
Page 7 – Comments for “Discuss: Roger Chen”

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11/29/2017, 10:18:32 PM

Hi I am at a 85% average in math currently and believe I got a 40 or 50% on my test. What’s my new average

Roger: The answer depends on how much your test is worth.

11/28/2017, 8:14:15 AM

I have a 65% in the class I have to take a test tomorrow worth 30% of my grade what do I need to score on the test to raise my class grade?

Roger: Is your test worth 30% of your grade by itself? Or is it part of a “tests” category that’s altogether worth 30% of your grade? How many other tests have you taken? And what did you score on them? What are the other categories in your grade?

11/16/2017, 10:18:52 PM

Hi Roger, I have a question. I have an optional assignment in Spanish right now, and it's worth 30% of my grade, and is out of 25 points. I have an 88.01% currently, if I get a 25/25 on my optional assignment, what would my new grade be?

Roger: Is your assignment worth 30% of your grade by itself? Or is it part of a category which, along with other assignments, is altogether worth 30% of your grade? The answer also depends on how much of your coursework you’ve completed so far. Do you have any empty categories in your grade? (For example, a “participation” category that has no score yet.)

11/11/2017, 10:43:59 AM

I have a 50.7 in my class. My quizzes are worth 50%
And so far I have gotten: 100, 85, 90, 95,95. And I still have one more to take.
My discussions are worth 10% and I have a 0, 50, 0.
My current events are worth 15% and I have 85, 0, 100.
My final paper is worth 25%. What would I need to make on the paper to make an overall 70 in the class?

Roger: Try out the calculator labeled “I need something else”. It was designed specifically to answer questions like yours. Feel free to post a followup comment if you need any help. Also, it sounds like your overall grade should be a 76.6%, not 50.7%.

jilly joy
11/5/2017, 7:58:48 PM

I wanted to know if I have 58 percent in my class before my final exam. What mark do I need to for my final exam to get a better mark like a 75 percent? My final exam is worth 25 percent of my mark.

Roger: You’ll need to score at least a 126.0% on your final exam to raise your overall grade to a 75.0%.

Sports Fan
11/5/2017, 5:31:30 AM

hi roger

thanks for your website, it's helpful

i'd be interested in chatting with you if possible about computer stuff

have you done any work in django?

Roger: I’ve used Django, the Python web application framework, but I’m not a contributor. Is that what you mean?

10/31/2017, 3:55:16 PM

Hello I'm at a C+ 67% in statistics class the finale is worth 40% how much do I need to pass the final?

Roger: Well, what’s the minimum required overall grade you need in order to pass?

10/26/2017, 3:53:51 PM

I just failed my mid term and it is worth 10%. I have 78% in my reading class. Do you think it will affect my grade badly

Roger: I can’t say for sure, but that sounds likely. What exactly did you score on your midterm? What are the other categories in your grade? And what did you score in them? Is your midterm in a “10%” category by itself? Or does it share a category with other scores?

10/25/2017, 2:10:20 AM

Hi! Currently, I have a 77 in computer science, and I want at least a 89.5. We have a minor grade (20% of final grade) and a major grade (70% of final grade) left before the six weeks ends. We have taken one test, which I got a 70 on, and multiple minor grades, which average to be 93.33. What do I need on my test and quiz? Thanks so much! Ellie

Roger: What is the remaining 10% of your grade made of? I’ll assume it’s a 10% “participation” category and that you’ll get a full score on it. I’ll also assume that you’ve received 4 minor grades so far and that they’re each worth one-fifth of your “minor grades” category. In that case, you’ll need to average at least a 102.7% on your next test and next quiz to raise your overall grade to an 89.5%. If you want a 79.5% instead, you’ll need to average at least a 77.1% on your next test and next quiz.

10/23/2017, 12:37:42 AM

Hey Roger! I am currently working on a 'Programmer's Portfolio,' and one of the tasks is to include specific examples of how others have solved a problem, and include a screenshot. Do you mind if I cite your website and include a screenshot of your homepage?

