


This is pretty cool-

video by some korean guys at UCSD

I made some adjustments to the commenting system. Numbers are shorter, type-area is wider. What do you guys think?

Now, RogerHub uses DEFLATE compression to feed you web pages. (Just another thing I do to make your life easier.)

Image: ist2_4369591-flabby-yellow-balloon.jpg

So, instead of passing you a pre-blown balloon, you get to blow them up yourself.

So, just 2 days ago, Avatar became the 2nd highest grossing film of all time after it made $1.14 billion. (source)

I don’t see what was so great about Avatar. Don’t get me wrong - It was Transformers-level or greater, but how did it make so much money..

Just look at the plot: rofl

Image: dfg.jpg


So.. finals are coming up.

And to balance your study schedule, I made a calculator just for you.

Tell my calculator

  • your current grade

  • your target grade and

  • how much the final is worth

So, say, I have a 91% borderline a class, and I really really need an A. My final’s worth 10%.

So, I type all my information in, and I get:

Image: finasd.PNG

81%. Wonderful. I don’t have to study for that one...

So, you can see the calculator at or you can click the "Final Grade Calc" in the sidebar. >>

So for me, I need a
40.5% in English (assuming 10% final)
38.43% in Chemistry
2.7% in Comp Sci. (assuming 10% final)
10.8% in Math (assuming 10% final)

And I have no idea in Spanish.. because Zelaya never prints out grade reports. (So, I’m gonna study for spanish now.)

By the way, do you guys like the Mooosic player in the cloud at the top or did you like it better in the sidebar? Because I like it at the top :)

So, if you are using Windows 7 64-bit, and you’re using Firefox (like you should be) and you’re using the Private Browsing feature, you’ve probably gotten the "Explorer has Stopped Working" message a few times before.

If you haven’t, try this:
(Only Windows 7 64-bit people!)

  • Open Firefox and turn on Private Browsing

  • Copy some text

  • Close Firefox completely

  • Right click an icon on desktop

It crashes right? Yeah. Well, I had this problem for like a month ._.

I ended up turning off Private Browsing to fix this.. which really sucks. FF says they’ll release a fix in 3.7.. Which wont come out for a while.

Hey lisa:
I can make pictures look completely retarded too

Image: sky.jpg



Image: asdf.PNG

That’s a crazy nice picture right?

Well, it’s all CGI. You can see more on :)

Image: nSDMI.jpg


Rofl.. koreans playing dota in a flood. typical

2 CommentsAdd one

Fri, 07 Dec 2018 14:49:39 GMT

Hey, Roger! I hope you're having an amazing day!

Roger: Thanks!

Tue, 04 Dec 2018 14:58:30 GMT


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Tue, 25 Mar 2025 18:11:59 GMT