors?
Roger: I think you’re asking the wrong person. I don’t actually know anything about college admissions. Anyway, good luck!
I noticed when planning classes that because the UC GPA is capped, if you take more AP/Honors classes your capped GPA will actually go down (while your unweighted uncapped will go up). UC definitely wouldn't discourage you from taking rigorous classes, so would this small loss of GPA matter to them?
Roger: My understanding is that admissions is based on your entire transcript, whereas your GPA is only a statistic. The intent of cap is to reduce variance between students that take large numbers of honors courses, not to punish students that take additional courses.
hey roger,
i had a 89.78 i think in math but it was a A- and now we just had finals and i got a 83.98%, so now my grade is a 89.14 my goal is to try to get at LEAST a A-. Now i noticed i got a F on a test which is low score dropped. If she drops that score will it be a A-? Tests count as 40% of our grade.
Roger: The answer depends on (1) how many tests you’ve taken so far and (2) what you scored on all your other tests. Try out the calculator mode labeled “I need something else”. It should be able to answer your question.
I currently have a 3.34 unweighted gpa after first semester of freshman year. Is this good enough for UCLA if I am an out of state student
Roger: The minimum GPA for out-of-state applicants is 3.4, but keep in mind that (1) you can count an extra point for AP/IB-level courses, (2) if this is your first semester of high school, you have plenty of time to improve your grades, and (3) the UC GPA only counts courses taken after 9th grade anyway.