Roger: Sure, go ahead.

10/22/2017, 3:14:09 PM

Hi I need your help now! So I have a 84% in math then a got a 97% on the test then I got a 83% on my quiz what is my final grade now plz respond report cards are twomaro!

Roger: It depends on how much your test and your quiz are worth.

10/16/2017, 3:28:32 PM

<font color="blue">Hi</font>

Roger: Nice try.

10/16/2017, 2:49:31 AM

Hey Roger,
We have 4 test total worth 100 points each
Final exam worth 100 points
First test I received a 51%
Second test :( 38%
Currently I'm at a 44.5% over all.
What would I need on the 3rd, 4th and final test to get a 70% in the class?
Is it worth trying to pass at this point?
Thank you!

Roger: You’ll need to average at least a 87.0% on your 3rd, 4th, and final test to raise your overall grade to a 70.0%.

10/8/2017, 8:13:54 PM

These are my grades:
All these grades are weighted as 1.00 and my average in her class is 70.63 (71) . She has 2 more grades she has to put in one thats out of 200 pts and the other one is out of 50pts those two grades will be weighted as 1.00 as well. Is it possible I can make it it at least a 80 B average?

Roger: In order to raise your overall grade to an 80.0%, you’ll need to average at least a 107.4% on your 2 remaining assignments.

10/1/2017, 6:57:52 PM

I have an 81 in spanish, I need a 90 and because it’s an honors class i’ll automatically get three points added to my grade. We have one last project due that is worth 115 points. How much will it bring my grade up if I made a 100 on the project? Will it get me to a 90?

Roger: It depends on how many points you have total.

9/28/2017, 1:53:20 AM

This is in response to my other question you answered. I have a 60% in the class with three homework assignments in the grade book. I have 2 exams left with 1 final plus 11 more homework assignments left to turn in. Exams are worth 66.67% Homework 20% and in-class performance 13.33%. If I put the work in, is it possible for me to get my grade to atleast a B?

I hope this helps
"Final grades will be based on weekly homework, class performance, three midterm exams and a final exam. Homework: 14 in total, with the two lowest dropped and the rest scaled to 150 points. Three mid-term exams: 100 points each. Final exam: 200 points. Class performance: 100 points from classroom attendence, note cards or quizzes. Final grades A-F by curve based on total points (out of 750)"

Roger: Ah, I see. Well the answer really depends on exactly how many points (out of 750) you’ll need to score in order to get a B, which depends on exactly how your curve is applied. Also, what did you score on your first 3 homework assignments? Since your lowest two homework grades are dropped, your current homework average may affect what you need to score on your remaining homeworks. Assuming you have a 100% homework average and you want at least an 80% (600/750) overall, you’ll need to score at least 513.5 points out of the remaining possible 612.5. If you get 100% on your homework and 100% on your “in-class performance”, then you’ll need to average at least a 301/400 (75.25%) on your remaining 2 exams and final exam to raise your overall grade to an 80%.

Bethany Aklile
9/25/2017, 2:39:44 AM

so i have a 59% in my class and i need a 70 in order to pass,and i have 3 more minor grades that are worth 40% of my grade so what do i need on all eee minor grades to passing?

Roger: How many minor grades have been graded so far? What did you score on them? Is each of your minor grades worth the same fraction of your “minor grades” category? Also, try the calculator option labeled “I need something else”. It should be able to answer your question.

9/22/2017, 2:41:31 AM

Hello, My class got an average of a 50% on our first exam while I got a 48% so there will be a curve but it is applied to the final grade as a whole. I have a tutor now and my test scores will no longer be even close to this score with the work i'm going to put in. My current grade is 59% with two homework assignments in the grade book. I have 2 exams left with 1 final plus 10 more homework assignments left to turn in. Exams are worth 66.67% Homework 20% and in-class performance 13.33%. If I put the work in, is it possible for me to get my grade to atleast a B?

Roger: How much are your exams worth in comparison to your final? I’ll assume that your final is worth as much as 2 exams. Also, I’ll assume that your current homework average is 96% and that your “in-class performance” category is still empty. In that case, you can raise your overall grade to an 80.0% if you score at least a 77.0% on your remaining 2 exams and final exam, a 96% on your remaining 10 homework assignments, and 100% in your “in-class performance” category. Hope this answers your question.

9/19/2017, 11:42:51 PM

I have a 90% in my science class right now, I just got a 70 on a quiz ,what is my new grade

Roger: It depends on how much the quiz is worth.

8/12/2017, 11:31:19 PM

I see GPA range as 3.95 - 4.25 on the UC Davis page for 2017 freshman profile

Is this Capped Weighted GPA ( capped to 8 semesters) or is it Uncapped Weighted GPA ?

Roger: I believe that’s the capped and weighted GPA.

7/31/2017, 10:35:04 PM

hi! I'm currently getting 52% in math and I recently got an 81% on my math project, what is my grade now? also, with my combined mark ( project and current grade) what will my final grade be if I get 0 on my final exam which is worth 20%??? Thankyou!!! and please let me know as soon as possible as I have some decisions that need to be made :))))

Roger: How much is your project worth? Try out the calculator mode labeled “I need something else”. It may be able to answer your question.

7/27/2017, 12:27:25 AM

Hey Roger,
I have an overall grade of 88.8%, I need to pass the class with at least a 70%. If the final is worth 35% of my grade, what is the lowest score percentage on the final exam would I be able to get, in order to pass the class?

Roger: You’ll need to score at least a 35.1% on your final to get a 70% overall.

7/24/2017, 3:17:38 PM

I have an overall 80.6 % in math right now. My final is worth 25% of overall grade, if i opt not to take it what will be my overall grade? and what will i need to pass the class with a 70%?

Roger: If you get a zero on your final, your overall grade should drop to a 60.5%. You’ll need to score at least a 38.2% on your final to get a 70% overall.

7/11/2017, 9:48:54 PM

Hi Roger!

I achieved 78/100 for my assignment which was worth 25% and achieved 85/100 for my final exam which is worth 75%. What would be my overall score out of 100?

Roger: Are you saying that you only have 2 things in your entire grade? In that case, your overall score should be a 83.25%.

7/5/2017, 11:42:26 PM

Hey roger, I wanted to know what I would need on my final exam to pass with at least a 70%. The overall possible points are 700 points including the final. The final is worth 200 points and I have a total of 406.2 points. Thanks I would highly appreciate it.

Roger: You’ll need at least 490 total points to score a 70%. So, you’ll need to score at least a 83.8/200 (41.9%) on your final exam.

7/5/2017, 8:41:19 PM

Hi Roger
I wanted to know what grade I will need to have a B range grade in my history class. The class grades through a point system. I'm afraid l'll do bad in the exams. What grade will I need to pass the class with anything above a C? I currently have around a 95 in the class.

A. Mid Term and Final Exam: 50 points each = 100 points possible
B. Project: 72 points possible
C. Participation in Discussions: 57 points possible.

Roger: How many points do you have so far?

A lil rhyme 4 YOU CUZ WHAT A BEAST
7/3/2017, 7:00:13 AM

The beast of beasts😤 the man of men 😖 u know who it is 😤 it's ROGER CHENNNNNNNNNN

6/30/2017, 3:35:12 AM

I have 13 assignments done and I have a 67.27. I believe I have two more to do. They mainly consist of 9 questions. How many questions right do I have to get on my next two tests to get atleast a 70? (My assignments are worth 80% of my grade and my Final that I haven't taken is worth 20%)

Roger: Is each one of your assignments worth 1/15 of your 80% category? In that case, you’ll need to average at least a 87.7% (7.9 out of 9) on your next 2 assignments to raise your grade to a 70%. Or, you can average at least a 76.2% on your next 2 assignments and final exam in order to raise your overall grade to a 70%.

6/28/2017, 12:36:48 AM

i am taking european history in college. my grade right now is a 75 c. and my grades so far are
unit 1 exam 63%
unit 2 73%
essay one 88%
unit 3 exam 80%
unit 4
essay two
unit 5
essay extra credit
my question is what percentage do i need to get on everything left blank in order to pass with a B and maybe even an A

Roger: How much are each one of those exams and essays worth? Try out the calculator option labeled “I need something else”. It should be able to answer your question.

6/25/2017, 6:15:23 PM

Hi roger is this a Canadian website? And if not will your exam mark calculations be the same for me even though I'm in canada?

Roger: Do websites have nationalities? This website is hosted on Google Cloud Platform machines located in the United States. But Google’s network edge extends into Canada, and over 2.3 million Canadians have visited so far. I assume math works the same way north of the border, so you should feel free to use these calculators like normal. If you have a more specific question, feel free to follow up.

6/22/2017, 2:46:42 AM

Hi Roger,

I got a 70% on my midterm it was 40% of my grade and my final is worth 60%. I need an 85% in the class what grade/% would I need to get on my final?

Roger: You’ll need to score at least a 95.0% on your final to raise your overall grade to an 85%.

6/21/2017, 5:14:24 AM

it's me again, 4- would be a B+ but my school uses the range of 80%-86%

Roger: In that case, your final mark should be around a 81%, depending on your exact project and exam score.

6/20/2017, 8:05:10 PM

hi Roger, I have 83 % in English and I got 4- in my culminating project and this project is worth 15% as well as my exam is worth 15%. I didn't do that well on my exam and I assume I'll probably get 70% on my exam or even less. but what do you think my final mark will be? thanks

Roger: What kind of grade is a “4-”?

6/20/2017, 6:43:53 PM

I currently have a 57% in my class, and I need a 75%. I have two exams left both worth 25% of my mark. What do I need to get in both exams to achieve my 75%?

Roger: You’ll need to average at least a 129.0% on your 2 exams to raise your grade to a 75%.

Sidney Crosby
6/18/2017, 8:02:13 PM

My mark is a 58 and my math exam is worth 30%. I need 50 to pass what do I have to get on my exam.

Roger: Assuming your exam is the only remaining grade, you’ll need to score at least a 31.3% on your exam to get a 50% overall.

6/16/2017, 6:19:26 AM

Hello, there!
So, the end of the year is coming up and I could use some help figuring out how well I'd need to perform on the final in order to pass my Chemidtry class with at least a C/C-?
Semester 1 Quarter 1: 69.00%
Semester 1 Quarter 2 Grade: 66.00%
Semester 2 Quarter 1: 64.00%
The final is worth 15-20% of our overall grade
I appreciate the help!

Roger: Do you have a Semester 2 Quarter 2 grade? How much is your final worth exactly? The average of your 3 listed semester grades is 66.3%. Does that help?

6/16/2017, 1:24:32 AM

Roger Chen! Ayyyyyyy

6/9/2017, 4:37:32 AM

So, I have an 85.8% in a class. I'm wondering what my grade would turn out to be if a 50 point assignment was added to the 85.8%, but 0/50 points were given. Is that worded correctly, and/or enough info? I need the answer ASAP please.

Roger: I also need to know how many points you have total.

Danny "Old Sport" Campbell
6/7/2017, 3:09:26 PM

How you doing there Old Sport?

Sophia still
6/7/2017, 12:16:29 PM

My midterm and final are worth 10% together. My overall grade is a 85

Roger: Assuming your overall grade includes your midterm grade weighted at 5%, you’ll need to score at least a −15.0% on your final to get a 80% overall. Was there a reason you told me your midterm grade?

6/6/2017, 10:04:55 PM

I got a 75 on my midterm which is added with final. What do I need to get on my final to have an 80%. My midterm is worth 5% of my grade and so is my final.

Roger: What’s your current overall grade? Are your midterm and final each worth 5% of your grade? Or are they worth 5% together?

Atiliki Roumbem
6/3/2017, 5:34:29 PM


If you wouldn't mind, I need help with determining how to keep up my Mathematics grade. Below you will find more specifically, the issues I am having with this course. I look forward to your reply. Much thanks,

Atiliki Roumbem


Mathematics: 97.74%

In my Mathematics course, I currently have a 97.74%. Quizzes are worth 10% of our grades and we've taken 5 of them. Since we only have one final left, I know surely that I've finished the semester with a quiz average of 100% (the quizzes are perticularly simple in our Mathematics course). Tests are worth 85% of our overall grade. We've taken 4 so far, my average being 97.42%. There is a final left, and it counts as 1 test grade. The last category that determines our grade is our attendance to the class. There have been 70 days so far this semester. I have missed only 1 day, as I was ill with the flu in February. Currently the attendance portion of my grade is 98.57%. We have 5 days of class left, and the final is on the last day. I am not feeling well at the moment, and we have class on Monday. I feel as though I will not be able to attend due to my ill feeling. My question is, if I do not attend Monday, but do come to all of the other 4 classes, what grade will I need to receive on the final exam to get at least a 90% in my Mathematics course. Again, I thank you dearly for helping with my predicament and greatly look forward to a reply.

Roger: If you miss class on Monday, then your overall grade should drop to a 97.7%. You’ll need to score at least a 52.3% on your final exam to get a 90% overall. Also, what kind of teacher punishes students for being sick? That’s such a dumb idea.

Fakie Moomooewey
6/3/2017, 4:40:26 PM

Haha I have a 108% in Algebra suck mi slongerbonger

6/2/2017, 4:53:36 AM

I had many plans for you, but not this smh.

Miriam + Connor + Jessica + Miles + Valentina
5/31/2017, 5:27:11 PM

ay you cute

5/28/2017, 6:12:51 PM

I currently have a 69% in my English class. I got a paper back that is worth 70% of my grade and got a B- on it what will my grade change to.

Roger: What percentage is a B-? Is your paper worth 70% of your grade by itself? Or is it part of a “papers” category that’s altogether worth 70% of your grade?

Bree part 2
5/25/2017, 10:14:59 PM

Hi again! Yes the 93.3 is the average of all five of my classes together. No that average does not include the two exams I have taken so far. And here are all my class averages:
English: 91
Geography: 99
Pre-algebra: 94
Science: 91
Latin: 95

Roger: Well, you’ll need to average at least a 101.8% across all 5 exams to raise your overall grade to a 95%. Since you’ve already taken 2 of your exams, you’ll need to score at least a 103.0% on your remaining 3 exams to raise your overall grade to a 95%. By the way, you can calculate this yourself by simply using the Final Grade Calculator twice. First, put in “93.3%”, “95%”, and “20%”. The calculator will tell you that you need at least a 101.8% on your final to get a 95% overall. Then, put in “100%”, “101.8%”, and “60%”. The calculator will tell you that you need at least a 103% on your final (e.g. your 3 remaining exams) to get a 101.8% across all your tests. We use “100%” because that’s your average exam score so far. We use “60%” because there are 3 out of 5 exams left.

5/25/2017, 5:05:41 PM

I have a 70% in social studies and 80 in languge arts. How much will 300 points bring me for both classes?

Roger: It depends on how many points you already have in each class.

Madi Anthony
5/25/2017, 5:40:22 AM

I took 2 exams this semester where I received a B on the first and a D on the second. I currently have a D in my class and I have a final exam coming up. What percentage grade do I have to get on my last test in order to get a C or better in my class w/o failing.

Roger: How much are your exams worth? What other assignments do you have in your grade? And do you know your exact overall grade? (If not, we can just assume that a D is a 65%.)

Straight off the boat
5/24/2017, 9:09:19 PM

I want to get a 100% in my class. I have 10% in the class tho bruh. Final wort 1.2% of mi grad. Dis shit finna bust my life so bad yuh dig. shits uh grind brozay. All i wanna do is become the CEo of mcdonauhlds. Issa me dreem yah feel. Yah thinc ill get their cus.

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